The Long Way.
17-05-2004, 12:27
Der Angst Capital District, Britmattian Embassy.
"He's here? Why is he here?" "The Mongoose is here, the Mongoose, why?"
The question bounced around the embassy, behind the grinning, frenetic little man whirling through the building. It trailed after him like the stale smoke of his cheroot...
Technically it was a nonsmoking building. But the little man, pointed beard, neat little moustaches bristling and ebony cane waving dangerously, broke the rules and no one really felt the need to direct his somewhat...penetrating energies on them by pointing this out.
So he whirled and pounced through the embassy, brightly lit against the gloomy Der Angst climate.
Eventually the cavalcade of his progress stopped at the ambassador's office. The little man, who was also known as the Duke of Birmingham, sprang inside, grin evermore sharklike.
He turned the grin on the ambassador, almost chortling as the portly, balding man actually swallowed. He pointed the cane at the man's forehead like a rapier and quoth thusly;
"You. I want a meeting with whoever needs to be met with in order for us to send troops to Mars. You will arrange zis promptly, with the minimum of visibility. Are you following me thus far peon?"
The fat man nodded, sweating as his eyes crossed looking at the point of the cane.
"Good. You have full licence to bribe, kill and blackmail to get me this meeting. His Majesty is...concerned that our ambassadorial staff may have become somewhat...lax of late. So he sent me to zis rather gloomy country in order to expedite his wishes."
The grin reappeared.
"And I am very keen to go to work. Are we clear, peon?"
The ambassador nodded jerkily.
"Good." The little man nodded. "As it should be. Now go to work peon."
Communication to Der Angstian Government
Our Grand Chancellor, His Grace Arlois, the Duke of Birmingham, would like to request a quiet meeting with whomsoever would be concerned with DA Mars and transporting equipment and men to the same.
This is at your convenience, but naturally HM Govt would appreciate a speedy response...
Der Angst
17-05-2004, 13:11
Communications to the Britmattian embassy
Such a meeting can be arranged easily, and we suggest tomorrow morning, Triluminarium. The porter will wait for you.
The next day, Triluminarium, DA
Mr. Morden was waiting, though he was, admittedly, a bit early for the meeting. The possibilities proved to be... profitable, and he wasn`t going to waste this chance.
He liked it, the Triliminarium, several kilometers high, a black block in the center of the city... well, not anymore, since it was fairly close to the coast, but hey...
If his conclusions were correct, this could be quite amusing.
17-05-2004, 13:45
The Triliminarium, Der Angst
The little man had been awake for over 39 hours continously now and still hadn't slowed down, boiling through the security which any government building will engender around itself, then through the layers of timewasters which bureacracy oozes, greasing a few palms as he did so. It never hurt to tip heavy after all.
The Duke halted himself outside Morden's office, dismissed his aides to their own devices and diversions and attempted to smooth the grin off his face.
He couldn't really help the grin. It'd been there since His Majesty had come up with the whole glorious idea whilst idling musing on the future of the nation.
Arlois loved the idea he was going to discuss with Morden. Especially because his own religion would gain if things went to a convoluted way, but Arlois Birmingham was Gaullois to his fingertips and he never did anything simply if he could help it.
He rapped on the door, then strolled into the office like he owned the place, traversing the short distance across the carpet to where the D.A diplomat sat, quietly watching behind his desk.
He hooked the practical chair facing the practical desk toward him, then elegantly slid into it, facing the Der Angstian diplomat.
"Mr Morden?"
The man nodded cautiously and extended his hand. Arlois thought for a moment, then had an other crack at getting rid of the grin, then shook the moderately good-looking man's hand.
"Arlois Birmingam." He released the man's hand and leant back into the chair. The grin slid back, but Arlois didn't notice, he'd begun explaining his reason for being in the office.
" you see we, the King that is, decided that this would be an ideal time to go to Mars...and if we do things this way...well...a notable irritant to the civilised world takes a bodyblow, we gain lands on Mars, and you get a cut of the profits. And it would also aid relations on both our parts with the Ardans, if you want to look at it that way. That part is being officially ignored in Royesse, but it's been quietly decided we dislike the Godfascists more than the orcs. The Ardans are...pragmatic after all. Not fanatics, so aiding them in this is...practical."
He leaned back and fished into his jacket for a packet of cheroots, then looked up contritely, "Do you mind if I smoke?" then lit up happily at the negative response.
He went on, "You see what we want from you is basically bases and transport out there, for the time being at least. Our own shuttles aren't really up to the task." He took a deep drag, then blew a smoke ring at the ceiling. Dropping his gaze back to the Angstian, "Your thoughts on the matter?"
Der Angst
17-05-2004, 14:37
Mr. Morden smiled, knowingly. "I gave the matter some thought... And I... We agree. And since we`re not interesting in gaining any additional territories on Mars, why not helping other, trustworthy nations doing it, right?" He chuckled.
"Bases will certainly be arranged, shouldn´t be too hard. We might even be able to supply you with our own stuff, though you might not want that, since it is a bit... shall we say, strange."
He takes out a map, still showing his controlled, neutral smile. "We can basically allow you to work with the entire southern border, eventually, we might even be able to offer you TVC territories as staging grounds. You see, the geograpy of this sector... not perfect, but acceptable. If you need it, we can provide encounter suits, since, without them, you would die.
"In any case... Transports... A ship would usually need about 24 hours to reach Mars, but since we recently lost a ship due to pirates, we`re preferring convoys. Assume three days/ ship as average, due to waiting periods. Escorts will be provided by us.
"As for the amount... Our transport capabilities are not perfect, but 4000 soldiers with full equipment are possible. Each day, I mean. Mars needs some... special sorts of equipment, though, again, if you don´t have it, or not enough of it, we can provide facilities to make your own weapon systems mars compatible.
"Unfortunately, I can`t guarantee that we will be able to cover you from Syskeyian counterattacks, diplomatic reasons, But I sincerely hope that this will be possible. One last, perhaps the most important point, needs to be addressed, though. Monetary compensation."
He smiles, and takes out a little notepad, handing it to Arlois.
"I know, it is a bit much, but just like you want to win something, we do, too. Oh, and depending on your needs, this sum may increase or decrease, it is an average."
17-05-2004, 15:11
Arlois puffed meditatively and looked at the figure on the notepad.
"Hmm. Not so ugly a number considering..." He looked up and blew an other smoke ring ceilingward.
Still addressing the ceiling he waved grandiloquently, cheroot held between thumb and forefinger, "The figure you suggest is more than reasonable. We recently can I put zis...clamped down shall we say? on a number of our more disreputable citizens. Their assets became state Property. For the time being, finances are not an issue."
The grin was really taking on a life of it's own by now, twitching the sharp face of it's owner into the features of the mammal he was nicknamed for.
Stroking his moustache with a forefinger he continued;
"But, yes, anyway. The encounter suits, not an issue for us thankfully. Hmm. The experience with Angstian gear would doubtless please our people...which does lead me to our one rather necessary request, as opposed to a purchase."
He looked down from the ceiling to Morden. "The inhabitants of some nations in this world have a rather odd affection for outdated military equipment. Rather strangely for someone with extra-terran colonies, our foe also follows this trait. So whilst we don't expect him to trouble us militarily, we also don't want him to reinforce. This is where we make our request. We need some way of launching our own fighters and attack ships from space should it become necessary. We wouldn't ask you to engage in active assaults, merely to ship our craft."
He stroked his moustache some more, took a final drag of his cheroot and flicked it neatly into a wastepaper bin in the corner of the room.
"But it's only a trifle. I suppose we'll have to acquire our own capital ships at some stage, but those lunatics in the surface navy cost enough as it is.
However, everything else is details, I have the agreement I wanted, and you will doubtless be pleased with the financial compensation, even should things not work out. So, I suggest a statement concerning "combined exercises" or some such irrelevant notion be released, and things progress as swiftly as possible from there."
Arlois extended his hand across the desk "A pleasure to do business, and perhaps if this goes well we can help you with some other...irritants on Mars." The grin came back, feral as ever. "After all, what are friends for?"
Der Angst
17-05-2004, 15:49
Mr. Morden nods, taking Arlois hand, shaking it. Certainly, and i`m sure that your current... endeavour will be... shall we say, a great success." He chuckles. "As of your... problem, I think we have a suitable solution... they are not the best ships, but they aren`t bad, either, and perfectly suited for your needs." Again, he takes his notepad, and shows Árlois some stats. "It should work out easily."
18-05-2004, 04:31
O.O.C On hold pending the opposition growing some cajones. >_<
New York and Jersey
24-05-2004, 09:15
1st Federal Fleet Flagship Yorktown-
Form: Fleet Admiral Robert Westing, Chimera Naval Headquaters
To: Fleet Admiral Mace Fletcher, CO Yorktown
Mace, word from Earth is that our old allies in Syskeyia have close their borders. We arent sure if this is permenantly or not, however we can not, and will not allow Syskeyian Mars to become land up for grabs by other nations. Therefore, you are to order General Nolan and the 41st Infantry Division, and General Hillmore of the 4th Marine Division down to the planet. You'll have full control of this operation, Mace, so make the best of it. You have a green light to shoot anything down which is unregistered in Sysk Airspace. Have your troop compliments secure the borders fast. If you need more troops, the 5th Army Group is cycling back form deployment to Charon, I'm sure I can get the Army to consent to lending you a few of their Infantry Divisions.. Try not to cause to much trouble Mace.[quote]
Following Mars in its movement around the Sun was the 1st Federal Stellar Navy Fleet. One hundred plus vessels, and support craft of varying types, from troop transports, to fleet supply ships and tenders. Mars had become a staging ground for Fleet Operations for NYNJ and its importance was reflected in the fact that at any given movement a Fleet or two was in striking distance of Mars, while the rest of the navy was only from three days to a full week away. It was this use of Mars however which allowed, the FSN to conduct operations against targets on Mars when the need arose. Tonight was one of those times where the need arose for the usage of the ground forces.
Dozens upon dozens of large landing barges, and smaller Inter-Solar System Armored Personnel Carriers were launched from the Fleet, downward toward the surface of the planet. Three thousand troops enclosed in armor designed specifically for Mars, the power suits were holdovers from the war against Melkor. Expanded upon, they were still the same as before, but now there were more of them, and this allowed for a great deploymenet than the last time. However, while greater deployment numbers were possible, the numbers were currently only half of when NYNJ fielded an Army Group to fight Melkor. A statement would of course be made soon enough, however for the time being ISSAPCs and Landing Barges ferried as fast as possible 60,000 troops from orbit, and from New Huntington over toward Syskeyia Mars.
Admiral Fletcher, wouldnt sleep until the last of the ISSAPCs had completed ferrying troops to the surface, and when done he'd relay a simple message back to Chimera Naval Headquaters, "The troopers have landed and are in control of the situation."
"ADMIRAL! Our SA-43s, are reporting foreign troops, none-Syskeyian crossing the border.
Admiral Fletcher, already going on lack of sleep looked over toward his radio officer and staggered forward with a look of sheer contempt on his face. "Where are they crossing from?!"
"From Der Angst Mars, Admiral.."
"Christ...get word the 1st Marine Divison, have them attempt to get as many of their troops into position to stop an advance as possible. Then I want you to contact the New Albany, tell her skipper to Sortie with the rest of the Cruisers to provide orbit to surface cover for our troops.."
It was crisis time, and the sun was just starting to rise on what was suppose to be a lovely day in NYNJ.
25-05-2004, 00:30
Der Angst
25-05-2004, 09:52
ooc: 1. there are no troops crossing the border. It is prepared for ADKites (Who would likely be betrayed), and transports for Britmattians are... prepared (though none are going), but they could go everywhere.
There are some preparations visible, however, such preparations are done in the north (Border to Bajon), too.
I repeat: No one is crossing the syskeyian border from DAMa.
This has, of course, a reason: I don`t invade, nor do I support invasions, when the target isn´t there (TVC, as you might remember, isn`t a part of me, I just secured that no one else takes it, aka typical, poor NS landgrab, kinda like what you do with Syskeyia).
2. I thought you were going to quit? :P
Edit: 3. Just got told by Yamatto that he did cross the border... somehow, and then deleted his post. My apologies, and I will really have to reconsider this... relationship... I guess he will never again be able to cross the border...
25-05-2004, 11:32
25-05-2004, 11:37
OOCly I didn't handle that well, Greg announcing on irc that he was going to occupy Mars sort of necessitated a quick border crossing, then having a bunch of other people say they'd help him splatter me really ruined my plans, and I responded in what's coming to be my trademark crappy manner.
Apologies to all involved and this thread is shut down now. ICly the troops on Mars have returned home and the Kingdom is out a few billion for transport costs.