Changing Times: Social Democrats win election
Clarissa Bencenoff watched the numbers spin down the side of the ticker. She could feel herself growing faint, knowing she had little chance of winning. Around her, her supporters also watched, knowing this could make or break their fragile party. Her eyes carried over to James, standing stoically in the cold of the desert night, despite the fact that he knew his party would probably also suffer electoral losses. Her heart went out to him, as she remembered the time they had spent together at the Masquerade. Her legs temporarily felt like jelly, but she stood tall.
Grigori Hans Kroenen also watched, carefully. He knew that his party, while most likely not remaining second, would hold the balance of power in any new parliament. And there would be other elections...his chief lieutenant was Premier of Agua, after all. The NSIWP would eventually triumph federally, he thought, as Heinrich and Reinhardt fingered their automatic pistols.
Vladimir Hohenzollern's representative stood in the background, not caring to speak to any of the candidates. He was sure that the Imperial Party would win this.
James looked around, nervously. His breath hung in the night air, and he smiled at Clarissa, nervously. He wondered what she had thought of that dance, and what she would think of him if she knew that win or lose, he would be leaving politics? 20 years in this business was enough. He looked up, suddenly, as the Servant of the Imperial Diadem in charge of ballots appeared.
"The votes have been calculated for each district..." Massive amounts of numbers flashed down the screen. Clarissa closed her eyes, not wanting to watch her hopes dashed...
The numbers blurred, but soon stabilised. And the official coughed and spoke once more. "National Socialist Imperial Worker's party...fifteen percent of the total vote."
Kroenen closed his eyes, knowing that this wasn't a particularly serious set-back for the movement. Around him, though, his followers looked mournful. He would have to do something about that.
The official checked another set of numbers as they were handed to him, and did a quick calculation. "Imperial Party...5% of the total vote."
Hohenzollern's representative mouthed a little prayer.
Clarissa opened her eyes, realising what this might mean. She felt James's presence behind her, as he too moved forward to hear better.
"Central Democratic Party...33% of the total vote..."
James blinked. "That...that wasn't so bad..." he thought, not envying Carlos for having to be Leader of Her Imperial Highness's Loyal Opposition.
Clarissa stared in shock as the official picked up the final set of numbers..."Popular Front: Socialist Party...35% of the total vote. Peace Party...12% of the total vote. Total votes for Popular Front: 47%. Madame Clarissa Bencenoff, Her Imperial Highness will receive you tomorrow afternoon to kiss rings."
Clarissa stepped backwards into James's arms, spinning around to meet his eyes in shock. He smiled at her. " least I lost to you..." he put his hand out for her to shake.
She stared at it, and grabbed his hand, pulling him into an embrace where she kissed him firmly, and then started to weep with joy and shock into his chest.!DgqKdX7YPsndJSjuAFYcxl9AM9i!O2zuUS4eMd13Lja2vt8yCmsXaNz!Plx DqJBu*c2SjOqd4K1hb!Px18MDNLD4/Clarissa%20Bencenoff.jpg
Clarissa Bencenoff
Prime Minister
Divine Imperium of Novar Ohan and the Sunset Isles
Water Cooler De Novo
09-06-2004, 12:34
The Empire of Water Cooler De Novo would like to be amongst the first to congratulate Madame Clarissa Bencenoff on her democratic win.
We welcome all future chances for diplomatic intercourse.
May the Cooler shine on her reign.
Enclosed is a personal message from the Director.
Win you have.
Smile I do.
May you lead wisely.
May the cooler be with you,
The Director.
Attached with the message is a create with a small wooden carving of a penguin.
09-06-2004, 14:08
We congratuate Madame Clarissa Bencenoff on her electoral victory in Roania. I look forward to meeting her on my next visit.
God bless
Queen of Jeruselem
Keeper of the Holy Lands
* Defenders of The Faith
* United States of Foreign Aid Givers Alliance (USFG)
* New Jewish Alliance (NJA)
* Concordia
Had a holiday Roania?
09-06-2004, 15:32
The Government of Kaukolastan sends its congradulations to the new Prime Minister, and wishes her luck in the coming days.
Tanah Burung
09-06-2004, 16:41
Our very best wishes are extended to the new government of Roania. Any election is a victry for democracy simply by virtue of taking place: this one doubly so for choosing a progressive voice to govern.
Mari Alkatiri
People's representative for foreign affairs & human rights
09-06-2004, 16:53
09-06-2004, 16:59
Similar words of praised arrived from Knootoss, sent by Prime Minister nos CĂrdan on behalf of the DDR government. Separate congratulations were sent by the social-liberal SLP party.
09-06-2004, 17:01
The Commonwealth of Clangerland sends congratulations to the new Prime Minister of Roania and her government. We all wish you good luck.
King Littian II
(Elected 2 years ago if the royal title appears to be an anachronism)
Clarissa seemed somewhat dazed by the immense amount of mail that had arrived at her lodgings from MFAT. She carefully pinned up the one from Nos Cirdan to her wall, and placed the others in carefully sealed bags for future reading.
A loud knock came at her door, and she leapt up, fearing it was the men from Bluegrove to take her away from her old life so soon. She flushed when she looked at herself in the mirror, seeing her simple clothes, and turned even more red when she opened the door to see James standing there, dressed for the first time, as far as she knew, in casually formal clothes. She coughed. "James? What are..."
He coughed himself. "I...I'm leaving, so...I thought I'd... see, I was given a plot of land in Agua for my services, so..." he closed his eyes, and forced out, "I just came around, to say goodbye, and wish you...good luck, I suppose."
She stared at him, and then stepped aside, letting him into the house. She paused, and looked down. "Oh...I had hoped would be me..." There. She had as good as said it.
The former Prime Minister blushed. "Well...I had wanted to work on gardening, and I didn't want to have to use irrigational labour to carry water around, and all of the estates by Tarquin have been..." he fell silent. "I...could ask for a posting at the court..." he said, carefully, leaving his options open in case he had misjudged her.
She tried to ignore the sudden stirring of happiness his words had inspired, but failed. She managed to say, "Oh...I wouldn't...wouldn't want you to...trouble you...I mean, it's not as if...we're..." she met his eyes, unable to finish.
They leaned towards each other, lips meeting softly, his arm going around her and holding her close to him.
10-06-2004, 11:21
"Our deepest congratulations to the fair and just victory of the Social Democrat Party of Roania."
The Ariddian government sends its congratulations to the new Roanian government. May you rule with wisdom, compassion and the constant support of your people.
Clarissa stared up the aisle leading to the Crystal Throne of the Imperial Diadem. On that great chair, the Kaiserin stared down at the woman who had come to be named Prime Minister. Clarissa wondered what was going on behind those eyes, inside that head topped with the white, silky hair.
A court official stepped forward. "Madame Clarissa Bencenoff, you have been chosen by the populace of this Divine Imperium as the representative of their will..."
"I have."
"Do you swear to obey all forms and laws regarding the power of this post, to respect the rights and privileges of both the common and noble classes, and to work towards the Grand Cause in all you do?"
"This I swear."
"Do you declare your eternal loyalty to the Imperial Diadem?"
"This I declare."
"Do you understand the onerous task that falls upon you? Men and women of all stations and of all backings have held this position before is not one given lightly or taken lightly. If you wish to continue, step forward..."
Clarissa paused, for the briefest of seconds, as if worried she would do poorly. But then she steeled herself, and glided along the carpet to the throne. Kaiserin Malissa extended her hand, and, in a speech which sounded rehearsed, and was slightly spoiled by the impudent smile, recited, "Do you swear to serve me and those whom I should place above you loyally, truthfully, and correctly? Do you swear to protect all inhabitants of this empire, from the lowest of the low, to the highest of the high?"
"I do swear these things, My Lady..." Clarissa kissed the ring, and curtsied low to the floor.
"Then I proclaim you to be Prime Minister, Head of the Council, Protector of the People's Will. I grant you the noble title of..."
Clarissa held up her hand. "No."
Malissa stumbled. "Sorry?" She asked in surprise.
"No noble may grant me one on my completion of service, if Your Imperial Highness desires...but I can not accept one now."
Malissa paused, as if confused. She shook herself a bit. "Very Prime Minister."
"We are pleased to see that democratic change is taking place in Roania and hope that this trend will continue in the future."
Matthew von Pickett
Minister of Foreign Affairs
11-06-2004, 08:18
The Conservatives in the CCP quietly disagreed with Roania's change of government towards the left. But there wasn't much they could do about it. So instead they sent Ms Bencenoff a nice fruit basket.
((on other words, tag ;)))
Clarissa looked through the various people she was appointing to ministries, and to the Council. As she did, she chewed a bit at the apple that some nice people in Ianisle had sent her. "Mmm...quite good, actually." With some reluctance, she looked once more at the photos of the men she had to appoint to council positions.
((Pictures coming...))
11-06-2004, 11:03
To The Right Honourable The Prime Minister Clarissa Bencenoff,
On behalf of our Imperial Government and all our subjects, we wish to extend our warmest congratulations to you on your recent election victory. We pray that God lends you His strength as you set about the task before you, and warmly wish you the best of luck.
Given by our own hand in the thirty-first year of our reign,
Imperator Pantocratoria, Autocrator of the Romans, Equal of the Apostles, Master of the Knightly Order of the Pantocrator, et al.!FSPjxowW*tnoe9yzCUy4JyMyoZdl5YpABFg**gs5HcOQIOLvgxk2NG1zKYITEj6QNxT7lw5aaHjFdcb *dxbjyEZZvrxJg!2ndQ/s3-ikusm.jpg
Clarissa Bencenoff
Prime Minister
Divine Imperium of Novar Ohan and the Sunset Isles
Clarissa blinked as she looked at her portrait. " I really look like that?"
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Freidrich Tartakan
First Marshal of the Armed Forces
Divine Imperium of Novar Ohan and the Sunset Isles
Field Marshal Freidrich picked up the phone in his office. After a few minutes of listening, he said, "Well...if my nation needs my services, I shall not be wanting." He hung the phone up, and started to dance a jig.
============!fx3SjjT tGXunV5U/X.jpg
Xavier von Brunswick
Head of Foriegn Intelligence
Divine Imperium of Novar Ohan and the Sunset Isles
Xavier laughed, delightedly, when he was informed that he would be coming back as HFI. "Well, I suppose even a Socialist can tell a good man when she sees one..."
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Grand Duke Leopold von Agua VII
Interior Minister
Divine Imperium of Novar Ohan and the Sunset Isles
Grand Duke Leopold nodded as the messenger left. So...I remain on the council, but now as Interior Minister...I wonder why? She must know my policy on socialists...I'll stay for a year, then I really should retire to run my Grand Duchy... Wc74nFVYF*MbrOpd9uA/Blackwood.jpg
Charles Algernon Blackwood
Minister of Colonial and Foriegn Affairs and Trade
Divine Imperium of Novar Ohan and the Sunset Isles
"Well, well," Blackwood said, surprised. "Oh, no...there must be some mistake."!TxPhVUgL85giwbXgiuvGW*Yc036RMdpEBxZzjB0fezx*UcmMCUqmkHxZCRgg4HQxMAGcvG*gQZciK56ny00JbT iMqZC*Grhky7Lcios5g/Mr.%20Johnson.jpg
James Gray
Minister of Health and Social Security
Divine Imperium of Novar Ohan and the Sunset Isles
"I'm not going to do it..." James said to Clarissa, shaking his head. "No way."
-1 very busy hour later-
James sighed and rubbed his temples as he followed Clarissa back to the car. "For the record, dear, I haven't given in on my ideals...I've just been persuaded to hold them back."
Clarissa clasped his hand. "I can be very persuasive, love..."
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Ebert von Kurstow
Lord Chancellor
Divine Imperium of Novar Ohan and the Sunset Isles
Ebert nodded. "It is only what I deserve..." the former President of Imperial Banking Corporation said, smiling evilly.*dZf 1v*0YCP4/Kohl.jpg
Kohl Reindhart
Justice Minister
Divine Imperium of Novar Ohan and the Sunset Isles
The former head of Justice at the Altara Soviet licked his lips at the challenge presented to him.