The Cominform - Socialist query office
The Peoples Scotland
05-06-2004, 17:10
The Presiding Primus Inter Pares of the Central Committee of the Armed Republic of the Peoples Scotland, or just Hobo, opens the Cominform, the Communist Information centre.
Any queries on Socialism, Communism or even some Arachism in the thoery, political and practicle implication side are welcome and I will do what I can to answer them, and if not, try to provide you with pointers that may help.
The Cominform is now open.
05-06-2004, 17:25
Communism SUCKS. Look what happened to Russia and China and Cuba.
The Peoples Scotland
05-06-2004, 17:44
Communism SUCKS. Look what happened to Russia and China and Cuba.
This is for any seriouse queries into any aspect of Socialism and Socialism Govt. Not for people who are so weak in thier views that they don't even try to learn the history or try to gain understanding of the opposing view.
Russian from 1917-23 was Marxist-Leninist, a pragmatic was of appling Marxism with the focus on the end Marxist goals. Afterwards it was a Tyranny with warped Leninist policies under the dictator Stalin.
Chinese communism was based on Stalinisn, 'Communism with Chinese elements' , and you get Maoism.
Cuba is strange, it hasn't done that bad and political freedom there while far from ideal isn't as bad as common conceptions of it.
Incidently, Cuba has one of the best healthcare systems in the world and is one of the most advanced, while rich Americans fly there to get treatment and between 30-45million Americans has less than adequate health cover.
Again, this is for seriouse questions form the Left or Right on any aspect of Socialism, not for people who prefer to stay ignorant to the opposition and just blurt out poorly thought remarks, thier entire thing resting purely on western neggative preconceptions of the States involved.
05-06-2004, 17:53
Might I take this opportunity to invite you to the Celdonian Diplomatic Quarter ( which plays host to, amongst other things, the Coalition of Anticapitalist Economies, and were you will find a vibrant community of anticapitalist nations.
Mike McKay,
Celdonian Foreign Minister.
The Peoples Scotland
05-06-2004, 18:58
Thank you Celdonia, I've recently been told of the impressive works the Coalition of Anti-Capitalist Economies has done in the UN. I look forward to looking into it more, I am currently looking for a socialist based region where I can help to further Socailist causes in the UN and other Nations and help incrase Socialist awarness.
If you could telegram me with more direct information it would useful.
05-06-2004, 21:54
Okay, why did Hitler and Stalin And Mao Tsetung kill half a billion people?
The Peoples Scotland
05-06-2004, 22:21
Okay, why did Hitler and Stalin And Mao Tsetung kill half a billion people?
Because they were all Tyrannical dictators and, athough I speak for Stalin more than chairman Mao, were powermongers.
Stalin was a Stalinist, the bastardization of Leninism which was a form of pragmatic Marxism.
Mao took the Stalinist model and added his own changes to creat Maoism.
A state can have Socialist elements in it but use these to it's own ends. In this sence Socialism and Facism are closely related on the surface, business and state being one (see Italian definition of Facism) but it's the motivation and aims behind the two that make them polar opposites.
This isn't for debating the failure of totaletarian States under the guise, policies and rhetoric of Socailism, but for any real questions or querys about the nature of it. If you want to contine this open a new thread and i will talk to you aobut it.
The Peoples Scotland
06-06-2004, 01:10
Bump, if no one's got any seriouse queries then I guess I'll let this die,
Excellent reasourse for information and understanding though: , in many many languages and covers many many types of Socialist, Communist, Anarchistic and Libertarian tohught.
If they are any queirys from Left or Right alike, I'm happy to offer what information and understandong I can.
The Peoples Scotland
06-06-2004, 17:33
Final Bump,
I'll let it go then :)