Map of the Commonwealth of Sembryl
21-06-2004, 17:47
How original.. :roll:
How original.. :roll:
If you would prefer me to act like a typical n00b and claim an entire continent without putting ANY forethought into it, I can most certainly oblige the request.
0k4y, 3y3 c14|m 411 of N0r7h 4m3r|c4!!!! j00 4r3 411 my 514v35!!! b0w b3f0r3 m3 p|7|fu1 n47|0nZ w/ hug3 p0pu147|0nZ! 3y3 4m j00r 0v3r10rd!!!!!!!!!
No, being as I actually put time, energy, and thought into where I chose to place my country, and the fact that I didn't even claim the entirety of the province, it's anything other than typical n00b behavior.
I'm not looking for an argument, but I'd like to set the record straight that I am not going to exhibit n00b1sh traits, and I am indeed an RP'er with almost 10 years of experience under my belt, be it tabletop / pen & paper (D&D / WoD), online (D&D / WoD), FFRP in a vast number of genres, and LARP (D&D / WoD)
I would prefer not to be treated with disdain when it has not been earned.
Thank you.
The Gulf States
21-06-2004, 19:40
May as well claim a parallel universe where your NW Territories is.
The problem with claiming real world territories in NS is that about five other people (at least) have every country in the world. The more notable a nation or region is - the more demand and claims there are.
Like for example - Middle Eastern nations like Iraq which have been in the news daily for the past several decades - have dozens of claimers. U.S. states are often contested, and there'd be plenty if it wasn't for Menelmacar and others didn't do a huge RP about it over a year ago.
Meanwhile, I've slowly ended up with a lot of RL territory. In fact, something over half of land on the Western Hemisphere. Including Northwest Territory. I think the total currently is 22 countries.
May as well claim a parallel universe where your NW Territories is.
The problem with claiming real world territories in NS is that about five other people (at least) have every country in the world. The more notable a nation or region is - the more demand and claims there are.
Like for example - Middle Eastern nations like Iraq which have been in the news daily for the past several decades - have dozens of claimers. U.S. states are often contested, and there'd be plenty if it wasn't for Menelmacar and others didn't do a huge RP about it over a year ago.
Meanwhile, I've slowly ended up with a lot of RL territory. In fact, something over half of land on the Western Hemisphere. Including Northwest Territory. I think the total currently is 22 countries.
I'm not interested in playing in an alternate Universe, I'm interested in genuine, sincere RP in the real(istic) world. Even if the NS world is not quite the same as real life, I'm not interested in any kind of science fiction crapola. I understand that there have been numerous claims to many different sizeable parts of North America, and I understand that there are numerous claims to large portions of Canada as well. I'm not imperialistic, and I'm not looking for a massive land grab.
If you read my other thread on the borders of Sembryl, I have the Gulf States listed as a neighbor, recognizing the fact that you have (apparently) claimed the lion's share of Canada as your own land. I'm not particularly interested in debating whether or not you earned it, as you've been around a hell of a lot longer than I have. All I'm looking for is a relatively small portion of land in the NW Territories to be recognized as legitimately my own so I am able to sincerely RP.