Operation Bottle Started ATTN Galdago!
::Secret IC::
South West Allanea
"And what exactly are we doing?" says John Holloway, a young NRA member, tossing another crate onto the truck.
"Careful, bud", answers his partner as he gets behind the steering wheel. "Get onto this here truck".
The white trailer truck, painted with the symvol of the World Rifle Association (OOC: Not the Allanean Rifle Association) turns and goes out to the highways, going at 150 kph.
"See here, thre all 'em country's like Galdago were they don't respect the right to bear arms," the driver continues, pointing at the sticker where the word of that article of the Allanean Covenant guaranteeing that right is inscribed in golden letters.
"And they want to set up the UNCIAT to make it even harder for people to protect themselves. So our Presidential Advisor and the NRA, and all the goodguys out there went out and set up the WRA to help those poor folks, right? "
"So now the government and the NRA and all those guys bough this mass of beer bottles. And they put pen guns in them"
"Pen guns. 22.LR ones. They put a pen gun, a copy of the Allanean Covenant and five rounds of ammo in every bottle, and they got the Four Rules on the other side of that copy of the Covenant. One out of 10 bottles holds more ammo instead in the pen gun."
"They're gonna drop it in the sea somewhere for the poor folks to find."
"No clue"
And with that, the existence of Allanea has been IGNORED for all practical IC purposes. If you want to RP with anyone, learn to do it cooperatively. Contact them OOCly before posting and ask if it is acceptable to manipulate their nation in some fashion.
...and as far as I'm concerned, your manipulations are not. All posts addressed to me in the future will be essentially dismissed.
And with that, the existence of Allanea has been IGNORED for all practical IC purposes. If you want to RP with anyone, learn to do it cooperatively. Contact them OOCly before posting and ask if it is acceptable to manipulate their nation in some fashion.
Galdago, nowhere in that post did I claim I intended to do ANYTHING to your nation at all. Please point out to any line that could be construed to mean otherwise.
11-06-2004, 17:26
Please point out to any line that could be construed to mean otherwise.
country's like Galdago were they don't respect the right to bear arms.....they want to set up the UNCIAT to make it even harder for people to protect themselves. So our Presidential Advisor and the NRA, and all the goodguys out there went out and set up the WRA to help those poor folks, right
Try the title of the thread for one thing. For another, this is a preemptive ignore, given your OOC indications to me were that "wait til we start sending guns in bottles to your country." Before you start posting anything about what effects it's had in Galdago/Aperin, or before you even post anything remotely regarding me in any fashion whatsoever that's addressed ATTN: me or otherwise, I'm IGNORE-ing you for my own sanity and avoiding any foolish thoughts you may have that I may actually want to include responding to your nonsense in my time budgeting. Don't bother contacting me OOCly any more either.
OOC: There are thousands of anti-gun nations there, Falastur. Galdago was alterted simply as he is the UNCIAT head and could be interested.
The driver smiles as the South Allanean Sea appears on the horizon.
"Soon, pal, soon they will be proven wrong."
OOC: We're not getting involved IC. However, while we are against firearms completly, IC and OOC, we have to say that Galdago is IGNOREing Allanea for no reason. In RL, nations don't tell the other one in advance when they will be doing something.
Back in the height of NationStates RP, it was like that. I launched a series of covert operations in the heart of the GDODAD (for those who can't remember, it was the evil alliance that dominated NS Geopolitics back then. It has since been supplanted by Metus.) without notification- just like it would be in real life. They accepted it, we roleplayed it out, and no one moaned in petty OOC arguments.
Galdago, roleplay it. Don't IGNORE someone just because they do something you don't like to your nation.
The Silver Turtle
12-06-2004, 16:43
OOC: We're not getting involved IC. However, while we are against firearms completly, IC and OOC, we have to say that Galdago is IGNOREing Allanea for no reason. In RL, nations don't tell the other one in advance when they will be doing something.
Back in the height of NationStates RP, it was like that. I launched a series of covert operations in the heart of the GDODAD (for those who can't remember, it was the evil alliance that dominated NS Geopolitics back then. It has since been supplanted by Metus.) without notification- just like it would be in real life. They accepted it, we roleplayed it out, and no one moaned in petty OOC arguments.
Galdago, roleplay it. Don't IGNORE someone just because they do something you don't like to your nation.
OOC: I agree. If Allanea starts doing something utterly out of line, such as saying half your population supports him, then fine, ignore him. But at the moment he's not doing anything outwith the bounds of possibility, so play along.
Feline, my GDODAD hasn't been supplanted by Metus, it's a part of Metus...
This has been an Ineffable Tag, sponsored by Molten Boron. there's no better boron!
Dalaran, Aissur
In the South-Allanean city, two million bottles with zipguns and propaganda are loaded into cargo ships. A similar amount is loaded on the Northern Coast.
12-06-2004, 16:59
Frankly, nothing can stop a player from ignoring someone, no matter how stupid and ignorant it is.
Though if you really want to be roleplay continuity nazis, here's something for you to think about. I'm appalled by the lack of player freedoms in a game. Roleplaying is supposed to be fun, how could it be when someone wants to smack you upside the head and you can't do anything about it?
Game balance is nice, but at least give some tolerance. If it is possible, it doesn't mean you can actually do it. Failing that tends to make you more enemies than friends. You should (but are not obliged to) ask the player first, then you can roleplay without having to scream insults at each other.
Galdago, roleplay it. Don't IGNORE someone just because they do something you don't like to your nation.
OOC: Feline, here's a suggestion: don't bother with something that isn't going to change. If you had any idea behind the OOC precipitation of all of these things by Allanea, you'd understand why I’ve got little desire to pander to him. Commentary like "We are starting a cold war; we will win," while requesting I hand him over a map of the region (and it's not like he couldn't have gotten it himself, we don't hide it), and making several attempts at blatantly being belligerent while trying to pretend, "But I do nothing wrong here!" have made me fed up with the idea that Allanea would have anything to do with my nation. I’m not going to bother throwing up IRC/MSN chat logs, and frankly I think I’ll be blocking/purging Allanea’s MSN history briefly. I wouldn’t be the first to IGNORE him, and considering the way he plays this game it’s not surprising. Moreover, it’s not like this ridiculous little thread is a “good” idea that will just hold tons of fun. *lolls and gags*
As far as I am concerned, role-playing is a form of cooperative story writing. If a story line isn’t formed cooperatively, then this is the sort of thing that happens. Nations say “no” and start ignoring others. The story line never really develops and it’s just a pissing match between two people. If a nation wishes to engage the Commonwealth in an RP, they can contact me OOC and ask if it’s acceptable. That’s what the telegram system is for. If you want to see how this sort of role-playing strategy is working out for my associates and me, then I suggest you read the “Order of the Invisible Hand” thread and its partner, “The Unlikely Deliverance.” There’s a reason that there are ten pages of posts on that story line and Allanea’s threads pretty rarely manage over three, most of them being spitting rebukes. The ones that do are the ones where Allanea’s at war with someone... again.
You don’t have any success if you RP unilaterally. Trying to prod someone into reacting to what you do only works half of the time. The other half? Well, you simply get IGNOREd, and why would that be a surprise?
If this were about not liking what he did to my nation, then I'd probably have to find some other excuse. This is mostly about avoiding being harassed by him further all around. And if nations didn't have the capability IGNORE-ing people who did something they didn't like to their nation, I'm sure that there's suddenly be several epidemics spreading from state-sponsored bioterror, there would be several metropolitan cities reduced to rubble by nuclear assault, and every agressor would be the victor over the defender. There's a lot more to be said for cooperation than there is for "just going with" a story line you have no desire to participate in.
North Allanean Sea
The vessels go on in the direction of Goobergunchia.
OOC: Trust me, I've been there before with the provoking... and in a war he declared on an alliance I am in over some small godforsaken strip of land owned by one of it's members.
That's just what Allanea's government does: Be blatantly belligerant while pretending he has done nothing wrong. Accept it, and you might be able to have a good roleplay.
The reason none of his threads are long is because he starts a different thread for lots of things: For example, when he was being blatantly belligerent to an alliance I was in, each individual provocation had its own special thread. That's just one thing that he does OOC. Accept it, and you might be able to have a good roleplay.
Roleplaying is a form of cooperative storywriting. But it also means rolling with the punches- just because the government of a nation is being a complete idiot doesn't mean you shouldn't react to it.
If people didn't start IGNOREing things that were not planned, and, as I put it, rolling with the punches, roleplay is just as fun. Most of the good roleplays I have had, except for two of them that by their nature had to be, have been completely unilaterally started.
I started reading (but didn't want to get involved... Knootoss and my government had a small diplomatic crisis a little bit back, so...), when Knootoss started it, the Invisible Hand thread. I stopped reading it for a day or two, and now I'm lost. So... oh well.
People really IGNORE too much these days. Back when I started, roleplays were: A. Very sucessful and B. I'd say upwards of 75, if not 90% spontaneous. People would do stuff like this all the time, the other nations would accept it, and they would have a good time.
13-06-2004, 00:37
*suggests this topic is either closed or left alone*
Flaming is bad mmmkay?
OOC: We're not flaming, just ranting. I have not said one word personally about Galdago. I personally don't care what happens to this thread.