23-06-2004, 15:09
Breaking news...
Nierstein harbour was today the host of a spectular launch ceremony for the aircraft carrier Komrade Ilyich Yagarin, named after the founder of Revolutionary Socialism. The aircraft carrier is a modified Russian Kuznetsov class carrier, the Riga, that had been in dock unused in Russia for the past 10 years. LasProd then bought the carrier and brought it to Nierstein for a complete overhaul and refitting of defencsive systems. The carrier will form the centrepiece of the High Seas fleet, which will also include several destroyers, cruisers and other smaller battleships, as well as a full complement of submarines.
Before the ship took to the waters, our venerable leader, Chairman Wahler addressed the assembled dignitaries.
"People of Lasatania, we stand now at a momentus point in our history. With the launch of this fine vessel we can now make our presence felt in every corner of the globe. Those who stand against the progress of Revolutionary Socialism will have to face up to our might. Those in need of help defending themselves against the evils of capitalism shall find themselves with an ally standing beside them, wherever they may be. I salute the fine sailors and pilots who will take their place on board this ship and history will record their exploits. Hail Lasatania!"
With that the ship took to the sea and took Lasatania's dreams with it.
In other news LasProd has announced a 10% increase in the chocolate ration for July....
Nierstein harbour was today the host of a spectular launch ceremony for the aircraft carrier Komrade Ilyich Yagarin, named after the founder of Revolutionary Socialism. The aircraft carrier is a modified Russian Kuznetsov class carrier, the Riga, that had been in dock unused in Russia for the past 10 years. LasProd then bought the carrier and brought it to Nierstein for a complete overhaul and refitting of defencsive systems. The carrier will form the centrepiece of the High Seas fleet, which will also include several destroyers, cruisers and other smaller battleships, as well as a full complement of submarines.
Before the ship took to the waters, our venerable leader, Chairman Wahler addressed the assembled dignitaries.
"People of Lasatania, we stand now at a momentus point in our history. With the launch of this fine vessel we can now make our presence felt in every corner of the globe. Those who stand against the progress of Revolutionary Socialism will have to face up to our might. Those in need of help defending themselves against the evils of capitalism shall find themselves with an ally standing beside them, wherever they may be. I salute the fine sailors and pilots who will take their place on board this ship and history will record their exploits. Hail Lasatania!"
With that the ship took to the sea and took Lasatania's dreams with it.
In other news LasProd has announced a 10% increase in the chocolate ration for July....