Is your nation first world, second world or third world?
This is to get some idea of how the NS world is divided...
Arizona Nova
Atlantian Outcasts
The Brotherhood of Nod
California and Alaska
Catholic Europe
Draconis Nightcrawlis
Dragons bay
Fascist White States
Five Civilized Nations
Josh Dollins
Kay Son
Kaze Progressa
Melkor Unchained
The Mindset
New Cyprus
New Empire
Sigma Octavus
Stone River
Technology Unleashed
Proletariat Comrades
Soviet Haaregrad
Hell Bovines
Magnus Valerius
New Bucks Head
Tanah Burung
While Ariddia has a planified economy and is a Communist state, it may well be considered a third-world nation, given the state of its economy. The population is not poor, since everything is geared to give everyone decent standards of living, but Ariddia is not the place for you if you dream of becoming rich.
The Brotherhood of Nod
11-05-2004, 10:36
The Brotherhood is easily First World, although it's foundations lie in former Third-World Countries.
Definately first. How do I know? Well, check my economy. Also, it has said on my nation description in the past that high-income earners pay a 100% tax rate. What is my average tax rate? 100%. So, that means all of my people earn a high income.
11-05-2004, 11:07
Iansisle's probably third world, but we like to pretend we're first.
11-05-2004, 11:24
Since my country is agrarian, it would be classified as third world.
Even though we have an incredibly strong economy, because it's controlled by the government very tightly... I'd say second world.
Woah, everyone uses the terms incorrectly.
The first world refers to the US and allies such as Western Europe, Japan, and Korea.
The second world refers to the former USSR and Co, such as Warsaw pact, Cuba, etc.
The third world is everyone else.
Economically (and being allied with the US IRL), _Taiwan is 1st world.
11-05-2004, 11:48
Woah, everyone uses the terms incorrectly.
The first world refers to the US and allies such as Western Europe, Japan, and Korea.
The second world refers to the former USSR and Co, such as Warsaw pact, Cuba, etc.
The third world is everyone else.
Economically (and being allied with the US IRL), _Taiwan is 1st world.
Incorrect. Originally the term was used to describe the West, the East and everyone in the middle during the cold war. However, today the terms apply to the dominant industry with first world countries using tertiary industries (Service Industries), second world countries using secondary industries(Manufacturing) and third world countries using primary industries (Resource gathering).
11-05-2004, 11:57
1st world.*Line dances*
Der Angst
11-05-2004, 12:29
Since NS has a completely different geopolitical structure...
What is first world/ second world/ third world in NS?
Are there more or less worlds in NS?
etc etc...
New Cyprus
11-05-2004, 12:30
I am pretty sure that New Cyprus is a first world country, our citizens have many rights, and quite a bit of gov. money looking after them and their well being and safety.
11-05-2004, 13:59
Moontian has many worlds.
What would a future-tech nation be?
Draconis Nightcrawlis
11-05-2004, 14:43
I'd say most future-tech nations would be first world, Draconis Nightcrawlis certainly is.
11-05-2004, 14:46
Then the answer is clear: Moontian is a first-world nation.
The Brotherhood is easily First World, although it's foundations lie in former Third-World Countries.
Great minds think alike.
Five Civilized Nations
11-05-2004, 14:55
The Five Civilized Nations is definitely First World...
Sigma Octavus
11-05-2004, 15:28
Most definitely first world and proud of it.
11-05-2004, 15:39
Probably second, too many INequalities to be 1st and too rich to be 3rd.
List updated.
When I said First, Second and Third World, I was thinking in terms of the structure of the world as from the mid-forties. In other words, this kind of classification:
First world. We're big enough, we are capitalist enough, and more than rich enough...
Pah! If what all of you say is true, then I am the epitome of The World.
BRAWR! Ph33r my uberleetness!
12-05-2004, 05:48
Second world. Callisdrun isn't a poor country, but because of tight Government regulation, there aren't really any fabulously wealthy people and taxes are very high. Callisdrun isn't really agrarian at all though, so it can't be third world.
Proletariat Comrades
12-05-2004, 06:21
Second World, I'd say. I have a Communist nation, and according to the original Cold War definition of First/Second/Third World nations, Communist countries were all part of the Second World. Interesting question, that... :)
Soviet Haaregrad
12-05-2004, 23:15
Haaregradia would most likely be somwhere between second and third. We have a huge economy with a fairly equal distribution of wealth, we have well-funded social programs in place and our economy is made of a roughly equal mix of heavy industry, agriculture, technology and service.
OOC: My IT, Arms Manufacturing and Agriculture scores in UN ratings are all in the 3 000+, my Automobile Manufacturing score is 2 000+.
Tanah Burung
13-05-2004, 05:29
Traditionally always third world. Militantly so, in fact. But the economy rankings are too high now to sustain that. So call it a development success. Is Malaysia still third world?
Tanah Burung
13-05-2004, 05:29
Tanah Burung
13-05-2004, 05:29
Tanah Burung
13-05-2004, 05:29
13-05-2004, 05:30
Sixth world, given the Awakening and all.
*puts on cool specs and waits for someone to catch the reference*
--Hearty Aerospace Pirate Cap'n Scolo
If you list _Taiwan as first world then what's your perception of Sino? Sino's industry, culture, military and economy by far outstrips that of _Taiwan (the two nations are in the same region) and the _Taiwanese separatists are always scared sh*tless of Sino.
_Taiwan is a bunch of dope-smoking leftists with nothing but crap in mind. Sino is known by it critics as "The Neo Han*, 'Nazi' China and Militarist China" (by 'Nazi' Sino is by no means anti-Semitic, but the constant authoritarian militaristic regime has been falsely rendered Nazist by some).
The image of Sino is highly urbanized (like Singapore) and industrialized (like China).
List Sino as first world. Or deduce _Taiwan's ranking.
OOC: If ya don't believe me, ask _Taiwan.
*The Han dynasty in Chinese history was ruled by the Liu imperial family. Currently, Sino prospers under the leadership of the Military Junta, headed by a General Liu.
Traditionally always third world. Militantly so, in fact. But the economy rankings are too high now to sustain that. So call it a development success. Is Malaysia still third world?
Sino's leadership loaths South East Asia due to its past atrocities commit on the ethnic Chinese there.
OOC: Of course Malaysia is third world! There's garbage all over the streets even in Kuala Lumpur. (Quoted by Chinese Malaysians.)
Second World, I'd say. I have a Communist nation, and according to the original Cold War definition of First/Second/Third World nations, Communist countries were all part of the Second World. Interesting question, that... :)
OOC: Communists all eat turds in the third world. The reason why North Koreans have children is to have meat on the menu. Communism is a false sense of progress that erodes away society and humanity.
Only by bathing itself in the blood of its people did the Ivans make USSR a first world country. But that's only in military terms. While its people froze their asses off in winter and wait in endless queues like cattle for their daily fodder.
Since my country is agrarian, it would be classified as third world.
Serves you subhuman hippies right.
OOC: My IT, Arms Manufacturing and Agriculture scores in UN ratings are all in the 3 000+, my Automobile Manufacturing score is 2 000+.
Sino surpasses you on those areas.
Second World, I'd say. I have a Communist nation, and according to the original Cold War definition of First/Second/Third World nations, Communist countries were all part of the Second World. Interesting question, that... :)
Ariddia could be called second-world; it's somewhere between second and third.
Tanah Burung, as far as I know Malaysia is still considered Third World. But then some classifications are strange. I've seen South Korea classified as Third World, which makes little sense to me...
Melkor Unchained
13-05-2004, 08:17
I think youre misunderstanding what "First World" and all means exactly. In RL Earth, those temrs were used to describe the distribution in power over the American and Soviet power blocs. The only 'First World' Nations in the true sense of the word were the United States and Russia, the and the Second World was the term used for their closer allies and such. The 'Third World' were nations that had not bothered to affiliate themselves too heavily with either state, and as such Africa and other isolated locales frequently find themselved lumped in here. 'Third World' is a term still used today, but nowadays its just used to describe shitholes like Iraq.
In NS Earth, from [i]my paradigm at least, the First World nations consist of Menelmacar, the leading core of the Triumvirate of Yut [being Scolopendra, Karmabaijan and Berserker], and myself. Their closer allies, like the C'Tan, and Nathi's Dominion, along with many of my own [Wretchengard, Sauron if he ever shows up again, and a smattering of others] fall into this category.
Third World Nations, as I see it, are either undeveloped, or simply don't RP at all.
Proletariat Comrades
13-05-2004, 08:24
Second World, I'd say. I have a Communist nation, and according to the original Cold War definition of First/Second/Third World nations, Communist countries were all part of the Second World. Interesting question, that... :)
OOC: Communists all eat turds in the third world. The reason why North Koreans have children is to have meat on the menu. Communism is a false sense of progress that erodes away society and humanity.
Only by bathing itself in the blood of its people did the Ivans make USSR a first world country. But that's only in military terms. While its people froze their asses off in winter and wait in endless queues like cattle for their daily fodder.
I hardly disagree with you...but I wouldn't call any of those countries communist, either. I'm not much of a communist in real life; I wanted to see how taking a communist tack would affect my nation, which is a fictional experiment within a game. PLEASE try to remember this. Further, to find out the effects of a capitalist nation, I created one the UN officially designates as a "Free-Market Paradise". Therefore, I'm not greatly biased in favor of either "ism". They both have their pluses and pitfalls. Thus, I rather resent being attacked as a Marxist by you.
First World Status, due to strong military and economy
13-05-2004, 09:02
Just put me down on second world. Although i pretend to be first world.
Der Angst
13-05-2004, 10:20
In NS Earth, from my paradigm at least, the First World nations consist of Menelmacar, the leading core of the Triumvirate of Yut [being Scolopendra, Karmabaijan and Berserker], and myself. Their closer allies, like the C'Tan, and Nathi's Dominion, along with many of my own [Wretchengard, Sauron if he ever shows up again, and a smattering of others] fall into this category.
Third World Nations, as I see it, are either undeveloped, or simply don't RP at all.
That is doubtlessly assuming that anything in NS revolves around The Trium and/ or Arda, which simply isn´t true.
There are many, many other geopolitical circles, most of them rarely or never interacting with other... circles.
Which is why simply copying the first/ second/ third world line of thought simpy doesn´t work.
Granted, it`s your paradigm, but simply ignoring anything that isn´t in direct contact with you is a bit much, isn´t it?
Melkor Unchained
13-05-2004, 10:27
That was the reason I said 'from my paradigm.'
I'm not forcing it on anyone else, its just how I see it ICly
13-05-2004, 17:43
I'm with DA on this one. Certainly the Trium and Metus and friends are powers of sorts, but anyone pretending to be a superpower in a multiverse this large is just suffering from an attack of egotism. That's what I think, at least, OOC and IC.
Arda/Metus has been / will be (pending various things) the Primary Adversary and thus many political situations have to be viewed as a competition between Us and Them, but experience shows that other forces in the woodwork (GDODAD, the Seraphim, other various who-knows-whats in the multiverse) could be just as powerful or disruptive and have to be taken into consideration. It's when superpower ego comes into play that it gets dangerous because "we're powerful so X threat can be ignored." Think about the growth of militant terrorism under the guise of Islamic Fundamentalism at the end of the Cold War. The Soviets decided to ignore the threat initially and thus got their asses handed to them in Afghanistan. The States decided to ignore the threat so much that it actually assisted it, and that explains why Al Qaeda has Stingers as well as black market SA-8s and -12s.
Atlantian Outcasts
13-05-2004, 18:23
*looks at futuristic democratic socilist utopia, compleat with large space fleet*
um...1st world.
The Mindset
13-05-2004, 18:32
Many here don't seem to realise that there are definitions of "worlds". Most are just basing their standing on the number.
First World: Rich, Capitalist nations. Those who aligned themselves with the United States and Britain in WW2. For example, US, UK, Australia
Second World: Rich/Moderately Rich Socialist/Communist nations. Those who oppose Capitalist regimes. For example, Soviet Russia, China.
Third World: Poor/Developing Nations, mostly capitalist though corrupt. Oppose all nations that do not give them financial aid. For example, most of Africa, the Middle East, South America.
The Mindset is first world. Atlantian Outcasts, if you are socialist, you are second world. It doesn't mean you have a less powerful economy, it just means you aren't capitalist.
California and Alaska
13-05-2004, 18:46
California would easily be first world... the backbone of the nation itself is California state :P
Hell Bovines
13-05-2004, 21:52
Mindset, your definition of worlds is totally incorrect.
The third world aren't just poor/undeveloped nations, but those nations that during the cold war were unaligned neither with the communist block or the capitalist block.
For example my country, Argentina, was in 1950 the 8th largest economy of the world and a very wealthy country. Yet, my country is still a part of the third world.
Also, Yugoslavia, after Tito refused to be a USSR puppet, was also considered a third world country.
Nowadays, that definition has become outdated and the expression of "third world", sadly, was associated with poverty and economic unestability. But the real and original definion, was:
*First world: USA and its allies, including NATO members.
*Second world: USSR and its allies, including Warsaw Pact members
*Third world: All the non-aligned countries - The rest. From rich countries to poor ones. Most (but not all) of the third world members gained their independence after WWII, that's why the third world is associated to the terms "emerging countries" and "anti-imperialism". Most third world countries were members of the "Non-Aligned Country's Organization". An organisation made to counter both the NATO and Warsaw Pacts.
According to this classification, I'll say Hell Bovines is a third world country. Despite being socialist and having strong links with the CACE, the country still promotes a policy of semi-neutrality and has also good relations with some capitalist powers.
14-05-2004, 00:21
Above First World. But... considering I just took over a first/second world nation, that bumped me back to first.
14-05-2004, 01:38
Battlecrabs is first world. Indeed, Battlecrabs is the first world, in all its polluting and exploiting glory. :D
New Empire
14-05-2004, 01:45
1st world... According to some GDP calculators, I'm a filty stiking rich country with a GDP per capita of around 42,000. And my rights ain't that bad either.
Lunatic Retard Robots
14-05-2004, 01:49
With 100% income tax, in LRR you can't really have any realistic ambition of becoming rich.
The economy is pretty good, and everyone has a job. But since factories are heavily automated, quality control departments tend to be the size of small armies.
I'm not sure what LRR would be.
OOC:LRR, we been waiting for you to post in the Return of the Gods pt.II:Enter the NeoAtlantians
IC:Hmm, of hand I would have to say Zoir is an frist world nation if such labels could really be used anymore.
Atlantian Outcasts
14-05-2004, 02:03
The Mindset is first world. Atlantian Outcasts, if you are socialist, you are second world. It doesn't mean you have a less powerful economy, it just means you aren't capitalist.
no, that just means I'm not capitalist. "worlds" have to do with how well off your people are. And let me tell you, we are much better off than China or Russia
Arizona Nova
14-05-2004, 02:06
Arizona Nova: First World (rich, capitalist, "environmentally unconcerned")
Nominor: Third World (poor, socialist [not in the traditionally understood sense though], uber-green)
14-05-2004, 02:57
The People's Republic of Krasnovaria is second world, but barely so. We are a socialist state. We keep our people fed and our cities clean, but you could not say that we have a thriving export trade, nor a wide range of state-of-the-art consumer goods ready for our citizens to buy.
Soviet Haaregrad
14-05-2004, 03:48
OOC: My IT, Arms Manufacturing and Agriculture scores in UN ratings are all in the 3 000+, my Automobile Manufacturing score is 2 000+.
Sino surpasses you on those areas.
I highly doubt you surpass me in all of those areas, after all Automobile Manufacturing is my main industry.
We are first world, but the neighboring semi-autonomous region known as the "Union of Black Provinces" is certainly 3rd world, possibly 4th world.
Fourth World also fourth world n. The least-developed countries of the Third World, especially those in Africa and Asia.
Tanah Burung
14-05-2004, 04:40
Second World, I'd say. I have a Communist nation, and according to the original Cold War definition of First/Second/Third World nations, Communist countries were all part of the Second World. Interesting question, that... :)
Ariddia could be called second-world; it's somewhere between second and third.
Tanah Burung, as far as I know Malaysia is still considered Third World. But then some classifications are strange. I've seen South Korea classified as Third World, which makes little sense to me...
Yeah, the whole three-worlds scheme makes no sense any longer -- and well-off "third world" countries like Malaysia and South Korea are one reason why. What might make sense is a scheme based on economics only, consisting of core countries (North America, western Europe, Japan), periphery countries (the poor and/or weak ones, ie. most of them) and semi-periphery (an in-between zone of countries with some freedom of action like Russia or Brazil). I'm one of those who has spent a fair bit of time devoted to trying to RP a third world group of countries, but it just doesn't seem to work in the NS universe where (as this thread shows) almost everyone calls themselves first world.
Oh, and Sino, if you could give us a break on your tedious racism, that would be swell. Thanks.
Although the Republic of Tiburon's economy classifies it as a lower second-world country, the United Republics of Tiburon, which include The Forgotten Land, Altea, Mecha United, Shining America United, Dil Chatha Hai, The World Nation, and the Cinq Kingdom, is solidly in the First World. (Think of the United Republics as similar in structure to the United States, with this country as the international outlet.)
14-05-2004, 05:07
Although the Republic of Tiburon's economy classifies it as a lower second-world country, the United Republics of Tiburon, which include The Forgotten Land, Altea, Mecha United, Shining America United, Dil Chatha Hai, The World Nation, and the Cinq Kingdom, is solidly in the First World. (Think of the United Republics as similar in structure to the United States, with this country as the international outlet.)
OOC: Tiburon... like Tiburon in Marin County?
14-05-2004, 08:53
Sixth world, given the Awakening and all.
*puts on cool specs and waits for someone to catch the reference*
--Hearty Aerospace Pirate Cap'n Scolo
Ah, another Shadowrun Player. Where did I put my Ares Predator? 8)
Roycelandia is most certainly 1st World, regardless of which reckoning you use.
For the record, I was taught at school that 1st World was Industrialised Nations like the UK, US, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, most of Europe etc, 2nd world was places like Soviet Republics, Kenya, Egypt, Morocco, and Pacific Islands like Rarotonga.
3rd World was most of Africa, Asia, and any part of The Middle East that wasnt a former British or French Colony at some point...
16-05-2004, 13:30
The Imperial Republic would likely be considered First World....depending on whom you ask.
But basically there is enough land and money, so that a GDP of 35,000 Drakonian Doubloons a year, which is average, will get you a lifestyle comparable too an American Household that makes 100,000 a year.
Hell Bovines
16-05-2004, 16:02
List updated.
Seems you forgot to add me, pal. :P
As explained in my previous post, I'm third world, according to my classification.
Josh Dollins
16-05-2004, 21:35
First world.
16-05-2004, 21:48
I suppose I am first world, judging by my well rouded, relitivly high stats. :o
Kaze Progressa
16-05-2004, 21:54
First world again, thanks to my All-Consuming/Powerhouse economy (roughly on a par with the EU average).
16-05-2004, 22:03
Considering I'm in the top 100, 50, or higher in everything...
17-05-2004, 06:43
Woah, everyone uses the terms incorrectly.
The first world refers to the US and allies such as Western Europe, Japan, and Korea.
The second world refers to the former USSR and Co, such as Warsaw pact, Cuba, etc.
The third world is everyone else.
Economically (and being allied with the US IRL), _Taiwan is 1st world.
Incorrect. Originally the term was used to describe the West, the East and everyone in the middle during the cold war. However, today the terms apply to the dominant industry with first world countries using tertiary industries (Service Industries), second world countries using secondary industries(Manufacturing) and third world countries using primary industries (Resource gathering).
I like your new definition.
They should sticky this thread. It very useful.
17-05-2004, 06:44
By the old definition Whittier is second world, but by the new definition, Whittier is first world.
18-05-2004, 02:39
I'm using founding date+Economy+Rankings as a good idea of country.
I'd say if you number in the top 100 regularly, your economy is either Frightening or All Consuming (although it should be only Frightening, and Frightening+ by the old GDP calculator. I.E. at least two months as Frightening), and your founding date is prior to June 03, and thats being generous, you would be first world.
Seems you forgot to add me, pal. :P
Oops... Sorry about that.
Updated. I'm putting you each in the category you give, even if you're not using the same definitions... It's highly subjective anyway. And NS seems to be disproportinately first-world... Makes me wonder where Ariddia is sending all its monetary aid to. ;)
18-05-2004, 09:11
First World due to a powerful economy (Frightening since April 2003) and high standards of living.
Free Outer Eugenia
18-05-2004, 09:12
Free Outer Eugenia's economy is not centraly controlled, but it is a cooporative mutual aid economy that operates along the principles of anarcho-syndicalist induistreal democracy. We are also alligned with the CACE.
18-05-2004, 09:34
Based on Falastur's economy and levels of development, I think it counts as first world....
18-05-2004, 10:10
First World, most definetly.
18-05-2004, 17:12
First world using both the economic and the political definition.
I dunno what I am in Melkors paradigm though. ;)
EDIT: Oh, yeah... I think using the '1st-3rd world' definition is a bit pointless because the NS world is very different, but hey, indulge.
First world using both the economic and the political definition.
I dunno what I am in Melkors paradigm though. ;)
EDIT: Oh, yeah... I think using the '1st-3rd world' definition is a bit pointless because the NS world is very different, but hey, indulge.
Knootoss and drugs, definitely the crap that makes Third World.
19-05-2004, 03:05
First world using both the economic and the political definition.
I dunno what I am in Melkors paradigm though. ;)
EDIT: Oh, yeah... I think using the '1st-3rd world' definition is a bit pointless because the NS world is very different, but hey, indulge.
Knootoss and drugs, definitely the crap that makes Third World.
Sino, I don't think your country is exactly the epitome of a first-world nation either.
The Illustrious Spadge looked at the holoscreen hovering above his marble desk before him, his highest ranking Admiral behind him.
"Soo... as you can see... this could be a bit of a problem..." Spadge said, grimly.
"Yes.... my engineers had no idea that it only went up to three..."
"Yeah.... we're... we're gonna have to ... you know..."
The admiral gritted his teeth. "Do we have to?"
"I'm afraid so..."
"Look, we can't have a 600 foot tall solid gold and ruby encrusted statue saying Welcome To Wormia: The 42nd World Nation... it... it's braggartry..."
"Is that even a word?"
"Just take it down."
"The Four? Or the Two?"
"The Fo... Two... heh heh heh...."
(lightning strikes in the background)
19-05-2004, 08:32
First world using both the economic and the political definition.
I dunno what I am in Melkors paradigm though. ;)
EDIT: Oh, yeah... I think using the '1st-3rd world' definition is a bit pointless because the NS world is very different, but hey, indulge.
Knootoss and drugs, definitely the crap that makes Third World.
You... annoy me. And I don't think I am the only one here.
'nuff said.
*goes on with tending to more pleasant affairs*
Catholic Europe
19-05-2004, 09:16
I would say that my nation is first world. We've had a frightening economy for over a year RL time!
20-05-2004, 15:31
In NS Earth, from my paradigm at least, the First World nations consist of Menelmacar, the leading core of the Triumvirate of Yut [being Scolopendra, Karmabaijan and Berserker], and myself. Their closer allies, like the C'Tan, and Nathi's Dominion, along with many of my own [Wretchengard, Sauron if he ever shows up again, and a smattering of others] fall into this category.
Third World Nations, as I see it, are either undeveloped, or simply don't RP at all.
That is doubtlessly assuming that anything in NS revolves around The Trium and/ or Arda, which simply isn´t true.
There are many, many other geopolitical circles, most of them rarely or never interacting with other... circles.
Which is why simply copying the first/ second/ third world line of thought simpy doesn´t work.
Granted, it`s your paradigm, but simply ignoring anything that isn´t in direct contact with you is a bit much, isn´t it?There have been roughlt half a million nations served on this websited. It is impossible to not ignore the vast majority of nations (especially those that one doesn't RP with).
First world using both the economic and the political definition.
I dunno what I am in Melkors paradigm though. ;)
EDIT: Oh, yeah... I think using the '1st-3rd world' definition is a bit pointless because the NS world is very different, but hey, indulge.
Knootoss and drugs, definitely the crap that makes Third World.
Sino, I don't think your country is exactly the epitome of a first-world nation either.
We have the industry, culture, military and economy. But we lack lebensraum!
Steel Butterfly
22-05-2004, 04:45
We're like.... .5th world or something....
The whole 1st throught 3rd can't really apply for space nations.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (
As we progress towards Season III, we are in search of more teams. NSMLB is a fantasy baseball league, inspired by NationStates, which uses a simulator to determine the outcome of games. The Simulator, created by Kisnesia, a member, pits the batters against the pitchers throughout the "game" and delivers a final score. The game is then written up in Baseball Tonight/ESPN form.
Please, if you're interested in Baseball whatsoever, check it out! B)
Steel Butterfly
National League Commissioner, NSMLB Administrator
Spacer Guilds
22-05-2004, 05:05
How about 1/2th world? Hm. Probably not going to work, as the other increments are integer. I suppose that makes me 0th world.
The Bulgar community
22-05-2004, 12:33
Let's just say you got it all wrong:
Here are the proper definitions (as taken by the Oxford history Encyclopedia Edition 1997):
1st World - Capitalist Countries
2nd World - Communist Countries
3rd World - ANY OTHER COUNTRY (regardless of economy, although they are alwasy the poorest)
As you can see this definitions pretty much worked ONLY until 1989 (the fall of communism in Europe) now there are jsut 1st and 3rd World Countries (the few communist nations left are in the 3rd World, except China)
Dragons Bay
22-05-2004, 12:59
Let's just say you got it all wrong:
Here are the proper definitions (as taken by the Oxford history Encyclopedia Edition 1997):
1st World - Capitalist Countries
2nd World - Communist Countries
3rd World - ANY OTHER COUNTRY (regardless of economy, although they are alwasy the poorest)
As you can see this definitions pretty much worked ONLY until 1989 (the fall of communism in Europe) now there are jsut 1st and 3rd World Countries (the few communist nations left are in the 3rd World, except China)
A more updated, contemporary view would be:
1st World: Well-developed economies (strictly North America, Western Europe, Japan, Australia and New Zealand, though other places such as South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore can be included)
2nd World: Transitional economies (strictly defined as the former Soviet republics in Central Asia and Eastern Europe, though other places such as China, Brazil, Malaysia can also be included)
3rd World: Developing economies (the rest of the world, basically.)
The Bulgar community
22-05-2004, 13:59
I suppose you are right, and taking these definitions (excluding the examples) you can refer to them in hte NS world...
Dragons Bay
22-05-2004, 14:04
Of course Dragons Bay is the First World.
22-05-2004, 14:43
Well, the various definitions given have pretty much put me in all three worlds...but going by my population of 2+ billion and a Frightening economy for at least 10 months, I'd have to say 1st world.
22-05-2004, 14:46
I think Im second world.
22-05-2004, 15:13
Definatly 1st World. You can't have a name like Fluffywuffy and not be First World!
22-05-2004, 15:38
as we are neither exploiters nor exploited, and conventional measures of wealth are for all practical purposes meaningless i guess this would all depend on how the eye of the beholder chooses to look at things.
we have zero international monetary trade cridit though we do enguage in barter trade with a few close friends and allies. we have relatively tecnologicly sophisticated infrastructures for transportation, energy and data, and many kinds of opportunities for stressfree creative gratification that simply don't exist in monetary based economies.
we have more modems then voice phones, more computers then televisions, more little people sized trains then automobiles.
actualy we have almost no televisions or automobiles and of course credit cards would be meaningless.
what we have are craftufacturing centers and mathom houses. we do have untaverns. and little people sized trains going almost everywhere and stopping anywhere and everywhere they go. usualy within an easy half mile walk of everyone's house.
we have places to live for people who don't want to build their own (built by people who enjoy doing so for their enjoyment in doing so) and plenty of places to build them for the most of us who do, with very little restrictions on doing so aside from consideration for each other including those creatures less sentient then ourselves. food both natural and cultivated is abundant. people wear as little or as much as they wish, often, like their houses, fassioning it themselves.
we make no attempt to classify this as either wealth or poverty, but we do have ways to keep others from exploiting us and we do 'close ranks' as it were, when neccessary to do so.
as our social organization is nonhierarchal we are not vulnerable to the loss of 'leaders'.
some would perhapse call us high tec primative eco-socialists. there's really no one name we're that easily pinned down by though.
Stone River
23-05-2004, 23:38
The Confederate States of Stone River is without a doubt a first world country.
24-05-2004, 00:03
First world
New Bucks Head
24-05-2004, 00:08
The government of the NBH believe that we are a first world nation, however a few dissenting voices in our populace would class us a third.
25-05-2004, 18:38
First world.
In another related topic, the people of Syskeyia consider themselves to be both part of Western Civilization and Asian civilization at the same time. Unfortunately, both the Western and Asian worlds have ignored their national and cultural acheivements (OOC: My OOC exsue for why Syskeyia's never mention in world history books, etc. :D ) so the Syskeyians sorded of have a "wounded pride" issue about that.
God bless,
The Republic of Syskeyia
25-05-2004, 18:45
Well... i dont care Im only 2nd world by your definitions though i consider myself 1st world because i help my friends.
Technology Unleashed
25-05-2004, 18:48
First World.
25-05-2004, 19:39
It would appear that we are a 1st world country dipping our toes into the waters of the 2nd. Our thriving pizza delivery and information technology industries definitely bring us in line with the economical description of 1st world, our wood chip exports are most certainly 2nd, since those chips are only going to be used for pressboard a little way down the line. Our success definitely indicates we're first world, so go us.
25-05-2004, 19:45
25-05-2004, 22:13
if you consider the outdated classification of the "world" system it clearly needs to be redesigned. Since there are problems compairing the 192 countries that are applied to the model we are using, you can imagine trying to compair the current listing of 118,710 countries in Nation States.
It is clear a new system needs to be developed, but what data do you compair the countries against each other.
There apparently are some data generated for UN participents (according to points in automotive and the such in earlier posts) it isn't fair to use that data. There are nations who view the UN as not being part of their game.
How about possession of Nuclear Weaponry? Again, there are those nations who don't want to bother with irradiating other countries.
The Space Race? Some nations start out as their origins being from other systems. Others have no intrest in space. They are having enough fun interacting with the other nations on the ground.
Since you only affect changes in your economy and classification all you have to do is dismiss and/or "go on vacation" to avoid decisions that might change these. You continue to gain population but you get no threatening decisions.
Income Tax isn't useful either since there is not any way to set the amount you want to charge. Again you have to await the issues lottery to see if you get a chance to change it with one of your decisions.
So, if you redesign the classification system what would you use?
Matrex is easily a first world nation.
Magnus Valerius
09-06-2004, 05:30
Magnus Valerius is a third-world country in the political sense.
However, the First - Third World thing is obsolete, you know...
Probably second, although my economy is considered All-Consuming, we are a rather small nation.
Hmm... Ianna's quite firmly in an informational economy, however, all other sorts of production are somewhat nonexistant. All citizens have toys but no money; call it second world.