We want your say! - What sports would you most like to RP
01-06-2004, 08:53
In light of the overpowering dominance of soccer over the NS sports callender, I have devised an interesting system of competitive RP that may make other competitions possible. The only trouble is I need some sports to fit it to.
If you could, please leave a list of some sports you would like to RP/be interested in following if a competition was organised.
Thank you
United Korean Nations
01-06-2004, 08:54
Air Racing
Liverpool England
01-06-2004, 09:02
In light of the overpowering dominance of soccer over the NS sports callender
Here's a list of sports ever done before:
American Football
Ice Hockey
Field Hockey
NASCAR and Formula 1 Racing
The Olympics
Rugby (Both Union and League)
So, try to avoid these sports.
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
01-06-2004, 11:14
Moontian is about to host its national hoverskid racing championships, which attracts pilots from many worlds that fall under the Moontian banner. This year's competition is expected to be the best ever, with 132 pilots competing. The favourite to win is 83 year old Rupert Symons.
Rupert has been racing hoverskids since he was only 21, and has won the championship a total of 18 times, including the last two years.
He owes his success to something called 'a multi-tracked mind,' being able to think on many different subjects at the same time. This is a talent that is rare among the sane population, but common among those diagnosed with psychiatric disorders such as depression.
In order to win at hoverskid racing, one must have intense concentration, and guide their skid around a circuit five times. Depending on the skids used, the track can be from 40 km per lap up to 300 km per lap, and can thus have an extremely large audience, along with the billions of people who watch from their homes.
All hoverskids are equipped with M2MLink nodes (mind to machine), from which the pilot controls their hoverskid with the reaction speed of thought. This means that the only people unable to enter are those who are certifiably insane, suffering from dementia, or epilepsy.
01-06-2004, 11:24
robot polo
(carlemnarians arn't big on proffessional spectator sports, we mostly prefer to be making or doing something more creative, (or in some cases meditate doing things mindlessly repetitive) but some of the more tecnicly inclined young people like to modify robotic construction and agricultural equipment to participate in team compititions)