Gay Marriage
I'm curious, what's your nation's stance on Gay Marriage? We're anti-gay marriage in Sevaris, but we're pro civil unions.
27-07-2004, 14:28
Markodonia is curious as to how Sevaris can justify this position.
The only thing we are against is inter-species marriage. Man should NOT wed his livestock...ever. Moo.
27-07-2004, 16:25
[OOC: I just created a thread in I.I. that details our stance.]
We have abolished government recognition of and benefits pertaining to marriage per se. For full government recognition and benefits, couples must get a civil union. That way, if they want a church wedding they can have one, but it won't carry any of the civil responsibilities or benefits. For those, they must get civil unions, which are applicable to same-sex and opposite-sex couples.]
Easter Islands
27-07-2004, 16:43
We here in the Easter Islands are anti-marrige. Marrige is outlawed, but gay people canbe together as long as they don't have the same hair-color.
The USSV recognizes all unions between two, willing humans of age (18) and gives benefits to such unions. It is left up to indiviual churches to decide which union they would condone before God, and niether heterosexual or homosexual unions are especially endorsed by the government. Both have equal status under the law and are treated the same by the courts and employers.
Noitan Teppup
27-07-2004, 18:11
Pretty much the same as Vanua.
We recognise any union between two willing sentients* who have served their time and are counted as Citizens of Iuthia by law. This union is often called Marriage despite the words link to religion, in anycase they are permitted all legal benefits for this union regardless of their religion or word used for the union. Regardless of the sex of both willing sentients, be they both male, female or a comination of the two; both have equal status under the law and are treated the same by the courts and employers.
Various religions may or may not recognise such unions as their rulings see fit, though this doesn't affect any of the legal benefits recieved from such a union and only serves to acknowledge that some religions have their own stances...
* In Iuthia this includes but isn't limited to: Humans, Elves (all kinds), Dwarves, Halflings and Clangers. We acknowledge other races, but they are not common in Iuthia.
27-07-2004, 22:12
"Hmmm. Just a moment, let me check. HEY, GREGOR! DO WE ALLOW GAY MARRIAGE?"
A reply come from another room. "If not, the auditors are going to wonder why we spent all that money."
27-07-2004, 22:15
Well, this goes for the real world also. What harm can it do to me if two guys or girls get married to each other. Taxes don't go up. Nobody gets hurt. Why is the government to against this. Any ideas?
Tangerine Sky
27-07-2004, 22:19
Outdated belief systems.
The United Socialist States of Temme believes in marriage as being between one man and one woman.
OOC: That's my RL stance as well.
27-07-2004, 22:20
Well, this goes for the real world also. What harm can it do to me if two guys or girls get married to each other. Taxes don't go up. Nobody gets hurt. Why is the government to against this. Any ideas?
The only argument I've heard against it is religious, in that the islamic-judeo-christian god doesn't like homosexuality.
Fairy Wings
27-07-2004, 22:20
what i think it should be is, Gays can have a union and have everything just like marriage but they should call it something different.
Tangerine Sky
27-07-2004, 22:21
Gays don't need marriage. They need medication and psychiatric help. Or better yet, a trip to the crematorium... :mad:
Hmm, on one hand we have gay people who want to enjoy relationships just like any other couple.
On the other hand we have Unconstitutionalia, who basically advocates another Holocaust, this time at the gays' expense.
I wonder who could use the medication and psychiatric help?
Lord High Poohbar
27-07-2004, 22:25
We give very little attention to religion and other superstitions, believing that marriage is a personal interaction that is of no interest to the government or any other citizen. This just leaves the question of who is allowed to have sex with whom. The Constitution of Poohbar states that if all parties of any gender or species agree...go for it. We have had to enact some restrictions to protect our national animal as of late, however.
Hmmmm...can't remember. I don't think we have gay marriage in our country...come to think of it, are there any gay people in our country? There aren't many elves in our country either. Come to think of it, we don't make many legislative changes in our country. Whatever's best for the corporations....the news is mostly dominated by new products and military operations. There are Dwarves in our country though. Mostly in construction, but they also run businesses and perform services like mail carrying. Anyway, we don't give anyone benefits because we feel that any money anyone gets should be earned, except for government organizations like hospitals. They get some free money. Anyway, controversy usually creates two sides, one of which businesses aren't on. Which is never good. At all.
Tangerine Sky
27-07-2004, 22:30
Another Holocaust? On the GAYS? Hey, I wouldn't mind that so much. We shouldn't worry though, AIDS will finish the job for us. ;)
From what source does your stance on homosexuality stem? Is it because of a religious background? If so, I can't help but wonder what your dogma would think of you advocating the death of a good percentage of the population.
Fat, stupid, and hypocritical is no way to go through life, son.
Unified West Africa
27-07-2004, 22:35
We leave such decisions completely up to the local governments of the Autonomous Provinces. Outlawing or legalizing something as contentious as gay marriage on the federal level would be injurious to our deeply held principle of local self rule.
Don't have a field day with the names now. I'm much smarter than you. Gays are responsible for the AIDS virus. They will destroy the American family. And they go against what our nation was founded on, Christianity.
so do bigots.
Tangerine Sky
27-07-2004, 22:44
Don't have a field day with the names now. I'm much smarter than you. Gays are responsible for the AIDS virus. They will destroy the American family. And they go against what our nation was founded on, Christianity.
So you are Christian, or you at least believe in Christianity's values enough to let it stress your point. 'Thou shalt not kill.' Live by that which you espouse.
The American family is on such shaky ground that the mere existence of gays has the capability of destroying it? I think you may be romanticizing the issue, or you don't know what you're talking about. Your guess is as good as mine.
I'm sure, from my last posts on this topic, that you believe you have all the information you need as to determine relative intelligence. That's so cute!
I, however, am smart enough to recognize a troll in an impending flame war. Your mind is set in its ways and will not be changed; this is obvious. I will not waste my time trying.
Noitan Teppup
27-07-2004, 22:52
Hm... ohwell, it was a nice thread while it started. I would suggest someone locks this before someone gets deleted. Topics like this usually stay in the general forum, but I did want to say how my nation handles it.
Now this thread is just another general forum mess.
I am a Christian, but I don't think I have the right to scream holler and shout at other people for their sexual preferences.
Tangerine Sky
27-07-2004, 23:13
Oh, forgot to mention my stance.
'Marriage' as a term has no meaning in our legislation. Tangerine Sky considers marriages to be a subset of civil unions, which are state-recognized couplings. We consider a union to be one application of the union operator, which takes two consentual operands of any permutation of gender.
Individual churches are left the discretion of choosing which civil unions they will recognize as marriages. They may also endorse polygamic marriages, if so desired; however, in accordance with the 'union operator', polygamic civil unions are not possible.
27-07-2004, 23:14
Ganurath is built around Hedonism. That should answer your question.
27-07-2004, 23:15
Gays don't need marriage. They need medication and psychiatric help. Or better yet, a trip to the crematorium... :mad:
I hate you. That is all.
Oh, I'm a bigot now? Typical leftist. Well, do you oppose polygamic marriage? You're a bigot too.
I don't see what the problem with polygamic marriage is. I'd be perfectly happy to have any number of wives, any of whom had any number of husbands.
I hate you. That is all.
Speak your mind, pal.
*Realizes he may have started an argument*
27-07-2004, 23:20
Don't mention it.
Oh, I'm a bigot now? Typical leftist. Well, do you oppose polygamic marriage? You're a bigot too.
I dont mind polygamy. I think the descion to recognize the marriage should be the duty of the church, but I think marriages what ever the combination, between consenting partners of age should be regognized and honored by the government. It doesnt hurt heterosexual unions either. I wouldnt say "typical leftist" I'd say "typical Quaker" its their decision, not yours or mine and the option should be left open to them in a secular setting.
27-07-2004, 23:32
As a newly formed nation, Mundalindia allows gay marriage. However, we do not condone it or support it. What each citizen does and does not do is up to them.
We don't care. Consort your livestock, the weaponsmith dwarf on the corner, or your twelve-year-old son/daughter.
Isist is in definate support of Gay Marriages and there is special rewarding for said unions.
Oh, I'm a bigot now? Typical leftist. Well, do you oppose polygamic marriage? You're a bigot too.
Actually, I have 2 husbands and 1 wife, most dragons have atleast two mates.
Glinde Nessroe
28-07-2004, 00:12
Don't have a field day with the names now. I'm much smarter than you. Gays are responsible for the AIDS virus. They will destroy the American family. And they go against what our nation was founded on, Christianity.
No we didn't start the AIDS virus. You are aware that more straight people in the world, more predominantly 3rd world countries have it. It's beleived to have started with beastiality and this the reason the human body had no defence against it. Just as you have no defence against you homophobia, you truly are an empty minded animal, I have no respect for your words and nobody else in here does. The American family? You mean the one with divorsed parents, kids on drugs and a gun in the draw, or the one with a mom wearing the polka dot apron with a pink dress cookin' up dinner waiting for her husband to come through the door and yell "Honey I'm home! What's for dinner?". Gay people do, have and will continue to live in your American family.
No we didn't start the AIDS virus. You are aware that more straight people in the world, more predominantly 3rd world countries have it. It's beleived to have started with beastiality and this the reason the human body had no defence against it. Just as you have no defence against you homophobia, you truly are an empty minded animal, I have no respect for your words and nobody else in here does. The American family? You mean the one with divorsed parents, kids on drugs and a gun in the draw, or the one with a mom wearing the polka dot apron with a pink dress cookin' up dinner waiting for her husband to come through the door and yell "Honey I'm home! What's for dinner?". Gay people do, have and will continue to live in your American family.
Thank god we have people like you, I get sick of all the gay bashing propaganda that everyone tries to shove down each other's throats. Did you know the ones that whine the loudest about gays are the ones that are denying they are homosexual? It is proven.
28-07-2004, 00:24
Libereco encourages gay and lesbian marriages because they also deserve a nice family life secured by the government.
Libereco encourages gay and lesbian marriages because they also deserve a nice family life secured by the government.
One of my cousins was raised by two lesbians, he is a normal well adjusted teenager now. He misses his mom, she died in a car wreck 5 years ago but he still lives with the other lady.
Fluffyness on the sea
28-07-2004, 00:36
Don't have a field day with the names now. I'm much smarter than you. Gays are responsible for the AIDS virus. They will destroy the American family. And they go against what our nation was founded on, Christianity.
a) 'I'm much smarter than you.' - That sounds like pride to me. Pride is a sin and as a christian you should be ashamed of yourself.
b) 'Gays are responsible for the AIDS virus.'- Incorrect. Bestiality is what has been discovered as the cause. That is Betiality as in a 'straight' man with an animal. It was spread by prostitution and drug abuse. (sharing needles)
c) 'They will destroy the American family.' - If the gay individual is american, then he or she is a product of the american family, as well as a member of the american family. I assume that your family has no gay members in it and you are jealous because every other family has one.
d) 'and they go against what our nation was founded on, Christianity.' - Throughout time, christianity has proven to be one of the most deadliest forces in history. When Christianity was brought to England, all other religions were persecuted and MANY INNOCENT people were murdered for their beliefs. I am referring to the Pagans. It seems that fanatics can take religion to the letter, yet forget important commandments such as 'thou shalt not kill'.
As for how my nation stands on this topic... It might be surprising to know that same-sex marriages are accepted. Bestiality is not. Christians are tolerated so long as they don't start preaching.
The Captain
28-07-2004, 00:45
Homosexuality is illegal in The Captain. All homosexuals are taken to the street and shot.
Homosexuality is illegal in The Captain. All homosexuals are taken to the street and shot.
In other news, President of The Captain shot and killed in the street today when his Secret Service found him in bed with his male lover. He had no comment to the allegations.
The Captain
28-07-2004, 00:57
In other news, President of The Captain shot and killed in the street today when his Secret Service found him in bed with his male lover. He had no comment to the allegations.
What else would you expect from a police state? :p
But really, The Captain is governed by a Senate and nothing else. Each Senator holds a life term, and new seats are filled by an appointment and vote from the Senate. So although I know you're joking, I am still going to be an ass and ruin it for you. :D
Nadejda 2
28-07-2004, 01:03
My nation is totally anti-gay marriage. That is just wrong, it wasn't intended for two guy or girls to have kids. If it was, they would be able to do it naturally.
Tangerine Sky
28-07-2004, 01:10
So that is your definition of the purpose of marriage: to have kids?
Fluffyness on the sea
28-07-2004, 01:11
My nation is totally anti-gay marriage. That is just wrong, it wasn't intended for two guy or girls to have kids. If it was, they would be able to do it naturally.
So your nation must be totally anti-airtravel too, becaues if it was intended that families could fly on holiday, they would be born with wings and built in suitcases! Hehe
Fluffyness on the sea
28-07-2004, 01:31
I notice that Unconstitutionalia has deleted their offensive 'flame' attempts, or had them deleted by someone. If it was a moderator, yay to you.
New Genoa
28-07-2004, 01:52
Gay marriage was legalized in New Genoa ten years ago. Most New Genoans really don't care if you're gay or not so it wasn't that much of a heated debate.
-Ministry of Information
We based our stance on the fact that a marriage, in every society and culture since the beginning of time, has been between a man and a woman. We respect 5,000 years of history. However, we do allow gay couples the same legal rights as married couples.
28-07-2004, 12:16
We have no marriages in Campionian.
If someone requests one he or she will be given a slap in the face, and a unicorn sticker with words "Worlds biggest pussy" under it.
Tangerine Sky
28-07-2004, 20:27
We based our stance on the fact that a marriage, in every society and culture since the beginning of time, has been between a man and a woman. We respect 5,000 years of history. However, we do allow gay couples the same legal rights as married couples.
If we did things the way they've always been done, we'd still be sh*tting in the woods.
Anglo-Prussian Estonia
28-07-2004, 21:36
anglo-prussian estonia is a nation of open minded people. as an ambassador for my nation, and as our first foray into international affairs, i would like to say that we couldn't give a rat's arse whether you're gay or straight. If you wish to marry, then the government will not interfere, no matter what the individual's sexual inclination. Provided of course that both individuals are above the age of consent, and that they arent known sex offenders etc, etc.
28-07-2004, 21:49
The Rogue State of Roussaya allows gays to have a civil, but not a church, wedding. Wedded homosexuals have all the same civil rights as wedded heterosexuals, regardless of whether said heterosexuals had a church or civil wedding.
Being a civilised nation of the twenty-first century, the College State gives full recognition to amourous arrangements of all sorts - the law states that benefits are to be extended to two or more persons of age. Some religious organisations oppose this, however, and refuse to perform homosexual or polyamourous weddings, but that is none of the government's concern. Church recognisance has no bearing on the government's benefits.
Nazi West Canada
29-07-2004, 05:25
Gay Marriage is banned here in Nazi West Canada... seeing as most of our gays are already *cough* nothing
Us at the Kingdom of Debany do allow gay marriages and let our people do as they choose
29-07-2004, 08:19
Gay marriage is not allowed in Farflung ,however you may practice any sexual
preference you like. Only marriages that may result in children are allowed, so
no marriying your pet collie or dead aunt velma either.
29-07-2004, 08:25
however i would point out that in Farflung everyone pays a FLAT 5% tax,
so there are no disadvantages to cohabitating .
29-07-2004, 09:06
The Republic of Operetta's stance on gay marriage is thus:
I, Queen Emily of the Republic of Operetta am a Christian myself, but not a fundamentalist and interpret the phrase "A man may not lie down with another man" to mean "Do not rape the enemy in a war if you have already defeated them" as this is how it appears in context and this is how many sects of Judaism interpret it.
Therefore Operetta fully supports gay marriage and child adoption for gays (provided, of course, that they go through all the appropriate tests etc. that straight couples would be subjected to). We understand that gay people can love each other with the same devotion, respect and commitment that straight people can and since God loves every one of Its creations, we believe that gays deserve Its blessing too.
Lord-General Drache
29-07-2004, 09:09
Totally for it.
29-07-2004, 09:11
True, God loves all of us. But gay marrage is an abomination! The Bible itself says so. And i think its disgusting we allow this to continue in the world. Gay marrage is BANNED in the Republic of Anzo.
29-07-2004, 09:12
In jacobzcoool we are highly homophobic
As my nation has compulsory military, we legalise gay marriages. We cannot afford gay couples to go AWOL and marry.
The Free Land of Heggles neither condones or encourages gay marriages.
29-07-2004, 09:50
True, God loves all of us. But gay marrage is an abomination! The Bible itself says so. And i think its disgusting we allow this to continue in the world. Gay marrage is BANNED in the Republic of Anzo.
Please quote to me the exact phrase in the Bible that says that gay marriage is banned.
Anyway, didn't Jesus give us a new covenant that completely overrules everything in the rest of the Bible (because it sums it up so well)? I think there was something in there about loving your neighbour as yourself, wasn't there...? Presumably even if your neighbour is gay.
13-08-2004, 23:42
The Democratic States of Corennia declares to this forum that Gay Marraiges are considered well and legal within all states, territories and possessions of the DSC, in accordence with Federal Code established as a result of the DSC's High Court ruling that abolishment of said union is a violation of the Equal rights clause in the Corennian constitution. The Conservative party (currently a minority party trailing the Federalists, at about equal footing with the Liberals) has initiated several attempts to repeal this law, but none have been successful, and the current ruling party (the Federalists) recognises no difference between Homosexual and Heterosexual relations, both romantic and legal.
The only thing we are against is inter-species marriage. Man should NOT wed his livestock...ever. Moo.
Vastiva has decided to recognize Human-Penguin marriage, and sees no reason any sentient being cannot decide to marry whom or whatever they choose. We also recognize polyamoury.
Needless to say we have booming industries in weddings and divorces.
Itinerate Tree Dweller
14-08-2004, 09:41
There is no specific law banning homosexual marriage in Itinerate Tree Dweller. The opinion of the Emperor and the former national council is that homosexual marriage is morally wrong and biologically unsound. Generally the administration of marriage laws is the responsibility of the Sector-City leaders. No gay marriage license has ever been issued in ITD, nor is it likely that one will ever be issued. The ITD constitution doesnt even contain marriage laws, but federal mandates list the following as requirements of a state permitted marriage:
1. The subjects enter the contract of marriage without hesitation. Both being willing and able to enter the contract.
2. That no Ninthian may marry a non Ninthian. Marriage between other tribes are permitted.
3. That those bound by the contract remain in the contract for a period of 6 months, without facing a penalty of 15000 credits.