NationStates Jolt Archive

When It All Falls Down(Char Rp/Open/co-op

26-07-2004, 18:44
In Small citys and towns all through out the east of Baccardi, Rebelion against the Facist goverment was quietly spoke about. In a small church in the town of Ritter the decision would be made if they goto war against their powerful leaders.

A young man by the name of Hans Swartz jumped up and said loudly:

"we cannot let them run our lives no longer! the east wants war!"

Another man stood up shaking his head:

"no, no , no! we cannot fight a force that has Panzers!,Tiger tanks, Air Support!, strong morale!!! IMPOSSIBLE!"

Swartz banged his fist down on the table:

"this will not we a war faught on some forgin battlefeild! it will be faught amongst us! in front of our children,wifes..familys! they are the ones we must protect agaisnt these Nazi Swine!"

The other man understood the point then said:

"the Gestapo will be onto us soon..if we don't start a war now we won't have nothing it stands right now we have 8,000 converted Nazi Whermact uniforms...they will be our feild troops..Baccardi soldiers got more than that in a god damn battalion"

Swartz sat back down then wrote down his vote, the other man's voice boomed:

"i faught for Baccardi afew months ago as all of you know! i was discharged on account i was injured during a battle...i know how they work,but i will goto war.."

everyone in the church went wild cheering and the vote to war was passed!


Panzer tanks roared to life and thousands of Whermacht,SS and Luftwaffe ground troops marched through the capital streets of Verlin. Hundreds of Luftwaffe Bf-109's flew over head in great flocks. General Ralph Von Ritter stood on a balcony and watched the massive colum below:

"East Baccardi will be finished in a battle hahaha"


The troops got fitted and equiped for battle early in the morning for they would march towards Baccardi forces later that day. The men had high morale, despite what they knew they had to fight against.

8,000 Uniformed infintry
4,000 Non Uniformed Infintry
800 Militia
100 Mercedes Transport trucks/mixed 1940's vehicles

28th Whermacht Infintry Battalion(4 thousand troops)
1st SS Infintry Battalion(2500 troops on report)
3rd Vehicle Battalion(450 Vehicles,Trucks,jeeps,Kubelwagons,Motorcycles)
6th Armored Division(200 Panzer tanks,34 Tiger tanks)

Krigsmarine and Luftwaffe on standby, when called will arrive....

OOC: feel free to join in as Baccardi military or Rebel forces....
26-07-2004, 19:46
OOC: I'm not really that great at war RP's, but here goes.


"Rachel, this is ridiculous. You cannot fight in an army. You are a girl." Her older brother Jakob frowned at her. They had been hiding from the Gestapo under the aliases Karla and Oskar Burger. "You will put us all in danger. Not to mention that you cannot wear men's clothing."

"I must go. Do you not see? It will be a chance to be free again."

"Papa will not like this."

"Papa cannot stop me."

"Fine. Do what you will. Of course, you have neither my blessing nor Papa's."

Rachel shaved off all her hair and dressed in men's clothing. She felt absolutely terrible, but the fate that would befall them would be far worse if she did not join the rebels.
26-07-2004, 20:03
OOC: i knew i could count on you Temme :), any1 else??

Wilheim Strattburg a young corporal in the Rebel army pulled his troop truck up to the Burger home as they were informed there was another to be recruted, he honked twice and a young man emerged from the home:

"hello! hurry up commrade you are the first to be picked up! your Uniform is in the back with a rifle! hurry now!"


150 SS troops of the 1st Battalion moved in earlier to set up an observation post but little did they know Burgen would be the Rebels first target of oppertunity. The officer in charge Captian Rodrick Schultz stood on the front porch of some ones home smoking a cigerette, then his Leiutennet aid approached:

"Heer Kapitian 37 mines and 300ft of barbed wire was placed around the main entrances to the town, Machine gun nests are in place and the Observation post is in the bell tower..all the radio wire has been placed incause we will need reinforcements for some reason..they Rebels beleive there is 1600 SS troops here we are informed"

The Captian smiled and nodded his head:

"good work Meyer"


A Man with the rank of Major stood on a platform and began to speak to 200 Rebel Regulars:

"Today men is a great day! for we will fight for our freedom and make Baccardi a better place! we will achive the following! Rights!,no cerfew throughout the country!,every man is equal!,to not live in fear!,this is the war to end all wars! lets get out there and WIN IT!"

The soldiers cheered and threw their arms up in the air yelling:

26-07-2004, 20:57
Rain poured from the dark clouds above Bergen, all was quiet in the town except the loud boom of thunder once and awhile. afew squads of soldiers patroled the streets in groups of 4 or 5, no threat was even in mind.

Meanwhile a quarter of a mile south 200 Rebel soldiers marched through the wet grassy feilds with the objective of capturing the town. Leiutennet Mark Weiss peered through his bonoculars:

"everythings quiet down there...set up the mortors and notify the ressistance pocket in there immeaditly"

He said to a Sargent with a radio. The message was passed to them to start the inside attack, the Rebels set up their mortors

Resistance leader Martin Stigler walked through the streets passing Baccadian soldiers heading for a small house directly in front of him. Once inside there were 6 other members sitting around a table,one with a expolcive plunger:

"blow the destraction now!" ordered Stigler

The man slammed the plunger down...

Outside 2 houses blew up with a impressive explosion causing a Nazi squad to be thrown across the street, all hell broke loose as the Resistance members hung out the windows gunning soldiers down.

The Rebel troops charged towards the town full speed ready for a good fight. Upon arrival they met light resistance at jump off, Private Jonothan Danke had never fired a wepon in his entire life.

He ran through the streets keeping his head low, turned a corner running head first into a Baccardian SS soldier:

"christ!" he shouted as they both fell to the ground stunned

Quickly they pounced on eachother fighting like wild dogs, swinging, kicking and even biting:

"die you Rebel swine!" screeched the SS man hitting Jonothan repeatitly in the face but his fist cracked off his helmet

he yelped in pain then Jonothan grabbed him by the throat choaking him, the SS man gasped for breath but only had 1 hand able to continue the fight..finally the stopped moving and went limp..

Jonothan scurried over to the mans MP40 then crawled over to some barrels along side a house sitting there staring at the body frightened he might wake again..evne through he knew he wouldn't...

The battle raged on, losses were mounting but the Baccardian forces were slowly falling back to the Outpost in the bell tower. The unit was scatterd all over town which made it harder to push on.

Jonothan finally stood up and continued creeping through the streets when he saw 2 SS men shooting at somthing, he trained the MP40 on them and opened fire

RAtATATAtat the gun burst....

Both men toppled over to the ground, the Baccardians were starting to regroup and now the Rebel forces were falling back to the South Side of town to do the same.
27-07-2004, 00:21
Jonothan rushed back to the fallback position where they waited for more men to come back. After a half hour passed shooting continued in Bergen..those of the distanced trapped troops both ally and enemy. the final cout was of those who were still alive...112.

Baccardian Whermacht Leiutennet Hans Zwicker take cover in the rubble of Bergen. He was seperated from is squad when they fell back and found himself holding against 3 Rebels across the street in a hotel. they continued fireing just to pin him down:

"is that all you got you swine!!" yelled Hans letting off a burst of his MP40

They replyed with shot after shot from their rifles

Hans pulled a stick grenade from his belt throwing it at the went in a window and exploded blowing one of the enemy through the window onto the street

Hans jumped up and took off towards the building door then dove through it. He stood up sneaking towards the stairs for the others didn't know he was inside their building. when he reached the top the other 2 soldiers were fglaring through the window trying to see where he went. Hans raised his SMG and clicked the trigger

The gun jammed! all that came out was a loud click which made them turn around but by that time one already got the gun thrown in his face. Hans charged at the other man who then fired a single shot which perced the Leiutennets shoulder but he grabbed the man anyways. They struggled grabbing at eachothers faces, random punches to lower bodys, finally Hans shoved the soldier out the window...

The other soldier rolled over to see a Lugar barrel in his face:

"hands up!" said Hans

The soldier did as he was told....
27-07-2004, 05:21
OOC: I'd help, but I'm not good with WWII tech. Otherwise, good tag.
The Golden Simatar
27-07-2004, 05:28
OOC: I'm a WW2 buff, but I need to go to bed. I'll post again in the morning.
27-07-2004, 05:31
OOC: alright no problem, :) thanks n e ways Imitora
27-07-2004, 20:22
Rachel spotted another group of Baccardian soldiers hiding in the rubble. She ducked behind some debris and opened fire.


Her aim was off (she had never fired a gun in her life) and she only killed one of them, and injured the rest.

She thought to herself, "Uh-oh."
01-08-2004, 07:44
Orders were then barked from a Baccardian officer that could not be seen at the present time. After the group of baccardian SS men fell to the ground from a Rebel soldier picking them off from the rubble 3 more came running around a corner fireing on the position:

"flank him!move move move!" shouted one of them

a medic ran out in the middle of the fire trying to help the downed men but was caught in crossfire, he also slumped down.

Jonothan seen the Rebel soldier less then 15 feet away from him, the same one who gunned down 1 of their squads. Quietly he snuck up from behind acting stealthly he kicked the soldier in the back of the head dropping him to the ground.

He pounced on the Rebel swinging wildly, when he rolled off he noticed it wasn't the face of a man but one of a young girl...he was stunned and did not know what to do, he sat there motionless holding his trench knife tightly...
01-08-2004, 09:17

"Hauptmann Schroder, why are we using panzer's in an urban setting?" Asked the driver of a Pz.II, as Schroder clung onto the side of the turret. "We are Panzer-Grenadiers! Infantry fighting is a part of this, and we go where we are ordered to go! We must...Aufrührer!" Yelled, as two rebel soldiers with Kar98's opened fire on the four Pz.IIc's and 4 Hanomags of the 11th Panzer Grenadier.

Schroder jumped off the tank, and balanced himself on a wall. The Hanomags and Panzers opened fire on the position, as four squads jumped out of the Hanomags. "Attack!" Yelled Schroder, as he aimed his gun at where he had seen the rebels before. He stood for a few seconds, just looking.

This...its...Its wrong! Tanks, in the god damn city! Lord, if you let me live, I will Wors...

Schroder was brought back into reality by the shrapnel of one of the Pz2's bombarding him and the other infantry. An enemy had a FaustPatrone somehow, and had fired it. Schroder caught a glimpse of the soldier, and chased after it.

"Achtung! Halt!" Yelled Schroder, as he quickly attached the bayonet to his Kar98. He kicked open a door that he saw the Aufrührer run into, and found a clerk cowering under a table, it was a small restaurant. "Tell me!" Yelled Schroder, kicking the small table away from the clerk. The clerk simply curled into a fetal position.

"Fucking traitor!" Yelled Schroder, as he sliced the throat of the clerk with the bayonet. For good measure, he stabbed the clerk a few more times. As he kicked the clerks body away from his rifle, a squad of Fallschirmjaeger rushed into the room, FG-42's in hand."Identify yourself!" Yelled one of the airbourne troops, as Schroder looked at them mindlessly. "Hauptmann Erich Schroder of the..the...Eleventh Panzer Grenadier. I've lost my unit..." Schroder said, the troops giving him a nod of approval.

"Im Oberleutenant Adolf Eichmann. Everyone calls me Adolfus." Said Adolfus, looking at Erich's deed. "Rebel?" Adolfus said, as Erich nodded. "Was hiding an Aufrührer..." Erich said, as the blood continued to seep from the body. "Good enough for me. Come with us, until you find your unit, Hauptmann." Adolfus said, as the squad quickly left, Erich almost being left behind.

Outside, there were four charred tanks, filled with small calibre holes and char marks. One could easily guess what happened to them, though the troops and hanomags were gone. "Traitors!" Yelled Schroder, looking at the tanks. "Those soldiers abandoned the panzers...Any one of them that lives, I will kill myself!" Yelled Schroder, as Adolfus picked up a P38 and tossed it to Schroder. "I dont want you getting us killed because you have to try to reload, heh" Adolfus said, giving Schroder. Schroder simply holstered it. "Im just fine with my Gewehr..." Schroder said, as the 10 men hurried down the street.

As they walked, they saw the dead bodies of a number of whermacht and rebel soldiers alike. "I suppose their all the same when their dead..." Said one of the FSJ soldiers. "No, there is a difference. The Aufrührer go to hell." Schroder said. Apparently that wasnt what the rebels wanted to hear. Rifle fire opened up from down the street. "Rifle at One-fifty meters!" Yelled one of the FSJ, as a second was gunned down. Schroder, went behind cover, as the FSJ jumped down, quickly opened up their bipods, and layed suppressive fire on the window.

"Schroder, take him out!" Yelled one of the FSJ, the window under constant fire. Erich layed his gun on the edge of the box he had been hiding behind, using it to get the gun balanced. He kept his sights on the window, and waited. Schroder waved for the troops to stop firing, and they did. As he expected, the Aufrührer came back to the window. But before the rebel got his sights on any more troops, Schroder pierced the air with the sound of his rifle, the 8mm mauser shell grazing the face of the rebel. But it was enough, the rebel falling out of the window and slamming into the ground below, either dead or dying.

"Shit, 3 guys died..." Said Adolfus, looking backward. But it fell on deaf ears. The rest of the FSJ wanted blood, not sorrow. Adolfus and Erich could barely keep up, the FSJ soldiers firing at anything that moved, headed for the small shop that they had been fired at.

One of the FSJ kicked open the door, and began firing at the 8 or so civilians hiding inside. They showed no mercy, and every civi met up with a bullet. The FSJ continued upstairs, and shot three more. "Perimeter clear!" Yelled one of the FSJ, as adolfus took position at a window. The rest of the FSJ did the same, and Erich went to, but finally noticed that there was a searing pain in his leg. Pulling it up, he noticed that there was a piece of PzIIc metal almost fused to his leg, or molten in some way to it. He tried to take it off, but it just lead to signifigant pain.

Erich went down alone to search the rest of the house for any possible rebels. As he was in the back room of the bottom floor, a large explosion ringed in the top. Erich ran up the stairs, as smoke made its way down. He pushed through the smoke, and saw that the room was badly on fire, and he could see a few dead bodies. He grabbed one of the FG-42's, and ran to the bottom of the building. He looked out the window, and saw a number of men with MP-40's. He quickly through his Kar down, holstered his FG-42, and took out his P38.

This is going to take some luck...

OOC:Its late, I'll post later...

Ahh, feels good to be rping again
01-08-2004, 18:36
Waffen SS Leiutennet Max Peaters ran through the rubble at top speed:

"front lines are falling!fall back!fall back!!

He then saw a familiar face:

"shroder! we have scatterd resistance on the front..we are losing it sir! A company is pinned down by the Rebels just east of this position by the church, B company...well THERE IS NO B COMPANY! what in the fuck do propose we do sir!"

Peaters was covered in dust and dirt from the battle, he held a STG44 close to his body, sweat dripped down his dirty face leaving lines:

"and 1 more thing are the highest ranking officer out here now.."
MEANWHILE-Rebel side:

The Baccardian troops fell back despite the fact they were better equiped and acctully trained..the rebels faught with all they had. Captian Albert Swartz moved through the streets slowly followed by about 50 troops all spread out through the didn't look to good for the Baccardian soldiers who had no way of calling in artillary or reinforcemnts.
01-08-2004, 22:58
Schroder couldnt remember this leutennant for the life of him, but he knew he had to snap into action. He took a quick look out the window. "Alright. There should be more Fallschirmjaeger around the town, I hooked up with one squad already. I need you to find a communications centre and call for more fallschirmjaeger. They are the best in this kind of fighting. Have them drop right on the city, I know its dangerous, but we need them fast. Hurry up" Schroder said, as he ran out of the burning house, although the fire was mostly in the top, smoke was creeping out of the bottom.

Schroder saw a few rebels taking the superior weapons of a few fallen Panzer grenadiers, and he took them out with a few quick shots of his Walther. He began retreating, running quite fast. All he saw was dead bodies and destroyed...destroyed everything. Houses were ruined. Cars, burning hulks.

He couldnt worry about those though. He had to take command. He stopped for a second, leaning against a wall. He was very tired, but he knew he had to keep going. He jogged a bit further, and saw something that brought a tear to his eye.

A platoon or so of Fallschirmjaeger were in a city square. They had set up sandbags, machineguns, everything. Six Sdkfz.232's were also there, and they had every inch of the perimiter zeroed. One of them turned towards him, as he raised his hands. "Im Hptm. Schroder of the 11th PzGd, let me in!" he yelled, as an FSJ waved him to come in. He sprinted across some pavement as a rebel MG took a shot at him, to no avail. Schroder practically jumped into the safety of the emplacement.

"Oberscheutze(sp?) Jean-paul here, good to see you Hauptmann. We've been holding out here, three rebel attacks have already failed. We have two recoil-less guns, 75mm, two mortars, 68mm, the Armoured cars you can see, and we have one Pak 36, though I wouldnt trust it to do much more than punch a few holes in houses..."He said, as Schroder stood up. "Good job Oberscheutze. How are you doing on supplies?" He asked, as Jean-paul smiled. "The Rebels are mostly using Kar98's, so we have stolen their ammo after their attacks. We are good on ammo and food." He said, as Schroder smiled.

"We're getting our asses handed to us here, Oberscheutze. We need to find where they are concentra..."Schroder wasnt able to finish his sentence. A bullet rang through the air, and pierced him in the chest. "Shit!" Jean-paul yelled, grabbing Schroder. "Dead!" He yelled again, as one of the FSJ Machine-guns opened fire on the sniper, quickly taking him out. That wasnt enough though, the rebels decided to attack again.

"Shit, its gotta be almost a company of them this time! Coming from the east!" Yelled one of the Sdkfz.232 commanders, as the armoured car turned its turret and opened up MG fire. About half the FSJ ran to the east side of the encampment, and set up their guns on the sandbags. "Mortars!" Jean-paul yelled, as men scrambled to them. "Hit em hard, only HE!" He yelled, as the mortars pointed their guns almost completely up, and began firing.

Jean-paul ran to one of the armoured cars, but saw it riddled with AT rifle holes. "God da..." He began to yell, as a grenade hit his men. It had been before the sandbags, so much of the blow was absorbed, but three men seemed dead. Jean-paul ran to a second, which was still fine. He jumped on the back, and opened his FG-42 bipod. "Advance on the enemy, we need to clear them out!" He yelled at the commander of the Armoured car. He nodded, went down the hatch, and shut it. The engine turned on, and quickly they were off.

It was just bodies and more bodies as the wide, long street went further. Jean-paul took pot-shots at anyone he could see, but they were mostly dead. Jean-paul knocked on the top of the hatch, and the car turned around, to head back to the encampment. As they did, an Sa mle 37, a french AT gun, was seen as rebels opened the door of a bistro, at the end of the street. Jean-paul barely noticed it as it fired. The 47mm shell(I think it was 47mm) rocked the back of the 232, just as jean paul jumped off. Shrapnel barely missed him, but the car exploded, and knocked him into the wall. Quickly responding, he smashed a window of a house he was next to, and jumped in, nobody being in it. He sat there for a couple moments, and once he got his senses back, he saw a huge number of munitions.

He had accidentally found a weapons cache.
02-08-2004, 02:04
Rachel glared at Jonothan. Picking up her rifle, she turned towards him. Somehow, she had lost her company. In a throaty voice, she asked, "Who are you and what do you want?"
02-08-2004, 03:24
Meanwhile, back home. . .

"Where is Rachel? I must see her?"
"Papa, go lie down." Jakob attempted to help his father back to bed.
"Where is my daughter?"
"She's. . .um. . .gone out."
"Just. . .out. I don't know where she is." Jakob was telling the truth.
"You must know something, Jakob." His father's eyes landed on a pile of hair in the corner. "What is that hair?"
"Papa, go lie down. I'll tell you when you're lying down."
He went and lay down. "What is it?"
"Rachel. . .Rachel. . .she went and joined the. . .the rebels. I tried to stop her, but she would hear nothing of it."

The only sound in the room was the laboured breathing of Jakob's father.
05-08-2004, 05:47
Jonothan stood up slowly suprized to see a woman!...he was tottaly speachless while he slowly backed away holding his machine gun...


Max nodded his head then took off towards the communications building that had been recently set up on account the original one had already been destroyed.

Upon arrival he strolled right up to the Comms' officer grabbing him by the shoulder:

"send this message to HQ immeaditly"

The operator nodded then put on his earphones...

"Rebels counter attacking,Baccardian troops falling back,Low numbers,Running low on ammunition"

The Radio officer sent the message in morse then Max continued:

"Reinforcements needed immeaditly,if not situation officers remain standing.."

The radio officer finished tapping the message then looked right in max's eyes and said:

"how long..untill we fall back..."

Max peered out the window to see nothing but smoke,bodys and impact craters:

"what did Hq reply first...."

The Radio operator replyed gravly:

"Reinforcemnts will arrive by dawn..."

Max's face and lips turned white, he knew they wouldn't last untill morning..a retreat seemed like the best idea..perhalps even a surrender unless a Baccardian officer was found who knew what the hell to do...
06-08-2004, 03:36
Rachel had no idea that Jonothan knew that she was a woman. "What are you staring at?" she asked in her throaty voice. "Where are the others?"
07-08-2004, 03:17
Jonothan managed to stutter:

"i cannot kill a woman...stay where you are untill i...put your hands up!..please!"

He was shocked of the young girls courage, he could tell by the face it was not of a man..
07-08-2004, 19:32
OOC: Wasn't Jonothan one of the rebels?