16-06-2004, 20:50
In the early part of the 21st century, a small group of Republicans began to think that the country was starting to go to hell in a handbasket soon after the economic failure of 2010 under the Democrat president. This led to the group getting more followers, and in powerful places. Coporations began to join this group, crying for capitalism, seeing as the current president had supported Socialistic style economics. This group had grown around the nation to several million people. After this, the people and corporations began to work together to find a place to found a new, Economically sound nation. Rebellion was not the word for it. The group had moved to the island of Heraal in the Pacific, forming a new nation here based on right wing policies and economic beliefs. At this time, they continue to grow, purchasing areas around them, and are building marvels of engineering, similar to the Channel Tunnel to connect them, with high speed trains, and car routes. Heraal was especially supported by 3 large automakers in America, which promptly moved to Heraal to follow the group. And now, here we are today.