The dictatorship of Xplasma
Didnt turn out exactly as i had hoped. is there any way to edit what it says.
Im aiming for eccentric dictator...kinda like Moamar gadaffi, the guy who runs Lybia, but not as evil.
Russian Forces
06-06-2004, 04:07
just work on your issues dude and you'll get what you want. To be a dictatorship you need to lower you civil rights and Political rights.
06-06-2004, 04:08
You'd probably want a Benevolent Dictatorship. Great personal freedoms, lousy political freedoms.
The only way to change your country's write up is to answer issues. I would set it to "2 per day" in the settings menu, for greatest possible amount. Also, head on over to the gameplay forum, theres guides telling you how to become what.
IMHO, to get a Benevolent Dictatorship I would be pro-Civil Rights, no-Political Rights. Economy I'm not sure.
This link gives you each UN category and approximate levels of freedoms. It's great. I saved it separately from regular NS in my favorites.
Russian Forces
06-06-2004, 04:11
I think you're right there. personal freedoms are high but political low but economy is strong or you'll find yourself having a Corrupt dictatorship.
Isnt it possible to be a dictator but still have political freedoms? England has a queen, she doesnt hold any real power, just symbolic weight
basiclly my government structure would be:
An elected prime minister does most of the government and decision making. I can overrule the prime minister, but would only do so on occasion.
06-06-2004, 04:28
Well, I suppose you could aim for a "Authoritarian Democracy". Its centrist on political freedoms and authoritarian on everything else.
Of course, if you plan on RPing in the forums, you can just aim for any sort of dictatorship you want and RP yourself as being a quasi-free society. For example, theres no monarchy categories, although I RP as one.
dic·ta·tor·ship P Pronunciation Key (dk-ttr-shp, dkt-)
1. The office or tenure of a dictator.
2. A state or government under dictatorial rule.
3. Absolute or despotic control or power.
The point of a dictatorship is to control the resources and population of a nation without being answerable to the people you're ruling. That's why it's impossible to be a dictatorship with high political freedoms. The Non-Democratic Alliance ( was formed to demonstrate the viability of that system of rule. It's not easy, and it's generally not humane. Civil rights are another issue, and kinda sticky for some people. My Empire strives for high civil rights to allow people to do what they want, so long as it doesn't involve telling the government what to do. It's a hell of a challenge.
I want a partial democracy, but I also want at least one law that cannot be changed no matter what.
The law is: Every homeowner whose house has a concrete or other non-gravel driveway must once a month, wax it. They must wax their driveway once a month! failure to do so will result in the concrete being removed and filled in with gravel!
Some people would be exempt from this under special circumstances, if for example in the unlikely event there is a shortage of Driveway Wax, then people who have been unable to wax their driveways will not have them removed. But will be urged to wax them as soon as they acquire some Driveway Wax.
People who are unable to afford Driveway Wax would get it free from the government!
I guess this means my dream of a country wont be coming true.
but like most leaders, I'll work with what I have.