NationStates Jolt Archive

Looking to the Future (Inauguration, Peaceful, Open RP) - Page 2

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26-05-2004, 06:49
Chris looked through the windows to see if Hoot was still walking. (I'm guessing he bolted already)
26-05-2004, 06:49
((I'll tell you when you get it :P))

EDIT: damn it, too late. One sec.
26-05-2004, 06:51
"Don't try and go too fast," James admonished, sitting down next to her. He dabbed her forehead again with the damp cloth. Only one tiny part of his brain, which wasn't foremost, wondered why she wanted to see Hoot.
26-05-2004, 06:52
OOC: Hoot is outside in the shaddows, waiting to see if someone is gonna come out for him or something. I havent gotten to it yet, but Christin has more than the cheat secret...something that is in someway very very similar to Hoot, but at the same time, totally different.


"No, wait, he can't," she said, forcing herself to stand before falling again. This time, she managed to make it to a couch, and she fell back on it, and looked up at James. "I'm sorry..." she whispered faintly, before passing out again.

OOC2: The Judicial system?
26-05-2004, 06:57
((Well my next move was for Chris to go outside so...))

Chris walked outside and looked from one side of the street to the other.

26-05-2004, 06:58
"No, wait, he can't," she said, forcing herself to stand before falling again. This time, she managed to make it to a couch, and she fell back on it, and looked up at James. "I'm sorry..." she whispered faintly, before passing out again.

((keep guessing...heh, you'll never get it. And I won't tell, neither :P))

"No, Cris," James tried, but she had already passed out. He looked over at Chris. "We need to get her to a doctor, right now!"
26-05-2004, 07:00
"What," a voice asked, almost hissing from teh shaddows. The outline of a man was partially visable in teh darkness, and it stepped forward, revealing Hoot. Although not visable in the darkness, Hoot's eyes had gone from their usual brownish color to a dark crimmson red.
26-05-2004, 07:02
Chris turned to look at Hoot, "Cris.. I mean Mrs. Her Majesty asked me to come out here and ask you to please come back into the hotel."
26-05-2004, 07:03
((oops...James' comment was directed at whatever Larkinian happened to be nearby ;)))
26-05-2004, 07:06
Hoot nodded, and returned inside. Christin was passed out, and obviously not going to be talking anytime soon. He noted this, and looked at the group, his eyes inedvertantly falling on James.
26-05-2004, 07:09
((Now Chris can help James))

"Here, let me get her for you," Chris said as he picked up Christin. "I'll take her back to your room if you want to get the hotel doctor."
26-05-2004, 07:14
"No, I want to come too," said James, insistant.

He glared at Hoot. "I hope you're proud of yourself," he growled harshly.
26-05-2004, 07:15
"No, I want to come too," said James, insistant.

He glared at Hoot. "I hope you're proud of yourself," he growled harshly.
26-05-2004, 07:17
Hoot glared back. "Maybe I am," he said, harshly. "When she wakes up, make her tell you why shes unconscious. Or maybe what we talked about. Or better yet what we didn't." He just stood, glaring at James.
26-05-2004, 07:23
Chris looked at the two men, "Ummm, gentlemen, are we forgetting someone here?" he asked motioning toward Christin with his head as he picked her up. "If you two want to talk, then do it out here, I'm going to take her someplace to lay down."
26-05-2004, 07:26
ill stay awake for one more post by Iansisle, then Im out...
26-05-2004, 07:28
"I'm coming with you," said James, "Sorry; I shouldn't let such childish barbs disturb me." He kept his back to Hoot the whole time and helped Chris carry Christin out.

((Important post ( Sorry, just thought you all might miss it otherwise. It's kinda in someone else's thread, though ;)))
26-05-2004, 07:49
((Veeeeeeerrrrrrrrry interesting.... You gonna take Christin over now?))
26-05-2004, 07:51
((hmm...I don't think so. I want to see more of where Imitora's going with the character. Heh, I'm such a wuss about playing other people's characters ;)))
26-05-2004, 07:55
((Gotcha, ya know, while Christin's asleep I can have .. someone ... wander in ;) ))
26-05-2004, 07:56
26-05-2004, 07:59
Damien looked around, and his eyes narrowed as he saw the man. With slow, stable steps, designed to avoid provoking fear, he walked over. He could smell the cheap wine on the other man's breath, and sense the heroin in his pocket. With an easy movement, he reached out and took the drug-seller's shoulder. "Pardon me, is there a place we can speak? I feel a certain craving..."

The druglord turned around, woozily. "Sir, I'll be glad to speak to you privately..." his mind was obviously clouded with alcohol and drugs.

Damien smiled. " seem the best man to satisfy my cravings..."

"Yes, well, that's what I'm here for..."


It was an hour later, in a small apartment. Damien stood over the destroyed body of the man. Cuts and stab-wounds were evident on the druglord's body, and blood was slowly pooling out of him.

Damien nodded. " did satisfy my cravings..." he bent down, and removed a glove. He cupped some of the blood in his hand, and tasted it, closing his eyes in pleasure as the still-warm liquid slid down his throat. He could taste the dead man's fear and pain, but also the foul alcohol and drugs. Disgusting and foul; Still, he provided me with *some* entertainment.
26-05-2004, 08:01
((*I'm driving home now, I'll have him ready when I get home ;) * ))
26-05-2004, 08:18
((no worries, man. I think I might be shoving off to bed, though. If I do, I'll catch ya later!))
26-05-2004, 08:41
Damien left the body, after first cleaning his rapier off in the sink of the flat. He applauded the teachers which had made his skill great enough that there was no blood on any of his garments. I am a greater master of the Dark Harvest than even my grandfather. And I will surpass him as ruler! With a sweeping gesture, he bowed to the dead man, then crushed his skull with his foot. After checking to ensure that the specially designed boots had not been stained, the Dark Prince walked outside, his face masked in darkness.
26-05-2004, 14:31
Hoot nodded, and smiled almost evily. Hoot had never been considered 'normal', but this time, it was just wierd. His crimmson eyes almost seemed to burn, and he turned on his heel, and walked out silently. I can wait to kill you, James he thought as he slid out of the room.
Ciwdod Cymraeg
26-05-2004, 14:38
((Iansisle! You gonna check out the Games?))
26-05-2004, 17:42
((er, um...well, I looked at it. And was thoroughly confused. I'll keep an eye on it and maybe jump in later ;)))
Ciwdod Cymraeg
26-05-2004, 17:52
((Man, just send in some fellow in a kilt. Maybe a craftsman, maybe an emmissary looking to seal a treaty with us. It don't matta!))
26-05-2004, 18:05
((well, if you insist..))
27-05-2004, 01:27
The taxi pulled up outside the hotel-room. Damien paid the driver, and then refolded his rapier up into the umbrella. With a nod, he stepped out of the taxi, and back into the hotel. "...where are those fools?"
27-05-2004, 01:36
OOC: Hoots still there, waiting outside. Iansisle, Christin is probably gonna be out for a while. If she gets examined by a real doctor, they would notice a really really low red blood cell count, and in the blood cells that she still has, a low Oxygen account.
27-05-2004, 01:38
((Yipe, that doesn't sound good. How anemic is she? And the doctors would probably have her on O2 therapy, at least a breather mask, possibly intubated if it was too bad, plus a blood transfusion to increase her red blood cell count. ))
27-05-2004, 01:45
OOC: Not to much so. Its not like Cancer or anythgin, its natural for her, she was born that way. Its never really been a problem for her, but futzing with it could mess her up. O2 maybe, but definately a no on the blood cell count. Thats gonna be important later on.
27-05-2004, 01:47
Double Post...
27-05-2004, 01:47
OOC: Hoots still there, waiting outside. Iansisle, Christin is probably gonna be out for a while. If she gets examined by a real doctor, they would notice a really really low red blood cell count, and in the blood cells that she still has, a low Oxygen account.

OOC: Ah...does Damien *want* to know what's happening? Or is this one of those things where everyone would be happy without that?

IC: Damien narrowed his eyes as he saw the worthless peasant. He wiped his mouth, making sure that no blood stained his lips. He then stalked past, not even deigning to nod.

He looked around for the concierge. Not seeing him, he pulled out a piece of paper and wrote a note to the receptionists, 'wake-up call at 6:00 am'.
27-05-2004, 01:52
OOC: Not to much so. Its not like Cancer or anythgin, its natural for her, she was born that way. Its never really been a problem for her, but futzing with it could mess her up. O2 maybe, but definately a no on the blood cell count. Thats gonna be important later on.

OOC: Gotcha, no blood transfusion, the docs'll have her intubated, so she'll have to wake up slowly so they can get the tubing out of her throat before she tries to rip it out (which would be very, very bad...)

IC: The concierge picks up the note after Damien left and handed it to an aide to make sure he wakes up in time.
27-05-2004, 03:46
Hoot nodded at Damien as he walked by. "Did he miss your mouth?" he asked as Damien wipped of his lip.

OOC: Yeah, rippin tubes out of her throat wouldnt be good at all...
27-05-2004, 04:36
Hoot nodded at Damien as he walked by. "Did he miss your mouth?" he asked as Damien wipped of his lip.

OOC: Yeah, rippin tubes out of her throat wouldnt be good at all...

As Damien walked back outside, he turned and with a quick smile showed Hoot the blood staining his teeth. "I suppose you find yourself amusing, peasant?" he asked. He looked into the taxi. "Be back here at 6:30 am. I think tomorrow I'll try some hunting..."
27-05-2004, 04:47
Hoot turned, and stared Damien straight in the eyes, his own Crimmson colored eyes seeming to glow. The glare would have killed a lesser man, truely dying of fright. Damien may have felt a chill in his body, a shiver. "Why not now?"
27-05-2004, 04:56
The taxi driver nodded, pocketed his money, and took off. Damien turned, and faced Hoot himself. He felt no chill, he felt nothing. His eyes were cold and dead, though in the unfathomable depths of them a purple spark danced. "You truly have no may talk about your travels through the hells, your life and loves...but you will never understand the abyss."

Damien's lips turned upwards, in what could have been a smile. "And there's nothing wrong with that. The abyss is something which can not be explained to one who does not have it in his blood. Whose soul is not already attuned to it through genetics and kinship." Damien closed his eyes, and for one second seemed so much older than his 20 years would have suggested. Then he opened them, and even the flickering spark was gone. "There is no heaven. No hell. No God above, no Devil below. There is only power, and those prepared to take it. Anything else is just an illusion."
27-05-2004, 05:02
"I've never been to Heaven, but I can sure promise you that there is a Hell. Just because you are to weak, and to afraid to accept it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. You are but a little boy, and trust me, you are afraid."

Hoot licked his lips, savoring the fear in the air, be it Damien's or any other onlookers. He smiled as well. "The abyss is nothing but a place for little boys to run and hide with their mothers, while real men know the truth. I have been to the depths of the Underworld, I have fought its keeper, and I am victorious. You are nothing but a little ant to me."
27-05-2004, 05:07
Damien rolled his eyes. "And you? You are but an ignorant, foolish, peasant. Scum." He checked his watch. "Now, if you'll excuse me, some of us actually have work to do. And in the Imperium, my aides should be waking up now." He moved to go, deciding to leave this pathetic peasant to babble on his own. And if they aren't waking up...then I'll have to kill them when I get home. They, at least, should provide me with a challenge.
27-05-2004, 05:09
((Oh dear... *looks at watch and considers how long before Hoot pulls out his gun and Damien gets his rapier* Three... two.. one.. ;) ))
27-05-2004, 05:10
"Wow. That hurts. It stings deep. Go and run to your aides you pussy. You know they are the one that run the country, and you are but a wipping boy for the people." With that, Hoot leaned back against teh wall, and watch him walk off.
27-05-2004, 05:11
((well, unless I've (like usual) missed my guess, there doesn't seem to be terribly much for me to do until this little 'discussion' is over. ;)

So, in the meantime, please feelfree to visit IanWeb (, created because it seems to be the popular thing to do! All the links should work, and I'll be adding various other content roughly whenever I'm bored. :)))
27-05-2004, 05:11
OOC: Hoot wont use a gun, he'll just rip Damien's arm off, tehn beat him with it. Or eat his soul.
27-05-2004, 05:15
OOC: Hoot wont use a gun, he'll just rip Damien's arm off, tehn beat him with it. Or eat his soul.

OOC: Damien doesn't have a soul, and if Hoot ever talks to him ever again, under any circumstances, he'll feel the wrong end of a gi blast.

You're confusing Damien with his mother and brother, as well, Ims. Damien's the one who has people killed just because he doesn't like their hair cut.
27-05-2004, 05:15
((Hey! Nice site I-man! That reminds me I need to update my site now. I like the economy page... Hey, Cele and I still need to get a phase two against RM&M going... You up for some corporate raiding Imi? ;) ))
27-05-2004, 05:18
OOC: Good stuff...Looks like Hoot is gonna talk to him again. I lvoe getting in character *turns up Tommy the Bat to full blast* Lark, what corporation do you want me to use? Shinsekei with the private Air Force? UMAC with the private Marines? WYCHI/Shinsekei Space with the private space fleet?


"I see you dont have a response. Your silence simply prooves your ignorance," Hoot finished, standing up off the wall, and dusting off his pants. "Bitch," he said again, just for good measure. After all, they did it in all the rap songs.
27-05-2004, 05:19
*After some time away, the good doctor returns....*

Wearing his best kahki shorts and flower print shirt the doctor returns to the bar. He senses the tension in the air and does the only sensable thing "Scotch rocks , please"
27-05-2004, 05:21
Lark, what corporation do you want me to use? Shinsekei with the private Air Force? UMAC with the private Marines? WYCHI/Shinsekei Space with the private space fleet?

((Ahhh, I love it when a plan comes together. What do you think Cele? I think the extra marines would be a nice plan.. ;) ))

The bartender gets a scotch for Dr. Niven, "good thing you're back sir, we had a woman faint and that King guy got all panicky.."
27-05-2004, 05:23
((marines !!! I love Initora's marines !! ))

"Which king would that be ?" He took a sip, already sure that he knew the answer...
27-05-2004, 05:23
Damien turned around, briefly. His hand glowed with purple fire, sparking from some internal energy reserve. With a simple movement, he shot it at a passing pigeon, causing it to crash to the ground. "Hi-yah...and the Dark Harvest continues."

Not deigning to listen to any further comments, he went to the elevator and leaned back against the wall, listening to the elevator music. I see that here, they didn't execute all their muzak-composers...
27-05-2004, 05:25
((LOL, now I gotta stop you at the Musak. ;) It'd be more of a calming music, like Metallica or Kid Rock ))

"Ummm.. King James, the one from Iansisle."
27-05-2004, 05:26
"You missed," Hoot said, then simply disapeared.

It was at that moment that a man entered the bar, and looked around. Spotting Niven at the bar, he approached, somewhat cautiously. His accent was educated English, and he was an older man, who looked worn, but still energetic. "Excuse me sir, may I ask you a question?"

OOC: Next post Christin wakes up and tells James, and I'll get the UMAC Marines ready.
27-05-2004, 05:32
Dr. Niven placed his drink back on the bar and in a tone that was dead serious "Where is she ?"

Turning to the new person and turning into a diplomat "Of course you may, but you will have to forgive me if my answer is short. I have something of a family emergency."
27-05-2004, 05:33
"That Captain Markson guy and King James took her to the small infirmary on the fifth floor."
27-05-2004, 05:45
((oh, all this talk reminds me! I forgot to post this!))


“I wish you wouldn’t rush off to Golden Agate like this, Sir Richard.” Baron Linhower looked positively distraught. “Westergate’s getting ready to engage the Yanks, Princess Royal’s a week from her acceptance trials, Gurney’s half way to Harbor City, and you’re running off to watch some coronation?”

“Inauguration, not coronation,” grunted Tri as he hefted a suitcase. “Besides, you know how much His Grace means to me - to all of the Commonwealth.”

“Well, I know, but --” Linhower was interrupted by Captain Conroy’s sharp rap on the door and immediate entrance.

“Oh, pardon me, Your Lordship,” the Operations Chief said upon glimpsing the First Lord of the Admiralty. “Er, Admiral,” he continued, turning his gaze to Tri, “Fort MacMillan reports a large group of East Gallagamen ships crossing the Southern Straits, bound nor-east.”

“The opium convoy,” grunted Tri. Every two months, the Company grouped its precious opium freighters together for one massive but well protected lunge across the pirate infested Western Marches. “They’re about due.”

“My thought at first, sir, but it’s nearly three times as big as the last one. Frankly, sir, I find it suspicious.”

“Well, call up Tedders and ask him. I’m sure it’s the convoy. Now, gentlemen, if you’ll excuse me, I have a Bankfield to catch.” And Tri was out the door.
27-05-2004, 05:48
Christin's eyes blinked open, and she looked around, slowly. "Wheres James?" she asked, moving as to force herself to sit up.

Meanwhile, downstairs:

"Yes, I understand. My name is Dr. Alexander Hector Zephyr of the Townsend Society for the Invistigation of the Parinormal. I'm looking for someone I think you may have seen around here," he said, holding out a picture of Hoot.
27-05-2004, 05:48
Damien entered his room, and closed his door, locking it. He then contacted Kroenen. "Kroenen, this is Damien..."

"Yes, my Kaiser?"

"You have my full permission to begin your...cleansing..." The two of them talked for a few minutes, and then Damien hung up, walked over to his bed, and drifted into a dreamless sleep.
27-05-2004, 05:49
Christin's eyes blinked open, and she looked around, slowly. "Wheres James?" she asked, moving as to force herself to sit up.

"I'm right here, love," he said, clasping her hand more tightly. "Please don't sit up too quickly!"
27-05-2004, 05:50
The doctor checked Christin out quickly, "He's right here, wouldn't have left for anything."
27-05-2004, 05:51
"I'm fine" she said, finally sitting up straight. She looked around the room, at the Doctor and James. "I need to tell you something," she said, and looked at the doctor. "Privately."
27-05-2004, 05:52
The doctor nodded, "I'll be out in the office if anyone needs me," he said as he closed the door behind him.
27-05-2004, 05:54
"Cris, what's wrong?" asked James after the doctor had left. "You seem...different."
27-05-2004, 05:58
OOC: I really dont understand the dedication at the end of Scarface. Its like, here, Im gonna dedicate a movie about a druglord to you. Wow, thanks...oh, and IMan, depending on how you react to this will depend on the question about the duel is pertinent or not.


"I," she started, then paused. She opened her mouth again, then closed it. She couldn't say it. She had to. She forced it out.

"Three weeks ago, when I was back home, getting my tax exemption and renewing my liscense, well, I ran into Robert. Well, one thing lead to another, and we got to talking, and drinking, and well, I was drunk. I couldn't help myself. I ended up sleeping with him."

OOC2: I was thinking about doing this the way it happened to me once. See, I'd have Christin acuse james of cheating on her, and then while he is on the defensive, have her leave him, and make him feel like it was his fault...evil creatures, women are.
27-05-2004, 06:00
"Yes, I understand. My name is Dr. Alexander Hector Zephyr of the Townsend Society for the Invistigation of the Parinormal. I'm looking for someone I think you may have seen around here," he said, holding out a picture of Hoot.

"The Townsend sociey, eh ? Sounds like a nice group." Looking at the picture, " I am sorry, I cannot help you. I have not seen Hoot. If you will excuse me, we can continue this coversation later."

Niven tiped the bartender (way to much) and rushed up to the infirmary.
27-05-2004, 06:00
I was drunk. I couldn't help myself. I ended up sleeping with him."

((OOC: God Damn It Imi, quit channeling my ex-wife!! :P ))
27-05-2004, 06:02
I was drunk. I couldn't help myself. I ended up sleeping with him."

((OOC: God Damn It Imi, quit channeling my ex-wife!! :P ))

((OOC Damn it all Imi, quit channeling my ex-girlfriend !! :p :p ))
27-05-2004, 06:02
OOC: Sorry Lark. See, the funny thing in my situation was that I didn't cheat on her, but she had me convinces I did...
27-05-2004, 06:05
"I," she started, then paused. She opened her mouth again, then closed it. She couldn't say it. She had to. She forced it out.

"Three weeks ago, when I was back home, getting my tax exemption and renewing my liscense, well, I ran into Robert. Well, one thing lead to another, and we got to talking, and drinking, and well, I was drunk. I couldn't help myself. I ended up sleeping with him."

James' mouth flapped open and shut a couple times.

"I...I see," was all he could think of to say. Meanwhile, his heart was on a one-way express elevator down to his stomach.
27-05-2004, 06:06
I was drunk. I couldn't help myself. I ended up sleeping with him."

((OOC: God Damn It Imi, quit channeling my ex-wife!! :P ))

((OOC Damn it all Imi, quit channeling my ex-girlfriend !! :p :p ))

((OOC: Triple damn it, Imi, quit channeling my ex...something Lark and Cele didn't say! :P :P :P))
27-05-2004, 06:06
OOC: And this thread has turned into a soap opera... I should have sent Daniel.
27-05-2004, 06:08
((Well, once this gets a bit resolved, I'll shoot us ahead to the party and swearing in ceremony. I sense Jeff'll be getting a phone call tonight. ;) ))
27-05-2004, 06:08
((OOC: I am not very smart, could someone tell me if James and Crhistin are married ?))
27-05-2004, 06:10
((OOC: I am not very smart, could someone tell me if James and Crhistin are married ?))

((yup...they got married somewhere in the nether-time ;)))

EDIT: No worries, by the way - I don't think we ever had an official ceremony.
27-05-2004, 06:10
((Yeah they are, for a few years now. Christin's pregnant with Ja... *click* oh sh*t... ))
27-05-2004, 06:11
James' mouth flapped open and shut a couple times.

"I...I see," was all he could think of to say. Meanwhile, his heart was on a one-way express elevator down to his stomach.

Christin watched his reaction, and waited. "Say something," she said through tears.
27-05-2004, 06:12
OOC: :? You know, in the Divine Imperium black-suited soldiers would have rushed into the hospital room and dragged Christin away for purification by now...

No, unlike the rest of you, I am *not* bitter about an ex-girlfriend. 8) I'm just a not-nice person.
27-05-2004, 06:14
Niven knocked on the door of the infirmary.....
27-05-2004, 06:14
He honestly wanted to say something. He wanted to pour his heart out to her; to let her know just how this made him feel. But he couldn't.

Instead, James loosened the grip he had on her hand. “What do you want me to say?” he croaked. “Congratulations?”
27-05-2004, 06:16
Niven knocked on the door of the infirmary.....

James ignored it.

((Hey! I'm not bitter...just maladjusted :P))
27-05-2004, 06:19
((Hey! I'm not bitter...just maladjusted :P))

((Tsk, know, accepting it is the first step to a cure.))

Damien woke up, bored out of his mind. "God... I need to do something..." he stood up, and pulled on his monogrammed and carefully designed bathrobe, managing to exude an aura of casual menace even in his slippers. He picked up his pipe, and called down to reception, "Is there a lounge here?"
27-05-2004, 06:29
OOC: Only two girls have ever broke my heart. One dropped out of college her freshman year cuz she got pregnant, then the dad left. The other is in jail for being found in possesion of a brick. Karma's a bitch...


Chrisitn just bowed her head. "I dunno, whatever you want," she said, closing her eyes.
27-05-2004, 06:29
((for all those who don't believe that I'm not bitter (or don't use double negatives), just ask me about that pitch to Tino Martinez in the 1998 World Series. Y'know, the STRIKE? Or Carlos Guillen in the 2000 ALDS. Y'know, with his dirty rotten cheating foot on the plate? Or anything having to do with Kenny Williams. Y'know, the idiot? Or pretty much anything baseball related ;)))
27-05-2004, 06:31
(( I will not boar you all with my tales of women trouble, however they are all in worse living situations now than they had with me.))

Not getting an answer Niven went to the doctors office and knocked on the door.
27-05-2004, 06:33
"Dr Niven! Dr Niven!" called a familiar gruff voice from behind him.


James was staring at the wall. "I can't think of anything to say," he lied. It was actually he was too scared to say anything.
27-05-2004, 06:33
((Nah no worries man, the anger will come going numb is usually the first stage))

"Yes sir, what kind of lounge would you like to visit?"


"Come in," the doctor said. "Ah, hello Dr. Niven. what can I do for you?"
27-05-2004, 06:34
((for all those who don't believe that I'm not bitter (or don't use double negatives), just ask me about that pitch to Tino Martinez in the 1998 World Series. Y'know, the STRIKE? Or Carlos Guillen in the 2000 ALDS. Y'know, with his dirty rotten cheating foot on the plate? Or anything having to do with Kenny Williams. Y'know, the idiot? Or pretty much anything baseball related ;)))

((*raises eyebrow* Ya know, coming from someone who works in the sports department of a newspaper this is amazing, but you kinda need help. :P ))
27-05-2004, 06:36
Niven spins around to see who is there.....and then to the doctor:

" Yes I was told that Christin had been brougght here and that King James was with her. They did not answer when I knocked, so I thought I would come and see if you would be kind enough to brief me on her status."
27-05-2004, 06:37
"Please," Christing begged, hoping he would rip into her like she deserved. "Please say something."

OOC: When one of my gfs cheated on me, we met at starbucks so she could tell me. I poured my venti white chocallte mocha tripple espresso extra foam, extra hot, three shots of irish cream, two sugars on her car. It was a convertable. The top was down. That stuff doesn't come out of even the heaviest scotch gaurded seats.
27-05-2004, 06:38
"She seems to be doing better, she's awake now in the room with her husband. She's got a very low red blood cell count however, and I had her intubated with oxygen therapy while she was unconscious."
27-05-2004, 06:39
OOC: When one of my gfs cheated on me, we met at starbucks so she could tell me. I poured my venti white chocallte mocha tripple espresso extra foam, extra hot, three shots of irish cream, two sugars on her car. It was a convertable. The top was down. That stuff doesn't come out of even the heaviest scotch gaurded seats.

((You are a cold, cold man.. I'm impressed. ))
27-05-2004, 06:40
((Nah no worries man, the anger will come going numb is usually the first stage))

"Yes sir, what kind of lounge would you like to visit?"

((No, going numb is the stage immediately after you spread rumours which destroy any chance of them having future pleasure in life.))

"A smoking lounge, my good man. Somewhere private, and relaxing, where I'll be among equals."
27-05-2004, 06:40
"Yes sir, what kind of lounge would you like to visit?"

(Bumped up for Roania again in case he missed it)
27-05-2004, 06:41
"She seems to be doing better, she's awake now in the room with her husband. She's got a very low red blood cell count however, and I had her intubated with oxygen therapy while she was unconscious."

"Was this a pre-exisiting condition, or was there something here that caused it ?"
27-05-2004, 06:41
"A smoking lounge, my good man. Somewhere private, and relaxing, where I'll be among equals."

"Well there is a cigar bar on the upper floors, one floor down from your suite. At this hour, I doubt there will be anyone else in there, however."
27-05-2004, 06:42
"Was this a pre-exisiting condition, or was there something here that caused it ?"

"I believe it was pre-existing. I didn't see any trauma other than that expected from a fall."
27-05-2004, 06:43
((*raises eyebrow* Ya know, coming from someone who works in the sports department of a newspaper this is amazing, but you kinda need help. :P ))

((I'm not crazy! It's everyone else who is crazy! :P Seriously, though, I'll bet any good White Sox fan could run that list off for you, plus quite a few more. Part of rooting for the Second City's second team is keeping a precise catelogue of slights handed you by the baseball community at large. ;)...oh, and that thing about the Padres, too.))

Sir Richard, his advanced years hindering him was lumbering up the corridor and waving in blissful ignorance.


"I - I need to go for a walk," James said. He put her hand down gently, turned to the door and banged it open - right next to a surprised Sir Richard Tri.

"Your Maj-" started the First Sea Lord. James ignored him and instead reached for the 100 general officer's sabre hanging on Tri's left side. He drew it and walked off, swinging haphazardly muttering something about needing to borrow the blade.
27-05-2004, 06:43
((No, going numb is the stage immediately after you spread rumours which destroy any chance of them having future pleasure in life.))

(( Yeah, that is the fun part. My last ex had to leave town ,because everyone <including her boss> started refering to her <to her face> as "The whore who slept with that nice guy who took care of her's older ugly friend" or just "whore"... Sometimes, just sometimes, life is fair and just..))
27-05-2004, 06:46
"A smoking lounge, my good man. Somewhere private, and relaxing, where I'll be among equals."

"Well there is a cigar bar on the upper floors, one floor down from your suite. At this hour, I doubt there will be anyone else in there, however."

"My thanks..." he said, hanging up the phone, and grabbing the book he had been reading (Mein Kampf; An absolutely cracking thriller with a secret ending I won't give away here.). He walked to the lift, and took it down to the lounge.
27-05-2004, 06:47
"Well then, I am sure you boys have everything in hand, however if you need me feel free to call." He gives the doctor his cell number.

He steps out just in time to see Tri aproaching "Hey there you old sea dog !! " His greeting is cut short by James storming out of the room...With a raised eyebrow at Tri "He just walked off with your saber, would you mind if I cut the hellos short and followed him ?"

Chasing behind James "James...JAMES !!!! "
27-05-2004, 06:48
Christin just hung her head inshame as he walked away, they laid back in the bed.

OOC: Best part was I put the guy she cheated with into the hospital. I was afraid his dad was gonna press charges. He actually told me that it was ok, that the puke got what he deserved...
27-05-2004, 06:50
OOC: I got the former best friend fired and kicked out of his apartment...It is good to have friends.
27-05-2004, 06:51
He steps out just in time to see Tri aproaching "Hey there you old sea dog !! " His greeting is cut short by James storming out of the room...With a raised eyebrow at Tri "He just walked off with your saber, would you mind if I cut the hellos short and followed him ?"

Chasing behind James "James...JAMES !!!! "

"Mind? I think I shall have to follow you!" said Tri. His body, however, was far from its physical peak and he was soon lagging behind Niven.

James, meanwhile, gave no indication that he heard or was aware of anyone's presence. He headed towards the nearest staircase while practicing various thrusts and parries.
27-05-2004, 06:52
[Damien stepped out of the elevator, wiping sleep from his eyes. "What the hell?" He asked, as he saw the twisted tableau of James and Dr. Niven. "Am I on the right floor?" Bloody peasants, running around at all hours of the day...
27-05-2004, 06:55
((Hey, that was a king and a baron or duke or something not peasants :) ))

"Damnit James, stop right now or I will stun you. I am not kidding, you are going to give poor Tri a heart attack, and I am lossing patients with this. Just because you are king does not mean that I will not take you over my knee, young man !!!! " Niven warmed up the stunner in his left arm...
27-05-2004, 06:58
((I think Niven's an Earl, best I remember. And Tri's a baronet and cousin to the Marquess of Tri...not to mention the highest ranked military officer in the Commonwealth. ;)))

James paused with his hand on the staircase's door. "Dad," he said without turning, "I just need some fresh air."
27-05-2004, 07:01
With raised eyebrow, " You know, I cannot remember a time that getting fresh air required ignoring Tri and myself, and stealing a saber. Now if you are starting a new fashion trend or just need to be alone, so be it. But if you take the sword, I am comming with you."
27-05-2004, 07:01
Damien was now wide-awake, and watching this. "Um..." he looked around. "Is there a smoking lounge around here?" He asked, putting his pipe in his mouth. I expected better from the King of Ianisle, really. Jumped-up jack-in-office...
27-05-2004, 07:07
With raised eyebrow, " You know, I cannot remember a time that getting fresh air required ignoring Tri and myself, and stealing a saber. Now if you are starting a new fashion trend or just need to be alone, so be it. But if you take the sword, I am comming with you."

James paid no mind to Damien.

"I do just need some time alone. And I need practice; I hardly know how to use this thing properly."

By now, Tri had come panting up. He and James hadn't been on the best terms for a couple of years, and Tri thought it best not to demand his sword back at once. He instead watched in silence.

James, sabre in hand, pushed the door open.

((ooc: and the fire alarm goes off :P))
27-05-2004, 07:34
Im about to go Lewis Black on the forums
27-05-2004, 07:37
"As you wish son. Please be careful, Jeff is enough to keep up with, I don't need to start patching you up." He turned to Tri " Can I buy you drink, old man ?"
27-05-2004, 07:39
Assuming that James does challenge Robert, what exactly are Iansisle proticols on duels?
27-05-2004, 07:42
27-05-2004, 07:43
“I’ll be back later,” was all James said before walking through the door.

“Your Majest - James, wait!” cried Tri. “If you’re thinking what I think you’re thinking, that thing isn’t going to do you any good.” James paused. “Look, that thing was given to me by a bunch of old widows to help forget their sons. We’ve got to get you trained on a proper shortsword and...”

James let the door slam in Tri’s face on his way down.

“Well!” said the Grand Admiral. “What’s got him in such a snit? Oh, and I’d love a drink - brandy?”
27-05-2004, 07:45
Assuming that James does challenge Robert, what exactly are Iansisle proticols on duels?

((As with most things on the Shield: loose and mostly regulated via honor by the same people who are notorious as the most corrupt government officials in the world ;)))
27-05-2004, 07:46
Damien sighed, and got back in the lift, taking it to the bottom floor and the pub. "I'm not getting any sleep tonight..."
27-05-2004, 07:49
Well, could someone fight in his stay, or does he have to fihgt?
27-05-2004, 07:51
((well, I suppose so..that would be like ultra dishonorable, though. And James might refuse to fight the steadfighter on grounds that even if he won his honor wouldn't be satisfied.

Just so everyone knows, I don't know if James actually is going to challenge anyone to a duel. I'm just sorta playing and seeing where the character takes me. ;)))
27-05-2004, 07:53
"Brandy would be lovely, I am buying." Niven put his arm around Tri's neck. " You know we could check with his misses to see if she knows what the problem is. Or we could just stay out of it and figure they will tell us when they want us to know..."
27-05-2004, 07:56
Tri considered both paths. "Prying wouldn't be very nice," he thought aloud. "But on the other hand, that was some damn peculiar behavior. What happened before this?"
27-05-2004, 07:57
Gotcha. Im just thinking the following:

1)James challenges, offers Robert weapon choice, Robert tchooses pistols, and uses his customized match Berreta 93Rs.
2)Same as above, but Robert picks swords. Robert wins, Imitora has no chance of getting into the ANH, and a possible war on its hands (not that that bothers me at all)
3)Same, Robert looses, Christin (as First Speaker) flips out, declares war on Iansisle
4)James lets Robert pick a stead fighter. Robert, not thinking, chooses Hoot. All hell breaks loose.

Thats all I can think of now. Im about to hit the sack, so we can pick this up tommorow
27-05-2004, 07:59
Gotcha. Im just thinking the following:

1)James challenges, offers Robert weapon choice, Robert tchooses pistols, and uses his customized match Berreta 93Rs.
2)Same as above, but Robert picks swords. Robert wins, Imitora has no chance of getting into the ANH, and a possible war on its hands (not that that bothers me at all)
3)Same, Robert looses, Christin (as First Speaker) flips out, declares war on Iansisle
4)James lets Robert pick a stead fighter. Robert, not thinking, chooses Hoot. All hell breaks loose.

Thats all I can think of now. Im about to hit the sack, so we can pick this up tommorow

5) Niven stuns the both of you and leaves you on an island with nothing but nerf weapons and pudding.
27-05-2004, 08:00
Tri considered both paths. "Prying wouldn't be very nice," he thought aloud. "But on the other hand, that was some damn peculiar behavior. What happened before this?"

"All I know is that Christin was not feeling well, and by the time I got up here, James was storming out." Niven thinks for a moment, "You know, as her doctor I really should look in on her..." Niven steers Tri towards the infirmery.
27-05-2004, 08:01
Gotcha. Im just thinking the following:

1)James challenges, offers Robert weapon choice, Robert tchooses pistols, and uses his customized match Berreta 93Rs.
2)Same as above, but Robert picks swords. Robert wins, Imitora has no chance of getting into the ANH, and a possible war on its hands (not that that bothers me at all)
3)Same, Robert looses, Christin (as First Speaker) flips out, declares war on Iansisle
4)James lets Robert pick a stead fighter. Robert, not thinking, chooses Hoot. All hell breaks loose.

Thats all I can think of now. Im about to hit the sack, so we can pick this up tommorow

5) Niven stuns the both of you and leaves you on an island with nothing but nerf weapons and pudding.

6) Damien gets sick of the noise, and kills both of them and drinks their blood. He then sends Christin in for correctional therapy. (kills her, drinks her blood)
27-05-2004, 08:02

And, of course, Option Seven: James decides not to challenge and is promptly beheaded in a fit of revolutionary fevor.

That sack-hitting sounds like a good idea, though.))

EDIT: option SEVEN, excuse me ;)
27-05-2004, 08:05
Roania, with Hoot around Damien wouldnt get close enough to even know James and Robert were going at it. Even think of hurting one of my characters, and operation Bitch Slap II comes into play.

So basically, its a loose loose situation with James. I like it!
27-05-2004, 08:06
"All I know is that Christin was not feeling well, and by the time I got up here, James was storming out." Niven thinks for a moment, "You know, as her doctor I really should look in on her..." Niven steers Tri towards the infirmery.

"Oh, right you are, right you are," replied Tri, following close behind. "And I, as a family friend and proper gentleman, wouldn't dare leave without knowing her state of health."

Down the stairs and outside, James made it to the nearest private-looking seat he could find. There, he put the sabre to one side and instead cried.
27-05-2004, 08:06
((LOL, nice to see all hell hasn't broken loose just quite yet ;) ))
27-05-2004, 08:08
"Right you are admiral, right you are..."

Niven looked into the room Christin was in..."hello"
27-05-2004, 08:09
((How about option eight, James gets the High Priest of Iansisle to annul the marriage, letting Christin go free and each of them finds someone else and forgets the whole idea of war, which both nations being full of practical people would understand. ))
27-05-2004, 08:11
((I liked option eight right up to the word 'James' :P

I think it's about time to commence Operation: Exhausted. Good night all!

Oh, and Lark has control of Tri. I have a feeling we won't be hearing from James for some time ;)))
27-05-2004, 08:12
Roania, with Hoot around Damien wouldnt get close enough to even know James and Robert were going at it. Even think of hurting one of my characters, and operation Bitch Slap II comes into play.

So basically, its a loose loose situation with James. I like it!

OOC: You know, for someone with a population less than 200 million more than my own, you're awfully confident. So, I'll be blunt.

No one. Absolutely no one, does *anything* to one of my main characters without my explicit ooc permission before the event. No excuses; no ifs; no ands; and no buts. Lark, if you were planning on terrorists storming the inaguration now is a good time to mention it. Quite frankly, I'm also pretty sure that even without that caveat Damien could rip Hoot's head off, but I'm not going to get involved in that argument.
27-05-2004, 08:16
Youve never gone to war with me. Its not about numbers, its about my ability to destroy your nation before you even get the TGram that Im attacking.

Chrisitn probably wont talk, I'll sleep on it though. I'll post in the morning when I get to work. Night.
27-05-2004, 08:16
Roania, with Hoot around Damien wouldnt get close enough to even know James and Robert were going at it. Even think of hurting one of my characters, and operation Bitch Slap II comes into play.

So basically, its a loose loose situation with James. I like it!

OOC: You know, for someone with a population less than 200 million more than my own, you're awfully confident. So, I'll be blunt.

No one. Absolutely no one, does *anything* to one of my main characters without my explicit ooc permission before the event. No excuses; no ifs; no ands; and no buts. Lark, if you were planning on terrorists storming the inaguration now is a good time to mention it. Quite frankly, I'm also pretty sure that even without that caveat Damien could rip Hoot's head off, but I'm not going to get involved in that argument.

OOC: I am having a Niven moment.
Gentlemen, please relax. If you will notice the title of the thread (waits while you look)....... It says peacfull. That would imply that Lark is not going to have a terrorist attack. Cool ?
Next , if you will notice the title of the thread it says peacful, please refrain from killing one another here.
Finally : You are both good role players that view your characters as very powerful, and you are attached to them. Very good, I would not like anything to happen to Niven either, so I understand. Now let us agree not to off one anothers charecters and thereby start a pissing contest the likes of which this board has not seen since the GDODDAD vs. Everyone wars.
Thank you for your time.

PS Lark, I hope you do not mind me playing daddy for a moment.
27-05-2004, 08:19
OOC: Very well, Celeborne...I'll follow your judgement. BTW, Ims...with that attitude, and I know it's the sleep talking, but with that attitude you'd have to convince me to pay attention to any 'declaration of war', and not just ignore it.
27-05-2004, 08:20
((Ummmm.. terrorists? *points up to 'peaceful' statement in title* I wasn't planning on it, that prior post was just to set up some background for a later story.

Look, I've been aware that there's more than a little tension here. We're all good RPers here, which is why I wanted you here, but before this turns into a big threaten and ignore-fest (which it will), I'm gonna say if y'all want to we can pause this for a day or two and let everyone cool down and get their bearings, I'm good with that if you guys are))

Edit: Thanks Cele, you said that better than I did.
27-05-2004, 08:21
Thanks Roania, I appreciate that .
27-05-2004, 08:22
I have never said anything better than you. You are the man 8)
27-05-2004, 08:24
OOC: It's completely up to you, Larkinia. You're the RP Boss-man.
27-05-2004, 08:24
Thanks, I dunno about that but I'll take the praise (and debate the point with you later) ;)

Are we all cool with that? We'll just take a break tonight and come back tomorrow?
27-05-2004, 08:25
OOC: It's completely up to you, Larkinia. You're the RP Boss-man.

OOC: Yeah, but if you guys aren't having fun then that sucks for everyone. One thing I want to do is make sure everyone enjoys themselves.
27-05-2004, 08:28
OOC: I'm cool with taking a break, so long as it leads into a post on my thread. :wink: I'm confused about this entire thing, really.
27-05-2004, 08:30
OOC: I think it will, I've been trying to figure out a way to meet up with some of the other RPers though that doesn't sound too corny.

OOC2: Cele, check TG's
27-05-2004, 08:32
OOC: I think it will, I've been trying to figure out a way to meet up with some of the other RPers though that doesn't sound too corny.

*coughh*not going to happen if I can help it*cough* Yeah, you keep doing that. I'm going to sign out for the night anyway.
27-05-2004, 08:35
OOC: I think it will, I've been trying to figure out a way to meet up with some of the other RPers though that doesn't sound too corny.

OOC2: Cele, check TG's

OOC: meet up IRL or RP ?

Checked and responded to.
27-05-2004, 08:40
((Nah, meet up in an RP. I've got a group of sacrificial lambs in Roania's Cthulu-land and I didn't know if I was supposed to meet up with the RPers or not, I guess not. ;)

Gotcha, working on a reply now))
27-05-2004, 08:40
Niven questions Christin about her health and what is going on with James. When he recieves no answer he finds Tri and heads for the Bar "Hey ,old man, how about I tell you a story about this beautiful redhead I met, she had rainbow eyes and a ........."
27-05-2004, 08:47
"Really? Rainbow eyes? That must have been interesting," Tri says in before sipping his scotch. "How did that happen? Was she born with them?"

(replied to)
27-05-2004, 08:55
"Think of it more as a metephor..." He tells him the Beauty kills story, and Tri gets to here about the part that was left out of the story before (some boys do kiss and tell).....

(And responded to again)
27-05-2004, 09:06
"Oh really, well.. my goodness!" Richard said, the blood rushing to his face and... other parts. "Dear me!"

(back atcha)
27-05-2004, 09:13
"Sorry to embarasse you, but I had to tell someone and I am afraid if I tell the lads they will think they can sleep with the women who try to kill them also. Some things only a dad can get a way with." He give Tri a nudge and orders another round...

(And over to you again)
27-05-2004, 09:49
"You mean they're not supposed to?" Tri asked as he took the new drink with a grin. "So, other than tonight, how's James been doing? We haven't talked much any more."

(and French Open like, it's back to you)
27-05-2004, 09:55
"He has been a bit stressed over his relationship with his wife, you know how it is the third year and the doubts come home to rest. I am sure you remember that. I am sure that after a nice vacation everything will be alright." Takes a sip of his brandy and offers Tri a cigar while lighting his own.
"So when are you going to retire and let me take you fishing ? I can't drive my boat to save my life, you are going to have to go with me." He said with a laugh.

(And volly back at ya.)
27-05-2004, 11:28
"He has? Well I'm sure there's nothing to be worried about ((*ahem ahem*)), " Tri said as he lit the cigar. "Three years already? My how the time has flown by! As for retiring? I don't see that happening for a while, with the millions of ships running through in the seas, someone's got to lead them all, at least a little while longer."

((and the forums are giving me fits now, I'm out for the night, catch ya tomorrow!))
27-05-2004, 11:30
((Later , I will see you on the morrow))

Niven laughs, "Well as long as you are making yourself usefull. I seem to spend all of my time putting stitches in Jeff's arse."
27-05-2004, 14:37
So I get all in the mood to RP as Hoot by listening to Hey Man Nice Shot as loud as my car and house stereo can handle (which is way to damn loud), and now everyone is gone...?
27-05-2004, 21:52
((Before this goes on any further: Imi, you and I-man need to talk in private and figure out where to go from here, or if this even happened. This development is going to affect of lot of RPers here and, no offense, but to drop this out of the blue on Iansisle is kinda not cool, RP etiquette-wise.))
28-05-2004, 01:33
Yeah, I know. It kinda ties into a story Im working on that is gonna change Imitora from an oligarchy to a ruthlessly controled an quasi evil dictatorship run by Robert (Hey, its my nation, so its about damn time that I get to run it). But I-Man, just hit me up an AIM, Hoot1796. Its really up to you if you wanna go through with a duel or anything, I got a way we can keep it from a totall massacre...anyways man, hit me up or tgram me, its all good. I have an answer for every question you may ask...accept why the sky is blue...
28-05-2004, 02:25
((Well, I hate getting on AIM (heh, in case y'all were wondering where I've been the past few dozen weeks ;)), but I think that I can clear things up here.

I have two simple conditions:

1) James cannot be put in a situation where he will die. I know that's kind of bossy, maybe even god-moddish, but I do have a plan for my own country - one which relies on a male, adult High King of the Shield. He will not challenge Robert to a duel. There are two possible solutions: one, they try to work everything out and are interupted. Two, they get a divorce (being that both Iansisle and Imitora are Roman Catholic, perhaps the Holy Vatican See would be the proper person to hit up for this sort of thing? I've been most impressed with his skills as an author and a roleplayer both.) I rather like option two better.

2) Iansisle cannot be invaded without damn good reasons, both IC and OOC, *for about the next IC year*. After that, we're free game.

Other than that, I do like the James/Christin character development so far. Just, in the future, could I have a little more notice so we can plan something like this out properly?))
28-05-2004, 02:52
1. I wouldnt kill James. I like him. If he did challenge Robert to a duel, Robert wouldnt kill him, just toss him around a bit. Yea, I know its cocky, but its a 29 year old who has been in SpecOps since he was 18 vs a young 25ish King...

2. Imitora is Roman Catholic at the moment, but it wont be by midnight tonight. By then, Robert will be the head of the government, Christin will be back home, and the Ever Eternal Church of Imitora will be the ONLY religion.

3. As long as no one says anythgin stupid, Imitora will stay off to the side on Iansisle. Like, unless James himself says F you Imitora, then don't worry. War wise, Imitora is still very honor oriented, and will only attack if the honor of the nation (or its leader) is openly insulted.

4. Sorry about springing this on you at the last minute, it just hit me, and I needed to get it out.
28-05-2004, 07:52
((I'm moving the inauguration party to ))