NationStates Jolt Archive

Final Decisions

11-06-2004, 04:38
"I can't believe it's come to this."
William Calimar, Hereditary President of the People's Republic of Vernii, tossed the NavInt summary onto the table in front of him. He had seemed to age several years suddenly, and the faces of his Cabinet looking at him from around the conference table looked barely younger. The Star Armada was moving into Yalta, and NavInt was hearing rumors of occupational lines already being drawn up between New Ortaga and Valinon. The fragile balance of power in the region was breaking down.

"I can Sir."
The words had come from Secretary of Defense Ronald Bergen, and more than one gaze at the table narrowed at his words. "We've always known another conflict between us and Valinon was almost inevitable. However alike our nations may be, we just have too many competing interests for territory and trade, not to mention the arms race. However unpleasant the news of this may be, we can't say it's a surprise."

Calimar nodded in acknowledgement, "And what do you propose we do Ron?"
"I've already had our naval planners drawing up plans for a massive preemptive strike on almost every GSA system. We hit them hard, we hit them fast, we smash everything of military value in the system, and we pull back to Gregor. After that, we commence normal military operations if they are still willing to pursue a war with us. If they are, well at least the GSA would be crippled, so that evens the odds a bit against Valinon and Ortaga. The rest of the Triple Alliance can be counted on to back us up, after all, they would be next on Valinon's menu after us. Harris can give you the rest of the details. Harris?"

Fleet Admiral Harris, Chief of Naval Operations of the People's Navy, rose to his feet. He pressed a button on the table, and a holographic map of the Raumreich appeared over the table. He picked up a pointer and cleared his throat. "Well, the operation calls for massive simultaneous strikes on the systems of Yalta, Madras, and Stocurm. We've been in touch with the Commonwealth Navy, and they are planning on hitting Cronos. The Erewohn Grand Fleet will reinforce us. Right now my plans for Yalta consist of hurling half of our Wall into it, plus a small reinforcement from the CN. The other systems will use smaller fleets, a battleship and battlecruiser squadron plus a carrier division from the CN for Madra, and a lighter task force for Stocurm. Each system is going to be softened up with Q-ships, three for Yalta, one each for Madras and Stocurm. They will wait until they detect our fleet's hyper footprints before rolling pods. After the initial attack, any surviving Q-ships will run for the hyper limit and jump back to Gregor, where any of them still combat capable will rearm and repair before being sent into Pelledrine and Chandaras. Meanwhile, our fleets will punch out the local defenders, and destroy every possible orbital military installation in the systems before retreating back to Gregor. This plan has the potential to destroy one third of the Valinor Star Armada if we pull it off correctly, and I'm sure they'd think twice before attacking us in turn, at least for the immediate future."

"Admiral, what would you consider optimal timing for the attacks?" Calimar asked.
"As soon as possible, every moment we delay is a moment the Star Armada could attack us instead."
"I see. As much as I wish I didn't have to, I think we have no choice. Ron, write up the mobilization orders and I'll sign them. Elaine? You might want to inform our allies that we're going ahead. If there's nothing else, you're all dismissed."

Everyone rose from the table, and left the room. Outside the room, Harris caught up to Bergren in a hallway. "I'd like to warn you ahead of time that I'm going with the Empyrean to Yalta.
"No. If you die there, it might throw the fleet into a temporary command confusion, we can't risk that. Besides, what if the Valinor hurl a fleet through the junction while you're in Yalta?"
"Then the junction forts and Home Fleet can handle them, besides Admiral Ganote can handle that responsibility. If I don't go to Yalta then he will, and I'm afraid that any personal vendettas might cloud his judgement there."
"Fine, and be careful, the Navy can't afford to lose it's commander during a war."

Calimar entered his office and called up his home on his desk vidphone. A short moment later, his wife's face appeared on the screen. "Hi honey, listen...I don't think there's going to be a peaceful resolution to the crisis. I'm going to have the Corona readied for a trip, and if war breaks out I want you and the family to head to Earth. I don't think we'll lose, but still. I'm probably going to be home a bit late, I have some paperwork to sign..."
A few minutes later, Calimar finished his conversation and disconnected from the call. He turned in his chair and sat there, watching the darkening sky over Cardona as lights came on in the residential towers and skyscrapers.

Over Vernii, two courier boats broke orbit, both heading for the Erewohn junction. One head straight for Erewohn itself, and the other toward Thetis. Both carried news of the mobilization and war decisions.
14-06-2004, 11:52
Knootian response:
KIST board post. (