NationStates Jolt Archive

OOC Request

19-05-2004, 17:33
Does anyone here have really good abilities with 3D model rendering? I need something done, and I honestly have about as much skill in 3D modeling as a fish has in flying. Any help would be really appriciated, and if you can, just TGram me, and I'll send you what I need. Thanks much.
19-05-2004, 18:26
Some fish are pretty good at flying actually. Your analogy does not hold.

Other than that, I have some skill with 3-D. Others probably have more. TG me the specifics of what you want, and I'll see if it can be arranged.
Free Outer Eugenia
19-05-2004, 18:46
Some fish are pretty good at flying actually. Your analogy does not hold.
Sure it does. The flying ability of 'the flying fish' hardly rivels that of a chicken, a bird that is notorious for it's lack of flying skill.
Atlantian Outcasts
19-05-2004, 18:51
Some fish are pretty good at flying actually. Your analogy does not hold.
"Flying Fish" only glide. They do not fly. Just like "Flying Squirrles"
21-05-2004, 14:31
bump...Im looking for something in DoGA L3 or Lightwave, if possible. Its an aircraft, and it wont be to hard to do. I just have zero skill whatsoever in those areas.