Creation of the World Rifle Association to Oppose the UNCIAT
Address By the Chancellor
“Good Evening, fellow Ruhrians. As many of you have heard on the news and in the papers, the large, regulating UN body has created a trade ban on civilian weapons, as well as ammunition and parts for these firearms. The Ruhrian Arms Manufacturing industry will ultimately fail if we cannot export our weapons to our allies, our friends, as well as buyers in nameless countries around the world.”
“The United Nations is restricting the sovereignty of nations not even in the organization. While we Ruhrians have vastly ignored and denied the United Nation’s any say in Ruhrian affairs or people’s lives, they have come from behind us and are threatening nearly every industry that does not comply. This is an unacceptable action and is limiting the civil rights of peoples across the globe to buy their weapons of choice. Our economy, our rights, and our sovereignty are at stake, today.”
“After conference calls with several other nations leaders, such as Allanea, Sketch, and Santa Barbara, the Cabinet and I have come to the conclusion to authorize a full weapons sales program that will render these gun control laws useless. From here on out, Ruhr will disobey this order and will export weapons to UN nations no matter the consequence. Our economy and our sovereignty are at risk. Ruhr will protect its citizens rights to sell, buy, and produce weapons for export or import.”
“Ruhr, along with Allanea, is beginning a new league of non-UN and UN nations that are against the latest policy. We, as an alliance, will oppose the resolution to the point where it is not followed at all or repealed. This organization will be called the World Rifle Association, and I encourage every civil rights loving citizen of Ruhr to join and support the global movement for people around the globe to defend him or herself with small arms. Help us now, and we can save our economy and rights. Goodnight, and God Bless.”
Hmm, I thought it was just for black market sales...?
Of course, I totally support the right of citizens 'to sell, buy, and produce weapons for export or import.'
World Rifle Association Charter
1.All nations who are part of the World Rifle Association will promise to uphold the individual right of their sane, adult citizens to keep and bear arms.
2.All nations who are part of the WRA will help to peacefully promote that right.
2a.All nations who are part of the WRA will donate at least 100 million, annually, to that purpose
3.All nations who are part of the WRA will have arms laws at least as lax as the United States before 1986.
4.All nations who are part of the WRA will have at least shall-issue carry provisions.
Allanea - President
You had me till I had to donate money...And anyways, Imitora never has, and never will, follow the UN. Those liberal peacenick commie antiChristian (you know its bad when I call myself a Christian) hippies can kiss the collective ass of Imitora. Anyways, gun ownership is required in Imitora.
Galdagan Newswire
Courtesy of the Transnational Press Coalition
UNITED NATIONS (TPC), June 2 - In a series of press conferences today, UNCIAT Committee Chariman Seth Werthmann denounced Ruhr's creation of a World Rifle Association for the specific purpose of juxtaposing itself against the UNCIAT. "The UNCIAT has absolutely nothing to do with private gun ownership, and this has been our clear indication since the formation of the committee and the authorship of UN Resolution 68." Werthmann pointed to clauses in the document indicating that a country's right to allow for an armed militia, a right now widely accepted as "private gun ownership" that was never expcitily curtailed, and even recognized by the resolution.
"This resolution aims to combat illegal manufacture, sale, and use of small arms and light weaponry. The average citizen has absolutely no need to acquire weaponry by unlawful means unless they are bent on doing something outside the bounds of law beyond the single act of purchasing that weaponry." The chairman went on to berate the organization, saying, "If this organization had any legitimacy whatsoever and took gun ownership seriously, it would wish to promote gun ownership within the lawful framework of countries around the world. We would note that Galdago allows citizens to arm itself with non-automatic small arms for the purpose of self-defense and hunting, and this has not changed since the inception of the UNCIAT. Our southwestern seaboard and eastern forests remain a sportsman's paradise and our crime rates are still at incredibly low levels. The resolution has done nothing to gun ownership in Galdago, and the malcontents of Ruhr responsible for the formation of this organization are simply protecting a no-good pack of criminals wishing to spite the desire for inreased civic harmony throughout the UN."
OOC: You've gotta be kidding me, heh. FYI for those who aren't privy to Allanea's ridiculous OOC chatter over IRC, he has intent of starting a "Cold War" with Galdago for its efforts to stop black market trading of weaponry. Honestly, you've got to have better things to do with your IC time. We won't be entertaining you much further than this. This isn't even funny; it's stupid and misguided. Who gets reactionary because world governments are trying to crack down on actual criminals and not law-abiding gun owners? Jeesh...
The nation of Sketch officially condemns the organization called "the United Nations" for presuming that such ridiculous motions could possible be passed and enforced. The government will take no steps to regulate the arms industries anymore than it already is. Furthermore, should the aforementioned industries suffer any sort of detrimental economic effects due to such legislature, the government will take steps to ensure that they are justly compensated. The government of Sketch will continue to support the arms industries' sale of arms to any and all buyers.
The nation of Sketch officially condemns the organization called "the United Nations" for presuming that such ridiculous motions could possible be passed and enforced. The government will take no steps to regulate the arms industries anymore than it already is. Furthermore, should the aforementioned industries suffer any sort of detrimental economic effects due to such legislature, the government will take steps to ensure that they are justly compensated. The government of Sketch will continue to support the arms industries' sale of arms to any and all buyers.
The nation of Galdago officially notes that the government of Sketch is diverging onto a subject completely unrelated to UN Resolution 68. The summit being called in Mikitivity is to discuss reasonable ways of providing lawful bounds for the arms industry to manufacture within and makes no claim to constrict them any further, only to be certain that elements operating OUTSIDE those lawful bounds can be easily found and eliminated for trying to suppliment criminals with criminal tools. Lawful gun owernship by private citizens is an essential check on state tyranny that is not curtailed in any fashion by the resolution and we wholeheartedly suggest you actually read the thing before listening to likely Allanean perversions of the actual text. You won't find a single mention of private gun ownership or any suggestion of tightening the noose around arms manufacturers. As a matter of fact, the resolution was proposed as "international security" and not "gun control" because it does not tighten gun laws, but provides an international framework to combat organized crime units peddling very deadly weaponry in the shadows outside of the jurisidiction of governments for ill intent.
03-06-2004, 00:34
“Well, I think your foreign ministry could actually have read the resolution,” scoffs the Knootian ambassador in a private meeting with a higher-up Ruhrian official.
He sips his Pink Bunny Cola and comments seemingly indifferent. “I mean, sure, do whatever you want. World Rifle Association, mass propaganda. I’m fine with it if you spent your money on it – personally I think gun laws should be a little laxer if anything. But the committee has several influential people in it, both our former SATO ambassador and a high-ranking Lavenrunzian general.”
The ambassador leans forward slightly: “And now we have to side with those CACE bastards on an issue… that’s just not right don’t you think?”
03-06-2004, 00:45
03-06-2004, 00:49
OOC: Imitora, edited
CNN, Allanea
The Allanean Government is forced to harshly condemn Galdago's recent claim that the UN-CIAT will only affect criminals. Such claims were made multiple time by gun controllers in history. Frankly two points have two be made:
1. It is an empty phrase without the demonstrattion of the actual [I]measures the UN-CIAT intends to use.
2.The criminal who robs banks is a different person from the "criminal" who takes off 2" of his shotgun's barrel. It seems Galdago is not willing to see the difference.
OOC: Imitora, edited
CNN, Allanea
The Allanean Government is forced to harshly condemn Galdago's recent claim that the UN-CIAT will only affect criminals. Such claims were made multiple time by gun controllers in history. Frankly two points have two be made:
1. It is an empty phrase without the demonstrattion of the actual [I]measures the UN-CIAT intends to use.
2.The criminal who robs banks is a different person from the "criminal" who takes off 2" of his shotgun's barrel. It seems Galdago is not willing to see the difference.
Official Response from King John II:
"I myself have left the UN a long time ago because of their infringement on our rights. I support the WRA 100%. I am a gun collector and an avid hunter myself and Matich would be honored to join this great organization."
ooc: Since you are unable (or unwilling) to read between the lines of my ic statements, I'll just give it to you oocly.
As a nation, I couldn't care less about whatever arms laws anyone wants to impose. In fact, I couldn't care less about crimes involving arms. What does matter is my booming arms manufacturering industry. I am more than willing to admit that my industries deal on the "less than wholly legitimate" side of the law in other nations. My nation probably have the most stringent arms laws around, but that doesn't stop me from selling to others. You're UN proposal stands to cost me the lucrative business of arms dealing. And since the government runs my industries, they would have a vested interest to stop your meddling.
This explanation was posted in response to a TG.
"It is obviously within the rights of national governments to form whatever organizations they want and so we shall offer no condemnation of the World Rifle Organization. However, I feel it is my duty to issue a warning to this organization not to infrnge upon the sovereignity of other nations by attempting to change their gun laws. The people of Edolia are perfectly happy living in a society where no one has to worry about being held up in a dark alley by a man with a Glock and any attempts to illegally sell weapons to Edolian citizens will be met with a justified response."
Scottford von Harrick
Minister of State
Mercenary Soldiers
03-06-2004, 06:01
A grizzled-looking man with steel-gray hair address a body of men dressed like himself: In a desert-pattern military uniform...
"Gentlemen... The UN has apparently placed a ban on our major export: Firepower. This will not effect us directly, as we are not UN members. It will, however, effect the world arms market where we sell our guns...
As some of you are aware, the nation of Ruhr has propsed the formation of a World Rifle Organization, like the NRA back home. I've entered the RDMA (Mercenary Soldier's military that acts as the population) into this organization..."
The gathered troops cheer wildly, some holding G36K AR's above their heads...
Video clip courtesy of the RDMA Media & Propaganda Branch
"Gentlemen... The UN has apparently placed a ban on our major export: Firepower. This will not effect us directly, as we are not UN members. It will, however, effect the world arms market where we sell our guns...
Um, no... it hasn't. Read this ( and tell me where in the resolution it says "NO MORE EXPORTING FIREARMS! NYAH!" I'd really like to know.
Mercenary Soldiers
04-06-2004, 18:24
"Gentlemen... The UN has apparently placed a ban on our major export: Firepower. This will not effect us directly, as we are not UN members. It will, however, effect the world arms market where we sell our guns...
Um, no... it hasn't. Read this ( and tell me where in the resolution it says "NO MORE EXPORTING FIREARMS! NYAH!" I'd really like to know.
OOC: Most of the destinations for Merc Soldier-produced firearms are black markets around the world. You aren't going to find a fully-automatic G36K in your local gun store in most nations. Thus, I don't have to 'De-militrize' exsisting weapons. As an added benefit, Black Market prices are usually higher.
04-06-2004, 18:31
Kaukolastan would like to enter this WRA. As a country with a large Arms Manufacturing base, we feel that this move would be a detriment to our state. We fully support the legal possession and use of firearms throughout the world.
"The community of Soaso would be dang pleased to enter. We have no laws regulating guns, as long as some someone does not use it to become a dang criminal or go rip-roarin' crazy and go and shoot someone. I own five guns myself. Stopping people from owning guns is just the dang work of the devil." said Mayor Billy-Bob Smith today.
"are perfectly happy living in a society where no one has to worry about being held up in a dark alley by a man with a Glock
Imitora live in a society like this as well. See, if you are held up in a back alley with a Glock, you can just turn around and shoot the criminal with your own. And if your walking down a dark back alley, you deserve to get shot. Oh, and lastly, Allena and Ruhr, sign me up.
04-06-2004, 19:05
"are perfectly happy living in a society where no one has to worry about being held up in a dark alley by a man with a Glock
Agreed. Who'd use a Glock? In Kaukolastan, if you're held up, you're guaranteed to be held up by a high-end military-grade firearm. Only the best!
"Yep, those dang commies in Edolia don't see how Soaso has lots of guns, and ain't got lots of crime. Good sheriffs. And deputies." said Sheriff Jim-Joe Jones, follow the lead of the other nations.
04-06-2004, 19:14
So long as the UN doesn't attempt to interfear with activities beyond the boarders of it's signitory nations, the Dominion of Kanuckistan could care less.
If their activities extend beyond said boarders, say, to the search and seizure of vessels and cargos of ships not flying the flags of UN nations while in international waters, we will be... displeased. Violently so, if Kanuckistani citizens or commerce are so victimised.
"Yep, those dang commies in Edolia don't see how Soaso has lots of guns, and ain't got lots of crime. Good sheriffs. And deputies." said Sheriff Jim-Joe Jones, follow the lead of the other nations.
"The Scarlet Empire could care less what the ignorant capitalists of the world do in their countries."
Matthew von Pickett
Minister of Foreign Affairs
05-06-2004, 05:23
Chairman Werthmann has already said much of what is on our minds. Had the Ruhrian government made even a cursory reading of the UNCIAT resolution they would quickly come to the realization that fears are unfounded and their efforts unnecessary and downright stupid.
Some have suggested a more sinister alternative reading of recent events; that the Ruhrian government knows exactly what it is doing and is attempting to destabilize the arms manufacturing and export industries of those who it percieves to be its rivals. We remind Ruhr that if these allegations can in fact be supported, the 12 Ruhrian nationals currently being held on weapons smuggling charges could face additional counts of espionage. If any Ruhrian arms are found to be in the hands of the Fascist Combat Battalions (the only local riff-raff we can think of with an interest in purchasing black market arms), the attorney general's office might just decide to tack on additional counts of aiding and abetting a terrorist organization.
We urge this new, so called World Rifle Organization to think things through and act rationally, lest this situation become blown entirely out of proportion,
05-06-2004, 17:34
The Sag Arms Corporation does not care for politics, and this is an opportunity for profit. While Ruhr is distributing low grade arms around the world, there will be many who yearn for a more professional weapon. Perhaps for pleasure, perhaps for defense against these cheap proliferated weapons. In either case, we will happily sell to the customer.
Sag Arms Corporation
"Made by professionals, for professionals."
05-06-2004, 17:50
Celdonia is somewhat surprised that certain nations have openly voiced their intentional disrespect for the sovereignty of other nations.
The resolution does not prohibit the sale of arms, as even a cursory glance at the text would reveal. It seeks to curb the illegal sale of arms - one aspect of which is that arms manufacturers should respect the sovereignty of other nations and their right to regulate the sale of arms within their own nations as they see fit.
Clearly some nations have no respect for the concept of sovereignty.
And of those who find their arms trade damaged by this resolution, perhaps the rest of us should consider the way you do business.
Celdonian Minister of Trade.
The Peoples Scotland
05-06-2004, 17:59
Address By the Chancellor
“Good Evening, fellow Ruhrians. As many of you have heard on the news and in the papers, the large, regulating UN body has created a trade ban on civilian weapons, as well as ammunition and parts for these firearms. The Ruhrian Arms Manufacturing industry will ultimately fail if we cannot export our weapons to our allies, our friends, as well as buyers in nameless countries around the world.”
The Armed Republic of the Peoples Scotland see one of two reasons for this action:
I) That the Leaders of Ruhr must be complete idiots or insane as they drasticaly misinterprit the UN resolution
II) That they are aware that thier interpritation is wrong, but are useing the issue to attempt to gain support by playing on popular fears in order to create a external powerbase from the UN for the nation of Ruhrs own advancment.
We of the Armed Republic have an armed citizenry and a self sufficient Arms trade within our boundrys, we do not exceed these boundrys as any form of material or military reasurce giving in trade it tantamount to declaring war on the Third party the trading partner buys the arms for.
We condem the power thirsty tendancies of the Ruhr and it's attempt to manipulate the fears of sovrientry of other nations to it's own ends.
05-06-2004, 19:10
Semi-Official Goobergunchian Response
Our lawyers have been unable to interpret the following clause of the WRA charter:
3.All nations who are part of the WRA will have arms laws at least as lax as the United States before 1986.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs me that we have no record of a nation named the "United States", and nations named "The United States of XXXX" are so common that this clause would lack specificity in reference to the same. Therefore, we request clarification and will withhold from an official statement until such clarification is given.
John Millison
Goobergunchian Minister of Justice
"Well, that just ain't right." said the teacher. of the local one-room schoolhouse (OOC: for a city of millions!), Suellen Jones. "Just because their teachers learn the students is all sorts of hoity-toity ways ain't mean they're smarter than us. In fact, we are smarter because we teach God's word. They teach evolution. That's the work of the devil, y'all know. Of course, you dang commies are atheists."
I will join as soon as possible, and I will donate 10 trillion dollars to this great and magnificent orginization. I dod not know how to express my upmost feeling about this issue, but i say anybody shall have the right to own, carry and buy any firearm in the world. By the way, i am part of the Shissm alliance, which is the most productive military contraband producer in the world, with the following countries making the following contraband:
Shism: land and spce craft-tanks, ICBM/scud missle launchers, hovercrafts, space missle platforms, spy satellites, and anti-ICBM laser platforms, etc.
Shissm2: air vehicles-fighters, bombers, transport, emergency airlift. etc.
Shissm3: sea craft-scouts, destroyers, interceptors, carriers, submarines, etc.
Shissm5: small arms and resarch center- SMGs, pistols, rifles, sniper rifles, anti material rifles, etc. AND chartered resarch- depends on how technologically advanced the idea is.
These countries, again, are located in the region of Atlantic Nationstates.
DISCLAMER: we do not produce ANY nuclear contraband of any kind. We do not monger wars, we just support countries in need.
Telegram Shissm for instructions if any one of you need to go to war. I will fully support the dissolvation of the UNCIAT. Remember, if you want to come to my region, Atlantic Nationstates, I welcome you all.
Allanean Governemnt Official Advertisement
The UNCIAT's official representative has claimed that their resolution only affect's so-called "illegal trade". However, in an actual fact, it represents a dangerous step in two ways:
a) It creates a UNCIAT commision which is [I]unelected , and which will search for means to curb "illegal" trade in arms. It is unknown what means the UNCIAT will advance and whate their effect on the legitimate purchaser will be.
b) It gives the UN authority to regulate the trade in conventional arms. The UN should have no authority to ban or regulate internationally the trade in any product except WMD.
The Freethinkers
06-06-2004, 17:37
"Although we do not encourage gun ownership and do offer genuine surprise at how some people equate lethal weaponry to freedom, but moving."
"We do respect people's right to choose to own firearms, and so we do allow law abiding members to own personal weapons so long as they follow the necessary safety rules. As we have free speech with regard to clubs and societies, we will allow the WRA to operate and form a chapter or division within the Freethinkers. We will also allow the organisation to lobby (to the extent exernal bodies are allowed to) and, where appropriate, put their case to our legislature on issues regarding firearms legislation."
"Again, we will niether help nor hinder this organisation. We wish you a good day."
Freethinker Office of the Interior, Government House, Navarre.
Chairman Werthmann has already said much of what is on our minds. Had the Ruhrian government made even a cursory reading of the UNCIAT resolution they would quickly come to the realization that fears are unfounded and their efforts unnecessary and downright stupid.
Some have suggested a more sinister alternative reading of recent events; that the Ruhrian government knows exactly what it is doing and is attempting to destabilize the arms manufacturing and export industries of those who it percieves to be its rivals. We remind Ruhr that if these allegations can in fact be supported, the 12 Ruhrian nationals currently being held on weapons smuggling charges could face additional counts of espionage. If any Ruhrian arms are found to be in the hands of the Fascist Combat Battalions (the only local riff-raff we can think of with an interest in purchasing black market arms), the attorney general's office might just decide to tack on additional counts of aiding and abetting a terrorist organization.
We urge this new, so called World Rifle Organization to think things through and act rationally, lest this situation become blown entirely out of proportion,
Currently, Ruhr has no operations in place so you could not possibly have any "12 Ruhrian Nationals" unless you came to Ruhr and ultimately kidnapped, which would not be taken kindly.
I'll RP when and if I decide to actually flood the blackmarkets, the person whose attention I tried to grab has been contacted and we are now working something out. So cut the crap and stop godmoding. I have no people on the field f00!
Nations of fellow mind! We are pleasantly suprised to find such and organization, because, as our country's motto states, "True happiness comes from true liberty...". We are firmly in the classical liberal tradition, which we firmly believes includes the right to bear arms. The Alagal Government wishes to join this organization.
06-06-2004, 21:33
Whilst Celdonia strictly regulate the private ownership of firearms we have no desire to impose our views on other nations. However, we would seek a statement from members of your organisation that they too will respect our decision, and those of nations like us, and will not attempt to import illegal firearms into the country.
I must add that I feel that such a market would be so small as to economically non-viable, and that given the frequency of coastguard patrols, and the severity of sentencing for such acts as smuggling illegal weapons, it would be ill-advised indeed.
Mike McKay,
Celdonian Foreign Minister.
Allanean Governemnt Official Advertisement
a) It creates a UNCIAT commision which is unelected, and which will search for means to curb "illegal" trade in arms. It is unknown what means the UNCIAT will advance and whate their effect on the legitimate purchaser will be.
b) It gives the UN authority to regulate the trade in conventional arms. The UN should have no authority to ban or regulate internationally the trade in any product except WMD.
(If you expect an IC response to anything, you're flattering yourself)
a) How do you expect to elect anyone onto a committee of nine members when only six people end up tendering any sort of nomination from their nation. I didn't see Allanea rushing to post a nomination during the TEN DAY PERIOD in which the UNCIAT was allowing nations to submit such an application. The original post stated clearly the terms on which the committee would be selected. If over eight nations applied, committee members would face having to gather a plurality vote. If five to eight nominations were received, members would (by necessity) be automatically appointed. Less than that and nominations would have been extended for a week. If you had any objections to that system, you had ten days to say something about it. Too little, too late.
b) Completely unwarranted. The UN is an organization geared for peace and prosperity, and any threat to that, including criminals marketing arms (which you all continually ignore and blather on about gun ownership at large while the resolution still allows your licensed arms manufacturers to produce and your citizens to own their weaponry), comes under its scope. The resolution gave the UNCIAT NO official power whatsoever, and the words "participant" and "participatory" used frequently throughout the resolution prove that this isn't a mandate, it's an optional framework for countries to participate in for combatting organized crime rings. The programme of action isn't coercive, and isn't being shoved down any UN member nation's throat by anyone. After the summit is held, as was posted long ago, the UNCIAT will make recommendations to nations on how they can go about working towards a solution for the problem of illegally marketed weaponry. Freaking recommendations don't equate to "authority" or "regulation."
The truth of the matter, Boris, is that you're looking for an excuse for belligerence, and this is your opportunity. Well your belligerence is unwelcome here and I suggest you take your games and play them with someone who's daft enough to somehow appreciate them. Anyone who bothers to read the resolution won't be convinced by your blathering.
07-06-2004, 05:18
We shall join, as it is mandantory to have one assault rifle, two sidearms and four tazers in every home, paid for by the government. There is a limit of twenty of each without a special license though. Weapons callified as hunting weapons are limited to ten without a license. We have open trade of all rifles not in current service by the military and of all other firearms.
Crime overall has lowered 20%(from 25%) in major cities since these laws were inacted.
You hold up someone in Crimmond, you'll get shot by three people and have your privates tazered until they smoke by your 'victim'. When the police arrive... lets just say that you'd wish you were back with the guy holding the tazer.
As of this moment, none of you know absolutely NOTHING! This thread is to establish my interest in this. All of you shut up and stop making IC statements! I'll post when I feel like it. As of now, any information anyone knows is OOC. Thank you, have a good day. Gonf***yourselves.
Sigma Octavus
07-06-2004, 05:38
OOC: Whoa Ruhr....settle down man.
07-06-2004, 05:43
As of this moment, none of you know absolutely NOTHING! This thread is to establish my interest in this. All of you shut up and stop making IC statements! I'll post when I feel like it. As of now, any information anyone knows is OOC. Thank you, have a good day. Gonf***yourselves. :shock:
Man... chill... your first post was a PUBLIC address and believe me, my government, which is run by the intelligence division, would have seen it. I didn't even read most of the rest of the damn thread, I just responded to it.
07-06-2004, 11:37
As of this moment, none of you know absolutely NOTHING! This thread is to establish my interest in this. All of you shut up and stop making IC statements! I'll post when I feel like it. As of now, any information anyone knows is OOC. Thank you, have a good day. Gonf***yourselves.
Does that mean it wasn;t really the Cancellor making that address at the biginning of the thread :lol:
As of this moment, none of you know absolutely NOTHING! This thread is to establish my interest in this. All of you shut up and stop making IC statements! I'll post when I feel like it. As of now, any information anyone knows is OOC. Thank you, have a good day. Gonf***yourselves.
Does that mean it wasn;t really the Cancellor making that address at the biginning of the thread :lol:
Is this the blackmarket thread?
07-06-2004, 20:08
07-06-2004, 22:31
All the resolution really does is make there be an international conference on all aspects of the illicit arms trade no later than 2005.
Is this the blackmarket thread?No.