NationStates Jolt Archive

A State Visit (ATTN: Pantocratoria)

12-06-2004, 20:59
Aboard the Syskeyia One

Saturday already?, though President and First Consul Benedict Michael Sukothai to himself as we woke up aboard his upgraded Airbus A380.

"We're nearing Pantocratorian airspace, sir," an aide informed him. Sure enough, Sukothai could see the Pantocratorian acrchipelago (sp) from the window of his living quarters.

He had been briefed on the situation in the Imperium Sanctissimum et Augustissimum Pantocratoriae. About the Greek-French split, the political situation and, most terribly, the UN-enforced legalization of abortion.

The First Consul mused about the situation. Two historically Catholic states, emerging from happenstance sideshows of major historical events.* One had become a republic, the other an empire. That did not bother Sukothai, for the successors of Constantine had proven to be able and benevolent monarchs indeed. He could still remember when they had donated the Harriers and Sheridans to the Imperial Armed forces.

This, he thought, will be a visit to remember...

OOC: It's the state thread, abliet a day late. But since it could take a day or so for an airliner to go across the Eurasian continent (from Southeast Asia to the Atlantic), it's reasonable. And for your viewing pleasure, here is Sukothai's jet, the Syskeyia One:

God bless,

The Republic of Syskeyia