NationStates Jolt Archive

This is London calling, come-in Commonwealth-hopefuls

The British Federation
13-06-2004, 02:18
Since the cutting of many international ties prior to and following the election ( of Prime Minister John Bull, head of the British Industrial Democratic Party, the UK has been in desperate need of new relations. The mass emigration that sped Britain’s decline is known to have spawned countless ex-patriot colonies around the globe, most now independent nation states. It is with nations such as these that Blighty now hopes to forge fresh and lasting links.

Hoping to revive the Commonwealth of Nations (AKA The British Commonwealth), London has begun to make diplomatic overtures to former colonies and other states of at least partly British origin.

Should Britain’s attempts meet with success it is hoped that a loose and voluntary union of British-origin republics, Commonwealth Realms (independent nations still recognising the British monarch –presently Queen Elizabeth III- as chief of state), and indigenous monarchies with significant British legacies. Queen Elizabeth III, it is hoped in London, shall serve as universally recognised Head of the Commonwealth.

It is hoped that both wealthy, developed nations and lesser-developed or poorer states may find in the Commonwealth a forum for equal and open contact and a forum through which to reach agreements and improve understanding of one another’s circumstances and needs. Regular meetings between member governments are proposed, with some based in London and others rotationally through the remaining member states.

The mandate of the organisation is yet open to modification, but would likely focus upon strengthening cultural and commercial links, aiding the development of struggling members, supporting democracy and basic human rights throughout, and possibly affording some degree of international security for members.

Commonwealth Day would continue to be celebrated on the second Monday in March, and hopes are high for regular Commonwealth Games.

PM Bull is keen to have half the world, “drive on the proper side, eat proper breakfasts, use less ZEDs and more Us, drink less coffee and more tea, dress judges and lawyers properly, celebrate boxing day, play better sports, publicly-fund independent broadcasting, and understand the difference between lager and real ale.” It is widely suspected that the PM can and shall be tempered in most of these aims...
Dieu et mon droit

(OOC: Notes: Yes, this Nation State is meant to represent the UK of GB and NI. Yes it is part of the modern world. Yes the title Elizabeth the Third is deliberate. I consider the nation’s 55 million fall in population symbolic of mass emigration into various British-origin Nation States (about three have already sent telegrams welcoming us to the world!). I revamped the nation’s legislative and executive branches because, well, I wanted my own characters, and I didn’t want to slander anybody. The term Federation reflects increased devolution across the UK under John Bull’s government. So now we wait to see if any British-origin nations are keen to latch-on to the motherland in any degree! And be warned- any attempt to annex the motherland will be met with... like... dozens of TA recruits!)
The British Federation
13-06-2004, 03:31
(I'm afraid that I have no idea how long it may take for interested parties to notice this. Oh... bump!)
The British Federation
13-06-2004, 17:01
Debate rages on, should London shell-out to fly diplomats around the globe seeking-out potential Commonwealth members? Should we sit on our arses and wait for them to come, no matter how long it may take?
The British Federation
23-06-2004, 03:56
With the joining of native monarchies of Atlantic-island state Walmington on Sea and Near-Asian/North African Canan, the Commonwealth of Nations finally looks on the road to recovery. Boosted by these additions the campaign rolls on.