NationStates Jolt Archive

Inferno Penitentiary announced to the public.

13-06-2004, 05:37
OOC: Detailed OOC info here:


Combine International Newslink: Crimmond's current ruling party has been known for it's creulty throught Crimmond's history. No one thought that they would delve into the depths of public domain and alter a classic peice of work for a penitentiary. They did and it has proven to be one of the best secured ones on earth.

Positioned under the radioactive city of Prauge, it is an interpretation of Hell as viewed through the eyes of a reader of Dante's Inferno. Nine Chambers for different offenders.

Not much more is known, but the new Warlord of Crimmond's unstable southern county of Czekloslovokia, a Lieutenant General Rammar Santiana, states that "Inferno has the capacity to hold 30,000 inmates and can be easily expanded if needed."
Lieutenant General Rammar Santiana
Warlord of Czekloslovokian Marine Garrison
13-06-2004, 14:51
OOC: This is a news report going out to the world, so responses are quite welcome.

IC: The citizens of crimmond have raised up their fists and cheered at this announcement. The crime rate had been climbing steadily for years until the Black Staff took over and with this new prison, it is dropping dramatically. Though, compared to other prisons in the world, it's 30,000 is a reserved capacity, Inferno was built more for deterance mthan as an actual and active part of the justice system.

Some have asked how long you spend in Inferno before being released. The answer that came back was a bit suprising and morbidly fitting. Once you go into Inferno, you don't come out. Several have tried escape and one attempt was allowed to succede, the two men scrambling to th surface only to find that they had just dommed themselves to a walk through one of the deadliest parts of Crimmond. They died of radiation exposure within three hours. The recording was sent to each chamber, so that they may witness what happened to those stupid enough to try escape.

Several faction leaders in the Czekloslovokian county have found themselves here in different chambers. Warlord Santiana has taken a hard line with them, forcing them to stop fighting for at least the time being by depriving most of them of leadership all at once. Only a few weak factions remain intact and they seem to be alligning themselves with the Lieutenant General, becoming his personal militia army, in addition to his strike marines.
13-06-2004, 15:49
"Wow that Rammar guy is cute... wait, did I say that on the air? DAMMIT!"
Her Blessed Majesty Empress Tzu Yun
Chu’pei Imperial Dynasty
The Empire of Saiogena
13-06-2004, 20:46
"You did indeed and it has been duly noted.

"I am also accepting questions from the international community about Inferno at this time. It is one of the few nearly escape proof prisons. I say nearly because there is no escape proof prison... but we'll sure as hell try and get it that way."
Lieutenant General Rammar Santiana
Warlord of Czekloslovokian Marine Garrison
14-06-2004, 07:28