Crimson Empire: Part 1
"..So lemme get this straight....Ruskkia gonna to invade an alternate earth?" The reporter's question sounded across the now suddenly quiet mass of people in the packed hall. Arch Duke Charles Le Thunder took a moment or two say his reply. "I wouldn't say invade, what Ruskkia is going to do is to liberate an alternate earth!"
"And this alternate earth is where H G Well's Martian Tripod War Machines invaded right in the middle of the Battle of the Somme?"
"More or less yes, Ruskkia is going to beat the Martian Tripods."
"By using technology which Professor Blankenship of this other earth helped us create, technology like Ruskkia's grav-ships."
The meeting ended some twenty minutes later, the reporters leaving in groups talking to one another agruing over if it was a hoax or not.
However Arch Duke Charles Le Thunder went back stage after dismissing the reporters and met Prime Minister Richard Clarke who had been waiting there. "My Lord, shall I have the RIG* arrange a little 'accident' for that reporter?"
"No, not yet. I thurst Blankenship is pleased with his new workshop?"
"No problems yet."
"Good, right then order the first wave through."
"Yes your grace."
(OOC: Ok I've been over this and corrected a few things.
* RIG stands for the Ruskkie Interior Guard, a KGB style miliant police force.)
The airstirp was alive with the buzz of military personnel loading up trucks and the vanguard gravship fleet. Balmoral Light Bombers and Defender fighter planes were either standing ready on the large paved, dust covered area in front of the hanger or maintaining fly-by.
2nd Fleet Admiral William Hoyle was standing on the bridge of the flagship RAS Pride of Ruskkia waiting for the order to come through, he was edgar to get into combat as the war games which the War Ofice provided were not good enough but this was to be the real thing.
"Commander! Telegraph from High Command!"
Hoyle quickly walked over the Radio Operator's desk and read the telegraph which he was handed. "Right signal all vessals to get fully steamed up and all 'jump' engines charged.
We go to war!"
"Sir, we are detecting a nation attempting to attack an 'alternate earth' sir"
"Hmm really?"
"It would seem so sir"
"Well that seems a bit odd doesn't it?"
"Well they have got Professor Blankenship on their side sir"
"That old Exile? Well good luck to them, last time we used him we lost 1 million men!"
"Shouldn't we stop them sir?"
"Nah, he may have perfected those grav-ships he made for us way back then"
"Oh, ok sir"
"Just keep spying, that is what this outpost is for y'know"
BATTLE OF THE SOMME (site of), 2123 Hours, 29th May 2004
Private Wilkins ran across what was once the No Man's Land of the Somme, now it was little more than a field choked with the red weeds from Mars. He stumbled over into an old bomb crater, a skeleton laid half buried in the mud. Hun or British? Wilkins found himself wondering.
He slowly crawled up the crater's slope and peered across the field of red to where he saw a Tripod moving past the rusty remains of a field gun. Wilkins cursed.
Another Tripod appeared in the distance, chasing after a few soldiers who had been unlucky enough to stray into its path. The first Tripod spun clumsily round and fired a straight, green, beam of light at the soldiers, one of whom exploded into a green fireball. The others scattered, one of them running straight towards Wilkins position.
Then the eastern skybuckled, a thin blue crack of light ripped opened the twilight sky. Wilkins stared on in wonder as what appeared to be battleships flew out of the blue crack of light.
"Two Tripods sighted sir!" Shouted out one of the Pride of Ruskkia's bridge crew. "Do we engage targets sir?"
Hoyle replied almost intsantly. "Yes, blow the frickers to hell and back!"
The crewman took a short while to reply. "Um....yes sir, ordering all ships to fire Earthshaker batteries."
Down on the ground Private Wilkins stared with wonder and fear as giant guns under each of the airships' bow turned and took aim at the Tripods. He then cursed and bolted across the field of red weed just before before the ground where the Tripods once stood exploded in a fireball of red, yellow and green flames. The shockwaves threw him fall onto his chest as mud and bits of metal and flesh rained down upon him.
Short while later in Serlin
Arch Duke Charles Le Thunder was sat eating breakfest when the telegram came through, he stached it straight from the servant's hand as it arrived at his table.
It simply stated;
ALLIANCE HIGH COMMAND, London, England 3rd June 2004 1835 hours
Lord General Killingham of the British Forces was not in a good mood, over the past few days scorces of telegraph reports had been flooding in about strange so-called 'airships' and to add to the stress his couterparts of the other alliance powers have been demanding to know about what was going on. Luckily it seemed that they weren't forces of the Martian as these 'airships' had already wiped out a battle group of Tripods, however the reports stated that they were headed towards High Command and that was very unerving.
His superiors had remained somewhat tight lipped, yet they had recently given strict orders against the firing upon of these 'airships'. He was just about to settle down for a cup of tea in his office which was slightly cramped due to the vast piles of paperwork which had been collect over the years, though most of it dating back to the founding of the Alliance some time in the late 1910s to early 1920s period, when a clerk bursted into the room. "Sir, airships spotted off Dover! They've radioed requesting to speak to High Command."
"Alright then, wait are you waiting for? Contact High Command then lad!"
"Yes sir, I'll do that..."
IMPERIAL PALACE, SERLIN. 6th June 2004 1530 hours
"So 'Phase 1' is going to plan right?" The Arch Duke's question echoed across the dimly lit, dusty, dark wood panelled fromer throne room of the palace which now served as the Arch Duke's personnel meeting chambers. Lord General Miliant Bellington replied.
"Yes my grace, as you know prelimery engagments with the Martian war machines have proven successful and the Alliance has amitted us. Ground troops of the Blitz Korps are standing by ready to be deployed."
"Good, right give the order for the troops to be sent in, see to the placement of forward bases and the possibilty of capturing one of them Martian."
"Yes your grace, I'll see to it right away."
"Good, lemme know when we can proceed to Phase 2."
"I will your grace."
"Great, right then meeting dismissed." Le Thunder said before he stood up and wnet to retire to his personnel chambers. Some of the other persons present breathed sighs of relief and left the chamber, leaving the Rome Minister Richard Clarke and Bellington as the last two to leave.
"Don't you think hes getting a little carried away with all this? I mean every single wall and table in his chambers are covered with maps dating from 1916 plus the ones the Alliance sent us!" Clarke dully said unerving Bellington quite a bit.
"Such talk is teason!"
"I am well aware of that, besides I am still head of the Interior Guard so I am still safe for now."
"Even so, that didn't stop Le Thunder from having his own uncle killed!"
"Um yes, that was a special case."
"Yes it was, but anyway you know as well as I know why hes doing this!"
"Yes to get more land and an advantage in technology and any offensives in attacking another nation."