03-06-2004, 10:01
The next issue for the President to observe is brought to us by Tele-Linking Calls a cool calm voice through the PA system. The hall was filled with dignitaries and guests, and of course, President Pabli. The whole crowd, whether seated or stood turned their heads to the large screen hanging from the roof as it scanned across an ocean scene. President Pabli was standing with his "note-taker" about 100 yards from the bar, joined by one fo the men who helped get Pabli elected John Grimmins. His name badge glissened in the light form the chandaleer above as he sipped on a cocktail. On the screen a dolphin lept through the waves and splashed back into the deep blue waters, the motion was greeted with a mixture of "awww's" and "oooo's" from the assembled croud, whilst some clapped kindly. Pabli smiled and turned to John Grimmins on his right, he said quitley ;Oh God, not another animal rights video!. John laughed cynicly and grinned as he took another drink from the bar, he placed it to his mouth and the view on screen moved to the left. Now a man, sitting firmly astride a boat wearing a balaklava and black jacket was looking straight down the camera.
Good Evening Mr President he said. The mans voice was depp and sounded to have arabic origin, as he spoke in broken english. He held up a gun, small but automatic and then revelead he was holding a young lady by the neck. The crowd met this with gastly noises, whilst the men tended to swear and blaspheme a lot. This was because the woman was dressed in as little as possible, wearing only her underwear, but no bra. She had a ball gag in her mouth and her arms and legs were tied togethor. The man kept rubbing the gun between her breasts as she shook, terrified of what was happening. Are you all enjoying yourselfs? Because I hope you are! My people started this nation, and now we are forced out fo it! You are a disgrace to what was once a fine nation! Alah will condemn you if you do not return this land to our people, we are the natives! If you do not leave our holy land, we will declare Holy War upon your scum nation, and we will kill every one of your men women and children. You have your warning, hand back the nation to its origins or face tradgedy! With that the video blacked out and the men and women that were gathered stood in awe, some crying some shouting.
Get Me a Car, NOW! said Pabli, turning to his Note-Taker, who quickly scurried off to the door where a car would arrive.
I apologise John, I really have to go. This needs sorting now. Could you do your best to calm these people for me, tell them I'v had to leave and just tell them they can leave when they are ready. Thanks. Without waiting for a reply Pabli ran towards the door, his long jacket trailing in the air behind him. When the cold air hit him outside, it hurt, but not enough to stop him getting into the car which had just pulled up. A modified mercedes, in black with tinted windows began speeding off towards the Presidential residence in Hannoo, this is where the operation would be controlled from.
Good Evening Mr President he said. The mans voice was depp and sounded to have arabic origin, as he spoke in broken english. He held up a gun, small but automatic and then revelead he was holding a young lady by the neck. The crowd met this with gastly noises, whilst the men tended to swear and blaspheme a lot. This was because the woman was dressed in as little as possible, wearing only her underwear, but no bra. She had a ball gag in her mouth and her arms and legs were tied togethor. The man kept rubbing the gun between her breasts as she shook, terrified of what was happening. Are you all enjoying yourselfs? Because I hope you are! My people started this nation, and now we are forced out fo it! You are a disgrace to what was once a fine nation! Alah will condemn you if you do not return this land to our people, we are the natives! If you do not leave our holy land, we will declare Holy War upon your scum nation, and we will kill every one of your men women and children. You have your warning, hand back the nation to its origins or face tradgedy! With that the video blacked out and the men and women that were gathered stood in awe, some crying some shouting.
Get Me a Car, NOW! said Pabli, turning to his Note-Taker, who quickly scurried off to the door where a car would arrive.
I apologise John, I really have to go. This needs sorting now. Could you do your best to calm these people for me, tell them I'v had to leave and just tell them they can leave when they are ready. Thanks. Without waiting for a reply Pabli ran towards the door, his long jacket trailing in the air behind him. When the cold air hit him outside, it hurt, but not enough to stop him getting into the car which had just pulled up. A modified mercedes, in black with tinted windows began speeding off towards the Presidential residence in Hannoo, this is where the operation would be controlled from.