Join the March of Liberal Protestors!
Liberal Protestors
10-06-2004, 19:49
OOC: This whole thing is IC.
The March (OOC: Community until we hit 500 million) of Liberal Protestors is calling upon you to help us fight conservatism worldwide through peaceful protests. Using tactics pioneered by other liberal groups, we hope to spread liberalism.
We need wealthy members as well, to donate boats, aircraft, etc. to establish a "Peaceful Protest Army" that will be able to have people anywhere in the world within twenty-four hours.
Free Outer Eugenia
10-06-2004, 20:15
What is the goal of this March? What are it's methods? What is it's programme? We find the present decleration to be rather vague.
10-06-2004, 21:46
930,000 Vistadin citizens have enthusiastically decided to participate in this.
I am sending 50 boats and 100 planes 8)
The Holy Word
10-06-2004, 21:55
The Holy Word would like to make it clear that we will consider any of this so called "Peaceful Protest Army" (actually an army for the secular humanist conspiracy) entering our nation to be an act of war and will respond accordingly.
Liberal Protestors
10-06-2004, 23:11
Free Outer Eugenia: An excellent question. Our goals are: To promote social welfare and safety nets, political and civil rights, environmental and labor protection, and to assist movements within countries, either by marching with them or providing other means of assistance, in furthering these goals.
Vistadin: Your citizens are gladly welcome in our organization.
The Holy Word: We have people of all religions, including secular humanists. However, we are part of no conspiracy. If we were, why did we only ask for boats, aircraft, and the like, and no weapons.
Wood, paper, nails, and paint would be appreciated however to make picket signs with.
The Holy Word
11-06-2004, 00:50
The Holy Word: We have people of all religions, including secular humanists. However, we are part of no conspiracy. If we were, why did we only ask for boats, aircraft, and the like, and no weapons.
Your weapons, like all godless infidels, are the spread of moral decay and the destruction of the social fabric of moral societys.
11-06-2004, 01:07
Due to the political fallout because of 6/9 and the fact that we are trying to reestablish the state governments and rewrite the Pact of Alliance and turn it into a Pact of Union (with a much stronger Federal Government) the Liberal Protestors will be banned from entering the borders of Saiogena at this time. You will be informed when this changes, but in this time of chaos we need unity, not disharmony.
Princess Tzu Yun
The Armed Republic of Saiogena
Liberal Protestors
11-06-2004, 01:49
The Holy Word: Some of us do not believe in a religion. Some of us do. Some of use believe in the same religion as you. None of us believe that it should matter to anyone but whatever higher power there is what one's beliefs are.
Saiogena: Chaos often precipitates change. Disharmony does as well. What value does unity serve?
11-06-2004, 01:53
Any marchers in Dontgonearthere will be givin the finest hospitality, the govornment will permit foot marches from city to city, and will even provide an escort of friendly soldiers to prevent protestors from esc- being assaulted.
Of course its about 200mi on average from city to city through trackless desert in DGNT...water will be G10 per bottle.
The Irish Isle
11-06-2004, 01:54
O.O.C. Socialism = Slavery Welfare and social programs = slavery. The larger the government the less freedom the individual citizen has. Smaller government is Always better, always. All the government should be concerned with is defence and maintaning the roads...nothing more. Local government should be incharge of education, enforcing the laws. That is what our founding fathers wanted, and that is still the best thing that we can do. Thats why "Friends don't let friends vote democrat!" and as poor of a president George Walke Bush is, putting Kerry in is the worst thing that anyone can do. Liberman, he'd be a decent democrat, Kerry, He needs to die. Vote Right: Bush '04!
I.C. We do not support such protest and will greatly discourage it in our country, with force if need be.
11-06-2004, 02:08
The Holy Word: We have people of all religions, including secular humanists. However, we are part of no conspiracy. If we were, why did we only ask for boats, aircraft, and the like, and no weapons.
Your weapons, like all godless infidels, are the spread of moral decay and the destruction of the social fabric of moral societys.
Here in Apollopoli, our government and bureaucracy is completely secular. Our social welfare systems and education systems are secular, but we have manage to maintain a moral, almost utopian society.
Liberal Protestors
11-06-2004, 02:09
This is semi-OOC, semi-IC.
Now, let me try to make sense of and dissect your arguments, Irish Isle.
You wakeing Liberal Douche.
Such an intellectual retort.
Socialism = Slavery Welfare
We advocte social saftey nets, not socialism- learn the difference. Socialism is where government has control of the means of production. Social saftey nets are where government helps the poor.
and social programs = slavery.
How? It frees up the citizen from fear of falling into poverty- it ensures that everyone can live and be comfortable, no matter what misfortune may befall them.
The larger the government the less freedom the individual citizen has.
Not necessarily. We advocate less government regulation of one's personal life, and large government interference in the economy, although not socialism. Government interfering in the economy gives people freedom from fear of poverty, freedom from poverty itself, and freedom to live life with a basic standard of living.
Smaller government is Always better, always. All the government should be concerned with is defence and maintaning the roads...nothing more.
If government can do some good in people's lives, then why shouldn't it?
Local government should be incharge of education,
Why? If a person in, say, Massachusetts, should learn one thing, then why shouldn't someone in, say, California? Or Alabama? Or Wisconsin?
enforcing the laws.
Why not have one law code for the whole country? Again, if one law is good in one area, why would it not be good in another?
That is what our founding fathers wanted,
Who cares? Just because some people who made our country had some opinions, why should/would that impact our opinions today?
and that is still the best thing that we can do.
Why? So, you are saying that 200 years of social progress mean nothing?
Thats why "Friends don't let friends vote democrat!" and as poor of a president George Walke Bush is, putting Kerry in is the worst thing that anyone can do.
Why? Because he wants to help all people, and not just the richest among us?
Liberman, he'd be a decent democrat, Kerry, He needs to die. Vote Right: Bush '04!
Lieberman is conservative, and not a real democrat. He is in favor of all sorts of censorship, theocratic government, etc.
Sounds like you are liberal- just a different variety. A classical liberal, known today in the United States as libertarian. But the proper political science term is classical liberal- so you called yourself a "Douche" earlier. Real smart.
If you are going to debate, at least know what you are talking about.
Liberal Protestors
11-06-2004, 02:10
Apollopoli: Exactly what we are advocating!
Dontgonearthere: We welcome your open society, and will bring plenty of bottled water.
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
Liberal Protestors
11-06-2004, 02:20
OOC: Read the stickies. Don't type in all caps. I realize you are new (as is this nation, but I have been around OOC (Look up what this means) in NS since almost the start.), but you can learn to be a good player.
Just a few tips. By the way, most liberals today are well-educated professionals, academics, etc., not hippies.
11-06-2004, 02:22
If your going to respond like that, at least try to be funny...and not because of a room-temperature IQ...
11-06-2004, 02:27
11-06-2004, 02:28
Saiogena: Chaos often precipitates change. Disharmony does as well. What value does unity serve?
Considering that over 20,000 government officals were killed in a single day we do NOT need more chaos, we need UNITY!
Princess Tzu Yun
The Armed Republic of Saiogena
Large numbers of Feline citizens have set up a branch of the Liberal Protestors in the nation, already very liberal.
11-06-2004, 02:41
Skeelzania donates the following to the March:
50,000 gallons of incredibly lead-laden paint, of various colors
40,000 reams of subgrade paper, white
20,000 board feet of wood extra splintery!
and finally, 40 cases of nails Warning: nails may contain dangerous amounts of plutonium.
We hope these will help your cause, as well as get rid of some of our surplus.
Free Outer Eugenia
11-06-2004, 03:15
Socialism is where government has control of the means of production.
Not at all. Socialism is an economic paradigm in which workers have total control over their labor. Free Outer Eugenia for example has a sort of a socialist economy called 'anarcho-syndicalism' that exists without any sort of government.
Liberal Protestors
11-06-2004, 03:48
OOC: Syndicalism is a variant of socialism, but socialism is, by definition (Or at least how it has been taught to me in all the economics courses I have taken) when government owns the means of production.
As for Anarcho-syndicalism, the philsophy sounds attractive at first glance, and some parts of it can be incorporated into modern society, but the theory as a whole is impractical today due to the fallability of human beings.
Free Outer Eugenia
11-06-2004, 05:11
As for Anarcho-syndicalism, the philsophy sounds attractive at first glance, and some parts of it can be incorporated into modern society, but the theory as a whole is impractical today due to the fallability of human beings.But it has worked with a mass of human beings just as fallable as you and me. The most extensive example of this comes in the form of the CNT's control over much of Spain's productive capacity during the Spanish Civil War. All arguments against Syndicalism like this have been rendered moot by reality. It works. It works on a large scale. It works with factories employing thousands. it has been shown to increase quality of life and productivity.
As for your definition of socialism: it is the Marxist definition only. Socialism is far older than Marx though.
FOE - with a massive cost to human liberty
Liberal Protestors: The Allanean govrnment will send $10,000,000 dollars as a donation to the protestors.
Also, the Allanean NRA will send it's volunteers to the march.
Free Outer Eugenia
11-06-2004, 05:43
FOE - with a massive cost to human liberty
Please try to be at least a little bit informed on the subject before you post. The liberty and democracy enjoyed by the people of Catalonia in those years was unparrallelled in human history. This was no Marxist dictatorship: it was a people's uprising. It was stateless industreal democracy.
11-06-2004, 06:04
FROM: Thraakan Naal, Lord Praetor of Necros-Vacuia
TO: Executive, The Liberal Protestors
RE: Protestors' Army
Regrettably, political protest of any kind is regarded in our sovereign nation as a capital crime, which is punishable by life imprisonment for both citizens and visiting foreign nationals. I must ask that the Liberal Protestors not intrude on the soil of Necros-Vacuia, or they will be arrested and held without bail.
We do not, however, support conservative and right-wing politics, and wish you the best in your endeavors. Thank you for your cooperation.
Sincerely, Lord Praetor Thraakan Naal, Dominion of Necros-Vacuia
Please send all replies to this message to the Necros-Vacuia Executive Communications Monitoring Department.
Zyne peers, but could not decipher: Are they protesting liberalism? Or liberally protesting?
Does it matter, she thought, as she poured another glass.
11-06-2004, 06:38
The Mikatopian Government is disgusted at this terrible diplay of rebellion and anarchy (keep in mind that my nation is extremely conservitive as well as a fierce dictatorship)
If any participators of this March enter the Nation, they will be shot on site. No Execptions.
FOE - with a massive cost to human liberty
Please try to be at least a little bit informed on the subject before you post. The liberty and democracy enjoyed by the people of Catalonia in those years was unparrallelled in human history. This was no Marxist dictatorship: it was a people's uprising. It was stateless industreal democracy.
Any links? I am basing my statement on Ilya Erenburg's memoirs of the Spanish civil war.
Ashibot welcomes any members of the Liberal Protestors to its land