President of Byach Dead!
Byach News
May 18th, 2004
The President of Byach, Zohar ben Shor, died today while looking across the rubble of his country. He apprently had a massive heart attack. The Election for a new leader of Byach is today through May 20th.
Josh Dollins
18-05-2004, 06:44
The government of JD would like the citizens of byach to make this descision in free, open democratic elections. We endorse know one and wish the nation well with this, we are saddened to hear of the death of the leader.
Suna Kaya
18-05-2004, 06:49
May we please have more information about the parties and their representatives? I would personally like to know the political stances of each party before making a decision, despite the fact that I am not a citizen of Byach.
The Democratic States of Enripta would like to express its condolences to the government and to the people of Byach. We wish that the people of Byach would choose its next leader wisely.
Adolf Himmer- An 80 year old neo-nazi, he is bent on world domination. He plans to try and expel all races but whites from Byach, and try to purchase nuclear weapons.
Julio Fuentez- A 6th generation Byachian, Julio is part of the Anarchist party. He would like there to be no government, for there to be people, and only people, in charge.
Joe Smith- The Centerist canidate, he basically stands in the middle....for everything. He stands for more than Anarchy but less then Facisim.
D-shizzle- House Party canidate. He would like there to be absoutely no drug laws, the drinking age to be down to 16, and the taxes on fine congac repealed. He also wants the national anthem to be "Southern Fried Intro" by Ludacris.
Vote Wisely.