Attention All Active, Good RPing Nations!
09-05-2004, 06:55
The Coalition Forces Alliance (region), founded in July of 2003, is looking to rebuild its self. It has always been, and always will be, dedicated to fighting and ending genocide. Things on the back burner of its objectives are fighting genocide and imperialism.
The CFA has had a long and very successful history in the international scene of peacekeeping, fighting genocide, terrorism, and some imperialism. The CFA was one of the forerunners in fighting, and practicly ending the practice of genocide, though it is still alive in sparatic nations.
We are looking for active, loyal, anti-genocide/anti-terrorism/anti-imperialist nations who are also good RP'ers.
Please contact the nation of 'ViZion' or 'Matich', or post a reply here.
Thank you!
The Coalition Forces Alliance.
Must be Anti-genocide
100 million population minimun
Actively RPing
Proven you're a good RP'er
Eastern Orthodoxy
09-05-2004, 06:56
We heartily support your efforts for peace and justice in the world.
+Theophilus, Patriarch
We welcome all nations into this alliance!
Irondin supports this alliance but will not leave the Mineral Archipelago
09-05-2004, 07:22
Xaniqall supports efforts against genocide and imperialism, but questions what is meant by opposition to terrorism, as the tribes of Xaniqall have sympathy with some groups labeled "terrorists"
The Republic of Kyrkry will participate in discussions as an anti-terrorist nation, but will not leave our region.
(we like RP!)
Anti Terrorism means we are against people who target civilians(women,children,etc).
09-05-2004, 07:31
Anti Terrorism means we are against people who target civilians(women,children,etc).
Fair enough.
The Burnsian Desert
09-05-2004, 07:39
We do not wish to enter an alliance, but if we do not already have an embassy in ViZion, we would like to establish one.
Monte Ozarka
09-05-2004, 16:13
ooc: hmmm...anti-genocide, terrorism, and imperialism...Powerfularmies, ViZion, Matich, and others...quite a strong region. Although I did just recently move into a new region... *ponders*
*tag* in the meantime
Austar Union
09-05-2004, 16:19
We wish to be contacted on the details of this alliance. We have some interest in joing such an organisation.
Unified Sith
09-05-2004, 19:54
Why are you against Imperialism, why not Communism? as it has been seen communism is far more dangerous.
09-05-2004, 20:02
Communism? How would you define 'Communism'? If you would know your stuff, then you would know that 'Communism' as an ideology is peaceful (please note: Unified Sith is an evil, imperialist genocidal nation)
I would sincerly like to join this alliance. I was heavily involved in the Camewot war, when the RIA (Reborn Imperial Alliance, of which Unified Sith is a member) was defeated. As it stands however, I am not prepared to leave my current region.
'Communism' is a non-attainable utopian goal. Real communism consists of militaristic dictatorships.
Due to the highly subjective nature of 'imperialism', 'genocide', and terrorism, it is highly unlikely Daylam would join an alliance dedicated to fighting them. However, we echo TBD in that we would like an embassy in your nation.
Unified Sith: In rl life communism is impossible but on ns we have allies that are communists.
TBD: Yes we will ally with you.
Momanguise: I will discuss it with Vizion to see if you can join.
Daylam: How many times must I tell you. You do NOT exist.
President Matich
President of the CFA
Founder of the CFA
Matich, how many times do I have to tell you to go to the thread to argue. Oh wait, you have, and have been destroyed in every feeble point you make. Every other nation in the world understands how wrong you are. Anyways, it doesnt matter because I dont want to join this or any other alliance.
09-05-2004, 20:17
'Communism' is a non-attainable utopian goal. Real communism consists of militaristic dictatorships.
An opinion only. 'Marxism' does not nessercerly equate to 'Communism'. I myself am a Communist, but I do not believe in the 'Dictatorship of the Proletariat'.
Matich, how many times do I have to tell you to go to the thread to argue. Oh wait, you have, and have been destroyed in every feeble point you make. Every other nation in the world understands how wrong you are. Anyways, it doesnt matter because I dont want to join this or any other alliance.
No actually the only reason Jarridia and Xeraph apoligized was because they were tired of your whining. I know and talk to them OOCly and that is what they told me. Im tired of argueing with you so I just IGNORE you.
Who said I was talking about Jarridia and Xeraph? You are tired of arguing because you are wrong. The 'arguing' you did amounted to 1 post in the thread. After I dismantled it, you left.
Daylam/Momanguise take your argueing somewhere else please. Thank you.
I agree Matich. This isnt the right place for whining about how I am ignored.
09-05-2004, 20:36
Fine *sighs*
If you want to look at my commiment to fighting Imperialism, look at this
09-05-2004, 20:48
09-05-2004, 20:49
Momanguise - yes, you may join. I'll TG you pw.
09-05-2004, 20:56
ooc: hmmm...anti-genocide, terrorism, and imperialism...Powerfularmies, ViZion, Matich, and others...quite a strong region. Although I did just recently move into a new region... *ponders*
*tag* in the meantime
OOC: yes, anti-genocide, anti-terrorism, and anti-imperialism... and I think we've proven this...
the PRKS supports you in your venture but moving regions would be disasterous for our internal security.
West Scotland
10-05-2004, 00:22
West Scotland, while not inclined to join this alliance or moving regions, wholeheartedly supports its goals and the alliance itself, for the present. We would like to add that a rogue nation named Terror of the World is planning to destroy you...what a fool.
Western Asia
10-05-2004, 00:26
The CFA can find a friend in WA. All it needs to do is call.
The CFA can find a friend in WA. All it needs to do is call.
We thank you for your support.
The CFA can find a friend in WA. All it needs to do is call.
We thank you for your support.
10-05-2004, 00:31
West Scotland, while not inclined to join this alliance or moving regions, wholeheartedly supports its goals and the alliance itself, for the present. We would like to add that a rogue nation named Terror of the World is planning to destroy you...what a fool.
I know about Terror of the World.
And thank for your support! :-)
10-05-2004, 00:43
I would be honoured to be permitted into this alliance. My only hope is that I fulfil the requirements; I don't have a very high opinion of myself as an RPer. I humbly offer my support to the noble goals of this alliance, though I too will, if accepted, not move regions.
10-05-2004, 02:13
[OOC: I would be interested in joining, though I'm not sure how to prove whether or not I'm a good roleplayer. I am pretty active (as my work schedule and the server allow) and I'm anti-genocide, as my entrance into war against Holy Panooly for its ethnic cleansing should prove. My population is over 200 million. My country labelled as democratic socialists so I am very anti-imperialism. I don't have anything against a constitutional monarchy, though.]
10-05-2004, 02:25
So does this proposal embrace countries with socialistic/communistic tendacies that arent imperialistic or dictatorial?
"The Past is the Key to the Future"
~The Principality of Hetorulus
10-05-2004, 02:37
Hamanistan would be interested in joining this alliance. We will move to a new region if we must.
OCC: I am re doing Hamanistan's entire government and everything, so this would be a welcome move.
Greetings from Xeraph!
To the leaders of ViZion and Matich:
Xeraph and the Xeraphian Federation would, of course, be honored to be officially allied with both nations and the CFA. I believe that we were once officially allied through the now defunct NWO, and of course we have fought on the same side in several wars.
Obviously, we could not join the region, as our region, Mercenary Lands, is the seat of government for the Xeraphian Federation.
Might I suggest an alliance between GAPTS and CFA. This would make us both stronger and more able to stand up against the forces of terror and imperialism. If you'd like a complete membership list of GAPTS, I'll be happy to provide you with it.
Alaric, King of Xeraph, Protector of the Xeraphian Federation, Master of the Knights Templar (XF)
10-05-2004, 05:02
I would be honoured to be permitted into this alliance. My only hope is that I fulfil the requirements; I don't have a very high opinion of myself as an RPer. I humbly offer my support to the noble goals of this alliance, though I too will, if accepted, not move regions. You are accepted
10-05-2004, 05:04
[OOC: I would be interested in joining, though I'm not sure how to prove whether or not I'm a good roleplayer. I am pretty active (as my work schedule and the server allow) and I'm anti-genocide, as my entrance into war against Holy Panooly for its ethnic cleansing should prove. My population is over 200 million. My country labelled as democratic socialists so I am very anti-imperialism. I don't have anything against a constitutional monarchy, though.]
You may enter the alliance
10-05-2004, 05:04
So does this proposal embrace countries with socialistic/communistic tendacies that arent imperialistic or dictatorial?
"The Past is the Key to the Future"
~The Principality of Hetorulus
We take it as case-by-case, you are stereotyping them.
10-05-2004, 05:05
Hamanistan would be interested in joining this alliance. We will move to a new region if we must.
OCC: I am re doing Hamanistan's entire government and everything, so this would be a welcome move.
You dont have to move into the region, but we're looking for new nations in the region... You may enter...
10-05-2004, 05:05
Greetings from Xeraph!
To the leaders of ViZion and Matich:
Xeraph and the Xeraphian Federation would, of course, be honored to be officially allied with both nations and the CFA. I believe that we were once officially allied through the now defunct NWO, and of course we have fought on the same side in several wars.
Obviously, we could not join the region, as our region, Mercenary Lands, is the seat of government for the Xeraphian Federation.
Might I suggest an alliance between GAPTS and CFA. This would make us both stronger and more able to stand up against the forces of terror and imperialism. If you'd like a complete membership list of GAPTS, I'll be happy to provide you with it.
Alaric, King of Xeraph, Protector of the Xeraphian Federation, Master of the Knights Templar (XF)
We understand, and we accept the alliance.
Monte Ozarka
10-05-2004, 05:18
The Grand Duchy of Monte Ozarka is loathe to leave its new region so soon after joining. However, we do heartily support the goals and principles of the CFA. Therefore, if at all possible, the GDMO requests membership into the CFA without joining the region. If such a request cannot be fulfilled, we apologize, but do not hesitate to enlist our aid if the CFA finds it needs to take action.
The stance of the GDMO government, in a nutshell:
- We are vehemently anti-terrorist, even when it involves terrorism in popular revolution. Terrorist organizations are a scourge to the world, and we will aid in actively seeking them out and destroying them.
- We will not stand for hypocritical revolutionaries. Those who incite others to violence against their "oppressors" and then enslave the people under the yoke of absolute totalitarianism are no better than those they are trying to overthrow.
- We pledge to never use WMD's aggressively in war. This includes tactical nuclear devices. However, if attacked in such a manner, we are not afraid to retaliate in similar fashion.
- The GDMO is a left-leaning socialist country that is protective of the ideals of freedom and equality. We are devoted to social reform in our own country and will give out humanitarian aid to all who need it, domestic and foreign. Crimes against humanity are crimes against the world. Such practices must be stopped in any way possible.
- The GDMO is anti-imperialist and will not attack another country without reason. However, we are not afraid to put our military might to good use when situations call for it. Thus, most of our ground forces are currently away in peacekeeping activities (or in ViZion's case, against a revolutionary who we believe to be corrupt, self-serving, and a danger to the people of ViZion), and most of our navy is overseas, enforcing a blockade around a country to try to prevent rogue nukes from escaping.
Please take the above into account.
Thank you for your time,
--ROBERT WERTER, Count of Viscosia, Foreign Minister for the Archduke Philip IV of the Grand Duchy of Monte Ozarka
10-05-2004, 05:19
Define imperialist :twisted: :twisted:
Nah I'm definitely imperialistic. Sounds good anyhow I'll tag this for GP.
10-05-2004, 05:20
The Grand Duchy of Monte Ozarka is loathe to leave its new region so soon after joining. However, we do heartily support the goals and principles of the CFA. Therefore, if at all possible, the GDMO requests membership into the CFA without joining the region. If such a request cannot be fulfilled, we apologize, but do not hesitate to enlist our aid if the CFA finds it needs to take action.
The stance of the GDMO government, in a nutshell:
- We are vehemently anti-terrorist, even when it involves terrorism in popular revolution. Terrorist organizations are a scourge to the world, and we will aid in actively seeking them out and destroying them.
- We will not stand for hypocritical revolutionaries. Those who incite others to violence against their "oppressors" and then enslave the people under the yoke of absolute totalitarianism are no better than those they are trying to overthrow.
- We pledge to never use WMD's aggressively in war. This includes tactical nuclear devices. However, if attacked in such a manner, we are not afraid to retaliate in similar fashion.
- The GDMO is a left-leaning socialist country that is protective of the ideals of freedom and equality. We are devoted to social reform in our own country and will give out humanitarian aid to all who need it, domestic and foreign. Crimes against humanity are crimes against the world. Such practices must be stopped in any way possible.
- The GDMO is anti-imperialist and will not attack another country without reason. However, we are not afraid to put our military might to good use when situations call for it. Thus, most of our ground forces are currently away in peacekeeping activities (or in ViZion's case, against a revolutionary who we believe to be corrupt, self-serving, and a danger to the people of ViZion), and most of our navy is overseas, enforcing a blockade around a country to try to prevent rogue nukes from escaping.
Please take the above into account.
Thank you for your time,
--ROBERT WERTER, Count of Viscosia, Foreign Minister for the Archduke Philip IV of the Grand Duchy of Monte Ozarka
We will accept an alliance.
10-05-2004, 05:20
Define imperialist :twisted: :twisted:
Nah I'm definitely imperialistic. Sounds good anyhow I'll tag this for GP. lol
Monte Ozarka
10-05-2004, 05:47
We will accept an alliance.
Thank you, and we in the GDMO hope that this alliance will prove to be fruitful.
To protecting the world against evils,
--ROBERT WERTER, Count of Viscosia, Foreign Minister
ooc: btw, does this mean that i'm now a member of the CFA, or does it mean that i am in an alliance, solely with ViZion?
10-05-2004, 15:58
Verboten Lufftewaffe
10-05-2004, 16:39
Add me to your list of allies...though i have no wish to relocate at this moment...I wish to be part of your alliance.