The coalition is being once again considered...
Souffrance et Trahison
20-05-2004, 06:31
C.A.G.E.D. (Coalition against genocide & enticing dickheads) is considering being reopened. The original founder (Truth Covered Lies) is back and wants to hear YOUR opinion!
As a former member I wouldn't mind seeing it come back
Souffrance et Trahison
20-05-2004, 06:40
hey Tappee... havent heard from you in a while (it is TCL) im thinking about starting it back up... tho its been a long time, and there would be a lot of changes
I would assume so.
What have you been up too all this time, it's been awhile since I last heard from you?
Souffrance et Trahison
21-05-2004, 03:56
not much not much
i fell out of the loop a lil kind of preoccupied
but im back and ready
i think sigma Octavus is going to help out... you can feel free as well
if thats a yes could you set up an invasion forum?
Josh Dollins
21-05-2004, 04:38
it wouldn't have to cost me anything financially (aid) and I could still make my own decisions like whether to go along with your actions some of which I may not? You would be going against guys like Fascist white states etc. right? I may join
Souffrance et Trahison
21-05-2004, 05:13
it wouldn't have to cost me anything financially (aid) and I could still make my own decisions like whether to go along with your actions some of which I may not? You would be going against guys like Fascist white states etc. right? I may join
yes for the most part, you just couldnt turn against us or opening the official thread...go there