Weaklings, Morons and Infidels.
Weaklings, Morons and Infidels, thanks for tuning in. This message is for you.
I am Zyne. I have a fiefdom. You will respect me, and pay my taxes.
If you are smart and quick, you might apply to join my region. Come to Orneria, if you think you are worthy.
Tell me your message and I will relay it to my countryfolk and, if you are good enough and we are feeling kind and nice to the less fortunate, we might let you in.
Else we might pillage and plunder and take your woodchips and your trout.
Imperial Artica
03-06-2004, 04:39
I think your the only weakling, moron, infidel around here.
03-06-2004, 04:53
*drops eighty three thosand tons of woodchips on Zyne's capitol*
Oh...and a trout.
03-06-2004, 04:56
The People's Republic of Doomduckistan is unable to reply, as its foreign relations staff are all incapacitated by laughter.
[OOC: Might want to start lower- Read the FAQs and stickies.]
Advisor Bosska peruses the communications relays connected to his offices, when the titling of this message catches his eye.
He reads it for a short time, but then puts it in the 'Ignore' heap, which amazingly enough gets bigger every passing minute.
In the meantime, enjoy some of our delightful cheese.
Sigma Octavus
03-06-2004, 05:00
No, don't take my non-existant trout! And the non-existant woodchips from the non-existant forests for that matter. Yet strangely I lead in woodchip production and trout fishing in the region I'm in. Of thirty some nations. Strange, that.
03-06-2004, 05:03
Oh spare me o' powerful fiefdom of Zyne! We have no fish or trout here in Skeelzania, however I can offer this as tribute.
*The Skeelzanian ambassador releases the latch on a rather large lead box. Instantly, a 75 pound Skeelzanian Mongoose, glowing bright neon green. The beast snarls and lunges onto the Zyne ruler, tearing him apart with its radioactive jaws.*
Reploid Productions
03-06-2004, 05:11
ALTIMIT Broadcaster
Encryption: Off
Broadcast type: Diplomatic
To: The Government of Zyne
Return transmission band: Open
IDENT: Tsume Dragonis - Reploid Productions
Our diplomatic staff have reviewed your request and rendered a decision regarding your request that we respect you and pay you taxes.
The Immortal Shogunate and Affiliated Territories of Reploid Productions strongly recommend you 'kiss this.'
~Tsume Dragonis
~Secretary of Foreign Affairs
~Immortal Shogunate and Affiliated Territories of Reploid Productions
<End Transmission>
03-06-2004, 05:18
Cetagandan trout have superior armament to you, as well as superior numbers. You are welcome to attempt to pillage them.
03-06-2004, 05:23
I'm not going to even dignify this with a response. Oh...wait...d'oh!
03-06-2004, 05:25
"The Regent's Government would like to express our deepest thanks to Zyne for this message.
As you are no doubt aware, our nation is currently in mourning following the death of our Cenobriach, and we sorely needed a good laugh.
Thanks again."
03-06-2004, 05:25
You will respect me, and pay my taxes.What are your taxes? We can not pay them if we do not know.
Reploid Productions, your images are huge. I can get that one down to ~25 KB with barely any loss of quality.
03-06-2004, 06:10
We shall give you woodchips and trout. Just keep up posts like this. The world court needs a jester.
Reploid Productions
03-06-2004, 06:11
Reploid Productions, your images are huge. I can get that one down to ~25 KB with barely any loss of quality.
((OOC: Blame Doga's rendering thingie ^^;;))
In response to the fledgling nation of Zyne's recent threat to the world, the Ximean Ministers of War and International Affairs issued a joint statement this morning, mimicking a well-known imperialistic dictator: "Bring it on." In an action representative of the crudity seen increasingly often among the upper ranks of Ximea's leadership, the Minister of War concluded the press conference with a "wanking" gesture.
Later, the Lord Commander ordered the nation's alert level lowered one notch to express exactly how much threat a nation of five or six million people could pose.
03-06-2004, 08:04
The Community of Eleutherian is deeply saddened to read a message of shut unprovoked agression and terroristic language. We officially tender no comment.
Wendell Wright
Secretary of the Nation
My taxes are high, and I am slow.
Please be quiet about the trout. The, um,you know, authorities, don't know. Thx much xoxoxoxoxo.
I have completed my minicoup and now control Orenia. You will respect my authoriteh!
The Holy Saints
11-06-2004, 06:06
Weaklings, Morons and Infidels, thanks for tuning in. This message is for you.
I am Zyne. I have a fiefdom. You will respect me, and pay my taxes.
If you are smart and quick, you might apply to join my region. Come to Orneria, if you think you are worthy.
Tell me your message and I will relay it to my countryfolk and, if you are good enough and we are feeling kind and nice to the less fortunate, we might let you in.
Else we might pillage and plunder and take your woodchips and your trout.
*attendant dies of laughter*
*president pushes the BIG RED BUTTON.*
*500 million people from THS run straight across Zyne, trampling all they come accross like a carpet.*
The Outset Islands
11-06-2004, 06:09
I am Zyne. I have a fiefdom. You will respect me, and pay my taxes.
I am Bari. I have a motorcycle. You will fear my potato gun, and get me a danish.
Chief Advocate to EHFRAC for The Outset Islands
Prince of The Outset Islands
Prankster Extraordinaire
All-Around Great Guy
*notes that they are holy, and hides in the holes!*
11-06-2004, 06:09
I surrender unconditionally.....
...to laughter
The Holy Saints
11-06-2004, 06:11
*notes that they are holy, and hides in the holes!*
*my people throw month old festering cabbage in your holes as they pass.*
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Oh your funny....take my woodchips!!! they just make my otherwise butiful nation look like crap, and the trout they died when i came into power.
My animal is a flying pig....
Slaps you in the face with a trout :twisted:
*Organises a large stampeed of sheep into Zyne's capitol, crushing all in their path*
*learns that trout are not sexy*
*offers up a foul-mouthed child*
The SLAGLands
11-06-2004, 06:22
Okay, the silliness of this thread has officially reached epic level. It'll be combatting the Tarrasque soon.