NationStates Jolt Archive

Xanthalian government sets population capacities on planets.

25-05-2004, 18:31
The Xanthalian government, faced with an ever-growing population and limited space, has finally gone about the task of setting population limits for the nation's planets based on land area and resources assuming that their current functions endure. Currently, the population limits on inhabited Xanthalian planets are as follows:
Planet: population capacity (approximate current population) (general population residence possible)
Aellis IV: 527,000,000 (2,692,000) (no)
Aellis V: 3,944,000,000 (1,202,793,000) (yes)
Aellis VI: 5,216,000,000 (547,347,000) (yes)
Aellis VII: 13,000,000 (9,811,000) (no)
Than IV: 1,030,000,000 (400,357,000) (yes)
Than VI: 2,536,000,000 (2,518,673,000(87,000,000 Xanthalians)) (yes)

Current estimates indicate that currently claimed and inhabitable planets will be able to support the Xanthalian population for approximately 1,000 years. At that time, other plans will have to be made. The nation PSO Capital States is to be contacted immediately in the mean time regarding further expansion as their current homeworld of Than VI, to which they hold partial claim, is nearing its capacity already.
PSO Capital States
26-05-2004, 18:58
PSO Capital States has realized that there is a immediate need to find an alternate area. PSO Capital States has already started exploring new space systems to find a suitable planetary system for our large population and space fleet. We will announce at a different time when we have found the latter.
26-05-2004, 19:01
We will be happy to assist you in your move when that time comes. As a protectorate of the Socialist Republic we are obligated and pleased to do all that we can to make this transition easier for you.
PSO Capital States
27-05-2004, 19:06
After searching the planetary systems by the Aellis and Than systems. PSO capital states has found a suitable area for us to move to. The system will be named the Decimal system. The system contains a sun, 3 habbital planets, 1 planet that needs to be teraformed to be suitable, and 1 unsuitable planet which is a planet of some kind of life forms. We will only plan to occupy the 3 habbitable planets and eventually the one that needs to be teraformed, once the need arises.
27-05-2004, 19:09
Noted. Good luck in your move.

OOC: I'll just assume you've completed the shift in five years.