NationStates Jolt Archive

LSBN Presents....

Team Star Falco
17-06-2004, 07:24
....The History Behind...

Falco Lombardi

Emperor of Team Star Falco...

..and Protector of the Lylat System...

..Part I;

9 Years Ago;

It was One of Falco's Rare Good Days. he had been Away from Home All day, without his Drunken Dad, Crazed Uncle, or his Jealous Yonger Brother. yes, this was how hoped every Day would be. he had a Tiny Buisness he Shared with his 16 year old and 19 Year old Friends, and they each made almost 50sc per Week out of it. However, he did not care much for such a Small sum, so he Saved up, and by now, he had 200sc. he had a little thing too do.

he was at the Space Port, and he saw James Mcloud waiting for him.

"hey, Falco" he Commented.

"Hello, Mcloud." Falco Replied.

"so, you want to Learn how too Fly?" James Asked.

"of Course." Falco Replied.

"then come on." James then led Falco into the Hanger where James McCloud's Famed 2-Seat "Hawker" Was Stored. Falco was ompressed by the Hawker. it was a very Modern Combat Starfighter, looking much like the Ar-Wing Concept Fighter built Earlier that Year.

"so, this is the Hawker?" Falco Asked.

"Yes, this is it. the Most Adanced 2-Seater Fightr in the Lylat System" McCloud Replied. "Quite an Awesome Sight." Falco Commented.

"yes, it is. it Truely Is." McCloud Replied too Falco's Comment.

15 Minutes Later;

Falco was at the Controls, steering the Fighter threw Low Orbit above Corneria. it was Quite Fun, he Almost fealt like doing a trick...

5 Minutes Later;

Falco was looping the Fighter like Crazy. he then Began to do Barrel Roles. then McCloud toke over.

"that's Enough now Falco." he Said in a Stern Voice. Falco Sighed.
Team Star Falco
17-06-2004, 08:20
is all this beacuse no-one thinks i ama good Writer? do you actually know hoe much work it takes too Make a good RP!

Team Star Falco
17-06-2004, 17:47
Team Star Falco
22-06-2004, 07:28