How are all these sporting events run?
13-05-2004, 04:10
If someone involved with one of the world cups for variouse sports etc. could take the time to answer this question I'd be gratefull.
How in god's name do you RP a sporting competition? A war is understamdable where no particular one event can change the outcome. But in most sports that last minute goal or brilliant wicket or super pitch can change the way a competition turns out. It seems that it would be particularly difficult to RP fairly.
I just don't see how you do it and can't seem to find any of the RP as an example. I'm not having a go at anyone because if you've found a way of doing it your brilliant. I'm just a little confused.
The Underground City
13-05-2004, 04:39
I have always wondered how competitive RP works.
Liverpool England
13-05-2004, 04:44
Okay, I'll tell you. In case you are wondering, i've RPed sports since the WC6 [sometime in July last year]. It's simple. Try to work it out with your opponent. If he can't be reached, its his loss, and he must follow your RP.
19-05-2004, 07:01
Still seems a little difficult, but if it's been working...
Whilst pondering this problem I thought of a system that may work even better.
Involve a neutral umpire more in the match, for best results to the point where the umpire is actually a third nation.
Then opponents canuse their sporting imagination, discussing moves, shots, players etc. but RP in a relaxed environment where the umpire nation decides who is doing a better job (based on the RP of course) and who score goals, points, runs etc.
This way players will create more in depth, ‘insighted’ stories not having to bring up the issue of scores until an umpire says so.
This could also bring out a team/player skill factor - The better RPers would win.
Timed games could be run on a full length or ‘Nation States’ time limit measured by the referee (and players) on RL clocks, watches etc.
Obviously some sports involve a series of many smaller sequences in play (eg. Rugby or cricket) but experienced RPers should be able to figure out different things for their sport.
Just a suggestion
19-05-2004, 08:31
I can give you another answer how sports-events are run. We have the hosts (one or two nations), they use a hypercomplex spreadsheet to generate scores (to scorinate). Games of the hosts are either scorinated by another host or by a non-host, who doesn't profit from how the match ends (fallback-scorinator). The score is posted in the forums or TGed. Now it is clear who won and the involved nations can RP the match. Either someone simply goes ahead and RPs (in most of the cases) or both players agree on the way the match took place. an example for he latter idea was the own-goal-fest in the Cherry Cup, where TB and me claimed to have the worse team. We agreed before the match was scorinated, that all of our goals would be own-goals and RPed accordingly. If you see that your opponent has already RPed, you can either RP yourself about the match (but keep it consistent to the RP of your opponent). The RPs count towards your RP-bonus and a team with a high RP-bonus is more likely to win than a team without, but of course, rank is also very important.