NationStates Jolt Archive

The Bioroid Project (Story/Dev thread/Announcement)

Central Facehuggeria
23-07-2004, 02:51
OOC Note: I am future tech. This project is future tech. Modern tech nations need not complain.

Also, this is pretty much a carbon copy of what I posted on the ESUS boards when the forums were down. Of course, since the ESUS boards aren't visible to non-ESUS members, this doesn't mean much to you. :) Lastly, I suspect I'll have to split the entire story into a few parts, since Jolt has that odd 10,000 word limit. Other than that, comments would be nice.

Secret IC: Professor Langston and General Ironsides walked through the sterile halls of the Hammer Research Institute. All around them there were the sounds of new and lethal weapons being tested. In these hallowed halls could be found the origin of several key CF technologies, including Accumulator shields, portable laser rifles, powered armor, and more. Here the next generation of weapons and equipment was being tested, including the X-99 Combat Powersuits with the XMC-1 modular weapons mounts and the XM-227 PPB Rifles.

Although the government didn't like to admit it to anyone, the Hammer research institute was also home to several more...unsavory experiments. The Bioroid project was one of these.

The waltz to Langston's office was brisk and uneventful. The interior of the office was incredibly spartan. There were a few chairs, a computer, and a small water cooler/refrigerator/microwave combination. Such accommodations were quite unlike Langston's predecessor, Doctor Enis. Enis' office was filled with numerous works of art, plants, and all manner of interesting things to look at.

"The contrast is striking" Ironsides thought to himself. He was one of the few officials in the CF military who survived the government's 'new blood' initiatives with his rank intact. He had had the opportunity to meet both Enis and Langston, and compare them. Langston was almost a polar opposite of Enis. Enis had morals, Langston didn't appear to (based on his complicity in the abduction of children for project: 'Red Lobster' and project: 'Proteus', with the good doctor playing a pivotal role in the latter...

"Coffee?" Langston asked, one of those mannerisms that are omnipresent in traditional human interaction.

"No thanks. You said you had something of interest to show me?" Ironsides retorted, trying to get straight down to business. Professor Enis had morals. Langston didn't seem to have the same honorable demeanor, and that worried Ironsides a bit.

"Ahh yes..." Langston said as he reached into his desk and pulled out a datapad. After pushing a few buttons and slamming it upon his hand a few times (while cursing about "shitty batteries"), he handed it to Ironsides.

Bioroid Project: Über Soldat/Mjolnir

The purpose of the Bioroid project is to produce a next generation super-soldier immune to defects that does not require the large scale harvesting of civilian children and decades of training.

Utilizing the corpse of a trained CF soldier, a virtually unstoppable killing machine may be produced.

Phase 1: Procure corpse. (The corpse must be recently dead (Time of death<One day)

Phase 2: Enhance corpse. Add ceramic/plastic/metallic skeletal coating. Enhance muscles with implanted stimglands and adrenal supplements. Enhance heart and circulatory system for greater efficiency. Enhance brain for faster reaction times (procedure involves increased blood flow, and increased oxygen flow directly to brain.) Enhance immune system with "jammer" genetically engineered anti-bodies. (Note: Enhancements will not take take hold in the host until the end of Phase 3.) Surgically enhance eyes for greater bloodflow. Perform laser and or nano surgery on any defective organs. Eliminate defective genes with specially designed retrovirus. Add in any new genes via a similar retrovirus (while body is technically 'dead' so as to avoid potential rejection.)

Note: If a vital organ is damaged beyond repair (i.e. heart is punctured with several bullets), then flash-clone a replacement.

Phase 3: Immerse corpse in biomed gel for a period of no less than 1 standard Facehuggerian (Earth, 365 day) year. Any less will not result in a viable bioroid. The biomed gel will promote cellular growth and 'kickstart' the body into 'life.' Note that the body will still be essentially braindead at this stage however. Biomed gel, for all its wondrous properties, does not restore cerebral matter particularly well. (Nor does it restore cells that have undergone significant necrosis, hence the 24 hour limit.)

Phase 4: Implant specially designed "Soulcatcher" chip onto the base of the neck, directly tapped into the spinal column. The Soulcatcher chip will, once activated, function as a secondary computerized brain (As well as provide an electrical jolt to reactivate the stock human brain.)

Phase 5: Download all relevant and necessary combat data into soulcatcher chip. Also download killswitch software into chip. Download redundant control software into soulcatcher chip (so that the device can assume temporary control of motor functions if the spinal column or brain is damaged.)

Phase 6: Activate Bioroid unit and life functions. Due to certain...psychological instabilities that may result, it is vital that there is an Officer (preferably one who served with the unit before termination) and a Psychologist on hand to ensure the unit does not react violently to its new...situation. Using only volunteers may reduce the need for trained psychologists to be present.

The resulting Bioroid will essentially be a super-human soldier capable of absorbing tremendous amounts of punishment and stamina. It will also possess all the experiences and skills that the unit had before death, as well as those general skills that will be downloaded into the soulcatcher chip (such as plumbing and human sexuality I-IV.)

Of course, as the Bioroid unit is essentially resurrected back to life, the unit will require the same sustenance that a traditional human soldier requires. Also, due to the increased muscular mass, the unit will likely require additional protein in its diet.

Notes: It is unknown whether the unit's thinking will be affected by the procedure. Higher brain functions may be enhanced or diminished; there is currently not enough data to come to a satisfactory conclusion.

Ironsides put down the datapad and shot Langston a stare that would have turned a gorgon to stone. "What you propose it wrong. How can you suggest that we take our soldiers and turn them into these...these...abominations!?" He said, his voice rising to a yell at the end. Unlike the Nazi generals, Ironsides actually had morals and values and using soldiers in such a way went against all of his beliefs.

"The Furher has already cleared the project. Such a soldier could be of great effectiveness should the Shivans, or any other enemy for that matter, ever invade. The choice has already been made! I called you as a courtesy! If you would like to watch the first unit as it is 'produced', you may... Here follow me." Langston said, his voice completely triumphant.

Langston got up and Ironsides mimicked him. They both began walking through the corridors again, this time going deeper into the facility, passing through even stricter security checkpoints.

Finally, they passed through a thick set of double doors, into a control room overlooking the genetics lab.

"Here look. They are now implanting the soulcatcher chip into the first unit now. The first unit...Corporal Adrian Shephard, KIA in a skirmish with Shivan forces. Let's watch shall we?" Langston said, his voice full of excitement and expectation.

The chip was implanted and the important data was downloaded directly into it via superconducting fiber optic cable.

"Activate the unit..." Langston said, his sentence trailing off into nothingness as he watched in awe. The Bioroid unit, Corporal Shephard, slowly sat up and scratched his head. Somewhat groggily, he said "Where...Where am I? Who are you!?" while looking at the officer and psychologist.

"Don't worry Adri. It's me, Colonel Donahoe. Remember, I was your commanding officer in the 76th Legion?" Donahoe said, her crisp no-nonsense voice piercing the silence that formed after Shephard spoke.

"Adrian, sir, I'm counselor Pontt. You were to put it bluntly...dead. But we revived you. How do you feel?" The psychologist chimed in.

"Uh...Fine sir. Wait a second...did you say...DEAD!?!?" Shepard said as the full gravity of the situation registered in his mind.

"Yes dead. But don't worry Adri. The eggheads here say you're fully alive again. Heck, they've even enhanced certain useful parts of you." Donahoe said as she looked at the vastly enlarged male organ that the scientists obviously thought would somehow improve the unit's combat performance. (Shephard's lower body was covered by a small towel similar to a miniskirt, but lets just say that his *entire* body has been improved.)

"You see General? It worked perfectly!" Langston quietly whispered to Ironsides. He was quite elated in his perceived victory,

Ironsides on the other hand had been fighting back his revulsion. "Doctor! That still does not give you a right to do something like this! I will fight you all the way to the military tribunal if I have to! This is an affront against nature, an affront against GOD! May he save you, because nobody else will!" Ironsides said angrily before turning on his heels and marching out of the enclosed observation balcony.
Central Facehuggeria
23-07-2004, 02:53
"Corporal Shephard" Prontt said "While you were...inactive, we enhanced several parts of your body. I'm sure you've already noticed the... changes we effected to your short arm. There are numerous other improvements, specifically: We coated your bones in a semi-permeable plastic/ceramic/metallic coating. Your bones are now essentially unbreakable, and due to the fact that the coating is fairly permeable, you will not undergo white blood cell necrosis."

Prontt took a breath before speaking again; "We also increased your muscle density by two hundred percent, and fixed up your circulatory system. Lastly, we improved your reaction times by modifying certain parts of your brain and enhancing your eyes. Here..." Prontt said as he removed a knife from a sheath and tossed it directly at Shephard's head.

Shephard's arm moved in a blur, catching the knife only milliseconds away from his head.

"You threw a KNIFE at my HEAD! You sick f..." Shephard started to say before he was cut off by Prontt

"You caught it, didn't you? We've worked very hard to enhance your body. Your display just proves that all the tinkering the biotechs did paid off. Now, you are likely wondering why we went to all this trouble, right? Well, you're a prototype. Professor Langston managed to convince the Furher that your capabilities would be worth the time and effort required to create them. He was correct. You are the first of our Bioroid "Super-Soldiers." You do not feel pain...You do not show weakness...You cannot be stopped..." Prontt said pointedly.

"Now. We need to do a few tests before we let you out of here and give you your first assignment. If you'll follow me please..." Prontt added after a quick breath.

Prontt and Shephard passed through a thin set of sliding doors, and emerged into an obstacle course.

"Your goal is to get to the end of that course and ring that bell. Just like in basic. Simple, right? Wrong. There are numerous changes we've made. Specifically, there are autoguns, mines, pungi sticks, damn near everything we could think of. Heck, we even released a Chryssalid in there. Now go." Prontt explained.

"Autoguns? Mines? Live Chryssalids!? Are you trying to kill me?" Shephard asked, with good reason. Only a silencer could get through that course alive.

"This is a test. Get moving." Prontt said after an eloquent moment of silence.

Shephard began the course. The razor sharp pungi sticks proved to be no problem, Shephard found he could just leap over them. The mines were another story all together. Shephard noticed a bump in the sand. Backing away from it, he picked up a rock and threw it at the bump. It exploded upward with enough force to destroy a tank. "Great...anti-tank mines. Just what I need!" Shephard swore.

Then he felt a cool liquid presence, almost like ice water filling his brain. "Soulcatcher chip online. Scanning...Utilizing standard CF Engineering randomization system..." a cool, feminine voice said. The voice didn't come from anywhere. It came from everywhere, inside his head. Little green representations of mines appeared on the ground. (They were actually projected directly onto Shephard's retina.) "Scanning complete. Estimate of mine locations is 96% accurate." The voice said.

Shephard carefully advanced. He didn't really know what to make of the soulcatcher chip in his head; he just tried to move forward, avoiding the graphic representations of the mines as much as possible. Finally, after a stress wracked fifteen minutes, he passed the minefields.

Professor Langston got on the speaker system. "Bioroid number 1. You should know that we implanted stimglands into your body. They automatically kick in if you're under duress. I kind of forgot to activate them though. You'll have to do it manually. Please cock your head to the left and press the area directly behind your right earlobe please." he said.

Shephard did as he was told. The female voice spoke once again "Stimglands online. Biomonitoring online." It said. Soon after that, the cold presence in his mind receded somewhat. It was still there, but only a small part of it, the biomonitoring functions.

Next up were the autoguns. In the usual course, they were loaded with blanks and rubber bullets (1 real bullet per five hundred blanks.) Shephard took no chances. It would be likely that all of the bullets would be real in this test.

Shephard sprinted up to a concrete embankment and ducked. The autoguns couldn't track him in time, and resumed scanning the area. Shephard leapt up and ran straight towards one of the autoguns. They turned and began to fire upon him. Shephard felt as though he was under water, bullets flew past his head, but too slowly. He could actually see the trail they left in the atmosphere... He couldn't stop to think though. He leapt straight at one of the autoguns and managed to get behind it. Ripping the gun out of its secure concrete mount, he turned it upon the other two guns. They exploded in a shower of sparks.

Last but not least, there was the bell. But standing near it, searching for breeding material was a Chryssalid. The hideous monster's claws clicked as it sniffed the air. (Chryssalids use humans as hosts for their eggs.)

Shephard cursed. He had no weapons, and attacking a Chryssalid hand-hand would be suicide. Still, he had to try anyway. He ran straight towards the bell. But the Chryssalid noticed him. It began running towards him at superhuman speeds. was constantly gaining ground until Shephard said "Screw it." and turned around, facing the inhuman monster. The creature viciously stabbed out one of its claws, and nicked Shephard. The Chryssalid's paralytic nerve toxin quickly entering his bloodstream. The cool feeling once again entered his brain as the soulcatcher chip said "Foreign toxins detected. Activating counteragents."

The Chryssalid toxin wore off within nanoseconds. Shephard reached out and punched the Chryssalid with enough force to break a tank in two. It staggered a bit but charged Shephard again, mandibles at the ready. Shephard grabbed the monster's left arm, and in one fluid motion, ripped it right off the creature.

The Chryssalid's green blood flowed freely from the wound, and it screeched in pain. Shephard didn't give it a chance to get away though; he began beating the thing with its own arm. Finally knocking the damned creature down, he crushed its exoskeletal head with his bare foot.

He then gingerly walked over and rang the bell...

Meanwhile in the control room, Langston was talking with a shady figure, hooded and cloaked.

"You see, Mein Furher? Not even a silencer could have done that! Now imagine what an entire army of these things could do..." Langston said, his voice trailing off as he became engulfed in thought?
Central Facehuggeria
23-07-2004, 02:55
"Very good Corporal!" Prontt said over the intercom system. He had been watching Shephard since he started this little test. He continued "Now, if you'll please exit via the door to your left, you will be taken to the Armory and given your first assignment."

Shephard didn't really see any other options, so he went to the armory. Prontt was waiting for him. "Ahh...Glad to see you made it Corporal. Before we get to mission information, let?s get your gear out of the way first. First up, we have a combat powersuit specially designed from the ground up for your...unique abilities. Normal powersuits have a built in limiter that prevents the suit from being too reactive and damaging the user. This design has no inhibitor. This shouldn't be too much of a problem for you, with your enhanced muscles and skeletal structure however. Just so you know, the helmet on this thing is interchangeable, so if you don't like the style of the helmet, we can change it for you.

You can also, of course, use standard combat powersuits, but they will not enhance your abilities to the same extent as this model.

For weaponry, we are providing you with numerous weapons systems. On the gauntlets of your suit are two CADS-1b vibroblade/light particle beam weapons. You are also being provided with a prototype XM-227 Phased Particle Beam Rifle and an XM-12 Advanced combat rifle. Don't lose them. For a sidearm, you will have a XM-3 .50 cal flechette hand gun, same as you used in your last unit. One of your secondary objectives will be to evaluate these new weapons.

Now...Any questions about your equipment before we get to the briefing?"

"What about heavy weapons? Since you sent me against a Fing Chryssalid for god's sake, I don't think you'd have any trouble sending me against a tank." Shephard asked, still somewhat angry at what his test had entailed.

"Ahh right. The XM-12 can launch special anti-vehicular grenades. Or you could just walk up and smack the thing." Prontt smiled...

On the world of Optera, Shephard's deeds became legendary. He slaughtered thousands of enemies on that war-torn planet. And it didn't take long for word of his exploits to reach Ironsides' ears...

OOC: The Bioroid combat powersuit:
Central Facehuggeria
23-07-2004, 03:01
OOC Edit: This isn't the end of the story. I just haven't written any more yet. :D

Six Months Later.

General Ironsides had indeed fought the bioroid project as hard as he could. But 'as hard as he could' wasn't good enough. The abomination was still on going, and with word of the successes of the original unit on Optera, it was highly likely that more would be produced in the near future.

Ironsides felt helpless, certainly not a good feeling for a powerful general accustomed to having his own way. No matter how much he complained to the Furher, he could not convince the Nazis to abandon this hideous project.

It was mid day, exactly six months after Ironsides had witnessed that...that affront to nature. Six months to the day when Ironsides received another call from an elated doctor Langston. He wanted Ironsides to come immediately.

"Well" Ironsides thought to himself, "I might as well go and see what new horror this mad scientist has cooked up."

With that thought, Ironsides left his office and took a tram to Hammer Research Institute. The tram ride was brisk and fast, owing to the odd lack of other passengers.

Unlike the last time he strode through the halls of Hammer institute, Ironsides felt a wave of revulsion. Here, wholly evil research was performed merely for military benefit. To form an army of monstrosities.

Upon reaching Professor Langston's office, Ironsides fought back the urge to throw up. There were two of those things standing guard outside Langston's office. Their armor shimmered in the harsh hallway lights. They appeared to stare forward blankly into space.

"Uh...Hello? I'm here to see Doctor Langston." Ironsides said to one of the armored figures, saying 'doctor' with particular disdain. Langston was no doctor. He was just a hack.

The armored forms merely looked on, oblivious to the fact that there was a visitor. It was incredibly eerie, almost like they were robots. Ironsides had seen plenty of combat robots standing guard just like this, but there was something about these things being alive and so motionless that made his skin crawl...

While he was observing the two statuesque figures in the hall, the door slid open with a loud "Swish!" Professor Langston emerged from the newly made opening and said; "I see you like the armor, eh General? There is nobody in there of course...heh...but I keep 'em there to discourage assistants from bothering me."

Langston smiled at his comment and continued. "Now, if you'll step inside, I'll show you the latest fruits of my labor..."

Ironsides wasn't sure he liked the sound of that, but he entered anyway. It was obvious that Langston had gotten a bigger office, but it was still just as spartan as his previous one. Langston began rummaging through his disorganized desk and pulled out a datapad. He handed it to Ironsides with an enigmatic grin.

It read:

Improved Bioroid unit:

After evaluating the effectiveness of the original bioroid unit (See service record, Bioroid 001; Cpl. Adrian Shephard), Professor Langston and his crew have improved the bioroid unit in numerous ways. A report to CF high command is as follows:

Note: These enhancements are in addition to the original bioroid mark I enhancements.


The next generation Bioroid unit is designed to be significantly more resilient in resisting damage than even the previous Bioroid units.

Internal Toughening:

To lessen the impact of concussive blasts on the core and head of the Bioroid unit, the internal organs and, to a lesser extent, the brain is to be equipped with toughened muscular layers and reinforced internal structures. The latter can of course only be done to a small degree, as full strengthening would interfere with the functioning of the organs.

This does not give full protection to the internal organs, but it does limit the damage of those blasts that are powerful enough to do damage. In cooperation with the enhanced healing (See Recuperative supplement) this greatly reduces the danger of concussive blasts to the vital organs.

Dermal Toughening:

The skin of the proposed Bioroid incorporates an organic equivalent of Uni-flexx/Jellied Kevlar fiber in the epidermal layers of the subject. This once again forms a close lattice work, since full coverage would preclude the breathing and thermoregulatory functions of the skin. Impacts will be spread by this lattice over a much larger area and so decrease the chances of a puncture. It will also possess a small sub dermal ablative property that lends the Bioroid unit some measure of protection from directed heat (flame) and energy beam (laser) attacks.

However, a regenerated puncture wound will not retain the fiber lattice unless the needed elements are ingested by the Bioroid unit. ("You are what you eat")

In addition, the skin is equipped with a far superior temperature control system (using subcutaneous fat layers and increased circulation) than the humanoid norm. This enables the unit to operate in a wide variety of climates with only a standard body covering. (Although traditional hostile environment covering will allow the unit to function significantly more efficiently.)

Recuperative and Immunological Enhancements

Typically assigned missions will often result in damage to the Bioroid, despite the protective enhancements to the latest models. The Bioroid's proposed genetic modifications therefore incorporate several changes which will limit the impact of wounds on the Bioroid's present task.

Restorative Enhancements

To increase the rate with which the Bioroid recuperates from wounds, the normal restorative functions of the body (wound-closing, regeneration of destroyed tissue and such) have been accelerated with over 800% in the case of damaged soft structures, while non-major bones can mend in just one night. This does however mean that the food requirements of the Bioroid, when this rate of recuperation is implemented, will also increase by a proportionate amount. For example, complete healing of a triple puncture to the body will occur in 12-16 hours, but the Bioroid will be extremely hungry afterwards. (This has been equated to 'having the munchies' after the use of recreational and or narcotic drugs.)

If the initial wounds are serious enough, lack of sufficient calories in the form of consumed food and body fat may interrupt the regeneration process, leaving the Bioroid wounded and drained. It should be noted that the Bioroid unit can utilize the implanted soulcatcher chip to regulate the unit's regenerative capabilities, so that the unit will not totally drain itself of energy in a hostile situation.

Immunological and Prophylactic Enhancements

To counteract the effect of biological/chemical weapons on the functioning of the Bioroid unit, as well as the occurrence of wound-inflicted illnesses as gangrene and the like, the immune system of the Bioroid has been significantly strengthened. The entire system has been made more robust, to the point that it is capable of preventing the Bioroid of becoming ill from 98% of all known pathogens, and of overcoming most other illnesses in a period of 3-20 hours, with an average of 6 hours.

In addition, neural stimulants may be administered by the implanted soulcatcher chip, should nerve gasses such as VX or Sarin be used significantly in a combat theater. This gives the Bioroid unit a significant resistance to toxic effects.

Reflex/Coordination Enhancements

All new generation Bioroids will have brain structures related to response times and reflexes modified significantly. This will increase all reflexes and eye-body and other coordination to almost the maximum possible for the humanoid body without any extraneous cybernetic implants.

Sensory Enhancements

It was relatively easy to extend the visual acuity into the infrared, and use a double lens in the eye, so that the Bioroid has a built-in thermal and telescopic vision option. It was, however, not possible to create a true night vision function in the brain cortex. The alternative, a catlike mirror behind the retina, was rejected by the tactical consultants since this would have made the Bioroid's eyes light up in the dark, decreasing the surprise-attack options in the darkness. The only noticeable improvement in this area was the inversion of the ganglia/rod nucleus/rod mitochondria/rod photo detector sequence, so that incident light falls directly on the photosensitive region without having to pass through partially opaque tissue. The increase in sensitivity is, however, marginal. Coupled with some minor efficiency improvements in the photosensitive protein chains, light sensitivity was improved a mere 12%. In addition, the rate of the onset of night vision was improved, the typical time scale for the production of the chemical responsible for darkness-adaptation now being one minute, and not the usual fifteen. (To compensate for the lack of biological night vision, it is advisable to add in full NV systems to the bioroid armor.)

The auditory and olfactory senses were also easily increased to about three times the humanoid norm. No difficulties were experienced with this.

Unfortunately, a natural radio data-transmission system modeled on the example of the 'Chryssalid' species could not be incorporated with anything approaching the required levels of efficiency and reliability. The result is that a next generation bioroid will not possess the capability to communicate at ranges exceeding one mile without a mechanical communication device. However, the internal radio transmitter of the bioroid is virtually unjammable, and can communicate easily with other Bioroids in a squad scenario. This obviously benefits squad coordination.

A passive radio detection and ranging sense is also available. The unit will be able to 'home in' on radio and subspace communications with unnerving accuracy. The unit will not be able to jam or intercept the contents of a communication however. It will merely know where the message originated from.

Dietary Options and Additional Changes

To increase the flexibility of the Bioroid unit, the digestive system has been made more flexible. If the Bioroid were to be forced to forage for its food, it could subsist on far more possible food sources than the normal humanoid. In addition to this increased efficiency in extracting nutrients from organic material and heightened immunity to poisons, the olfactory and taste senses can be disabled during the ingestion of food when the hunger is large enough, so that the Bioroid can sustain itself with half-rotted meat if necessary. (This is a new function of the multi-purpose soulcatcher chip.)

The units sleep patterns may be altered by the chip so that the Bioroid can fall asleep whenever there is no danger about. (IE: When desired.) This sleep in the field will however not be as deep as a normal sleep, and the Bioroid will be immediately alert at any unusual sensory input. (Or can be awakened instantly with a command catchword.)

The Bioroid's metabolism utilizes a regulated method of calorie-storage as well as a supply-on-need method, causing a slow metabolic rate under normal conditions, and a high rate in combat situations. (This is monitored once again by the soulcatcher chip.)

The result of this efficient calorie-management system gives the Bioroid quadruple to quintuple the endurance of the original Bioroid design.

The Bioroids's endurance has been further enhanced by increasing the lungs' total surface area. (Hence improved oxygen processing capabilities, so the unit will not 'run out of breath' as easily.)

Soulcatcher chip enhancements:
The original soulcatcher chip was deemed to be somewhat vulnerable to strong EMP surges. While it would take the EMP force of a tactical nuclear weapon to deactivate the original soulcatcher chip, CF command has deemed that the chip must be able to resist EMP force in the Teraton range

The Soulcatcher chip also boasts an adaptive proto-sentient AI to further enhance capabilities. Whereas the original had an automated interface, it wasn't really capable of adaptation. The new chip has actually been shown to have to potential to create a personality, and sentience. To cope with the threat of a Bioroid's chip turning against the unit, several safety features have been added in addition to the kill-switch present in the original Bioroid units.

These include: Manual deactivation of the chip by the Bioroid unit, Remote deactivation of the chip with a command phrase, and 'repair mode' where the chip goes into a deep hardware scanning phase where the organic portion of the Bioroid is essentially 'on its own.'

Ironsides threw the datapad down in disgust. "I thought you were one sick bastard. The last time I was here, I thought you were at your worst. Apparently I was wrong... I swear to god I'll see you burn for this Langston. Even if I have to kill you myself..."
Central Facehuggeria
23-07-2004, 13:40
I feel a bump is in order. Some comments, even "OMG GUDm0dder!!!!!shift+1" comments would be better than this.
Central Facehuggeria
23-07-2004, 22:02
*Sigh* This is one final bump to keep it on the first page, before I let it dissolve into the abyss. :(
The Silver Turtle
23-07-2004, 22:15
OOC: Nice. I'm planning on doing something like this myself, excepting involving more clones and nanotech...
23-07-2004, 22:26
OOC: This is actually better than the robot/zombie armies that I've seen with some nations, and it's a whole lot more 'humane' than the Sentinels, for example . . . I have one thing to say. [Sauron voice]COOL[/Sauron voice]

I have something like this slated ater I formally announce BattleSpire. Except that it will be more painful . . .

Then again, I don't have to fear much from future-tech because I'm modern/magitech ^-^.
Central Facehuggeria
24-07-2004, 20:03
OOC: Nice. I'm planning on doing something like this myself, excepting involving more clones and nanotech...

Nanotech? Err...How would that improve a soldier? I mean, I could understand medical uses, and possible strength enhancement, but that's it. Could you please explain?

Anyway, another comment to the thread would be nice. :P
24-07-2004, 21:17
Nice. Did this with one of my Characters...of course I added the whole what happens after death ordeal (i.e. the Afterlife), and how it affects him now.
The Silver Turtle
26-07-2004, 22:29
Rapid healing, increased stamina by releasing various hormones, pain blocking, increased cognitive rate by creating a superconducting net to replace regular neural pathways...
But I still need to develop nanotech first. Then I get advanced nanotech. THEN I get super soldiers...
Central Facehuggeria
03-08-2004, 14:15
Rapid healing, increased stamina by releasing various hormones, pain blocking, increased cognitive rate by creating a superconducting net to replace regular neural pathways...
But I still need to develop nanotech first. Then I get advanced nanotech. THEN I get super soldiers...

Thanks for explaining it. :P I suppose there was much more to nanotech than I thought. :D
03-08-2004, 14:21
I can vouge for CentralFacehuggria's well thought out bioroids.

But you are all cattle to the vicious carnivorous Sskiss...
Central Facehuggeria
28-08-2004, 18:09
Bump, so this thread isn't deleted due to inactivity while I work on archiving it. :P