NationStates Jolt Archive

Power Lies in the Heart

05-05-2004, 23:22
Rekjyavich Andropov Military City: Dersconian Empire Capitol -- Earth Sector

Derscon Military Command Building

Supreme Commander's Office

"Ah," Bismarck sighed as he walked in to his office. The Grand Field Marshall sat behind his desk in a chair so comfortable, it rivals the Czars. "Damn, I could just......sleep. Yes, that would be......."


"What the fuck!" He exclaimed while jumping in his seat, startled at the call as he was about to drift off to sleep. He answered the phone, farily pissed.

Bismarck: Hello?

Caller: Good afternoon, Your Excellency, sir! This is Governor-general Aleksey Yepishev of Spaklaekoff.[/code:1:df627c3ff9]

General Bismarck pressed a button to display the span of the Dersconian Reich. The Empire, which spans across thirteen solar systems, with a total of about 78 planets, made holographic map HUGE. "Ah, Spaklaekoff," he muttered after finding it. This planet was in the very center of the Empire, the "heartland," so-to-speak. It was also the location of the Empire's most heavily guarded secret. Well, two of them, to be exact.

Bismarck: Yes. Good afternoon. What might you need?

Aleksey: Both projects have been completed.[/code:1:df627c3ff9]

Just then, Field Marshall Ludendorff and General von Fritsch walked in the office. Right in time to see the Commanders eyes widen, and then his face light up in a huge, but sly, grin. Bismarck waived them to a chair and told them to wait a minute.

Bismarck: Wonderful!! Wonderful!! For many years we have worked on this, and not it is done!

Aleksey: I know! It is one of the happiest moments in my life.

Bismarck: I want to come down and see it immediately!

Aleksey: That can be arranged! I shall await your arrival! Goodbye![/code:1:df627c3ff9]

"Wonderful!" Bismarck exclaimed. "Men, we are going on a trip."

"Where to?" Fritsch asked.

"Spaklaekoff," Bismarck replied, and it shocked both of them, finally making the connection. They were both in on it.
09-05-2004, 15:08
Spaklaekoff Governing Center

After the long space ride, the three generals got to Aleksey's office.

"Good day!" Aleksey said. "Would you like to see the final designs?"

"Absolutely," Bismarck replied.

"Good. Should we see the factory or the elite first?"

"The Elite."

"Okay. So we go." Aleksey led them out to the Warthog. He climed in the driver's seat, Fritsch climed in shotgun, Lundendorff climed in the rear passenger seat (it was a newer version of the Warthog), and Bismarck took the gunner seat. "Damn, I remember these things," Bismarck said. When Aleksey went to drive off to the camp, Bismarck noticed targets along the rode. Aleksey could see what Bismarck was thinking.

"Go ahead, try it out."

"My pleasure," Bismarck replied, smiling. He then opened fire on the targets, knocking every single one of them over. THe guards truned at the gunfire, but then relaxed seeing it was the old Field Marshall reliving his youthful days.

After about an hour of driving, they arrived at the Training Camp. They drove in, parked, and went to the Officer's building.

"Hello, Aleksey," the Colonel said to the governor. He then saw Bismarck, paled, and saluted. Bismarck saluted back. "At ease."

"Yessir," the Colonel replied. "I assume you want to see the base?"

"Yes, I do," Bismarck said.

"Very well, follow me." The Colonel took them around, showing them all the labs. "This is the Genetic Research lab. Here is where we do all the genetic enhancements of the SPARTAN-IIs. As you know, all Marines have small genetic enhancements, and the SPARTANs have excellent enhancement, but those of this project are superhuman. They are virtually invincible. The brain waves match the old CRAY-II units in the old NSA headquarters back at Earth."

"We don't --"

"I know you don't use them. But that's how fast they work. The lead soldier actually rattled off the first ten-thousand didgets of pi for me!" the Base Commander chuckled, as he was a former mathmatitican. "Their reflexes -- well, lets just say that they almost beat the Czar's." The General's eyes went wide at that, as the Czar wasn't really human anyway, and the Czar didn't have genetic enhancement

"Wow!" Bismarck exclaimed. "The Czar will be happy about that."

"I know he will," the Base commander said. "Anyways, onward with it." He took them to a different lab. "Here is the MJOLNIR-VII upgrade body armor. You know the over-shields we designed?"

"How could I forget," Bismarck replied. It was this very lab where the experiment went wrong and they created the Covenant Guardsmen monsters. Thankfully, their all dead.

"Well, the MJOLNIR-VII armor has that finally programmed as the regular shielding device. The Armor itself is a lot stronger, too. Instead of the normal eight armor-health levels, it now has fifteen of them. Unfortunately, it cannot come back with a normal armor health pack. It is too specially designed. We are in the process of developing new one's, but we are far from it. Now, weapons." The Base Commander took them to the weapons lab.

"The new A527 assault rifle. It is a seventy-round clip. They fire 7.62 rounds. Oh yeah, you have two choices for bullets. Ballistic-tip, or High Explosive."

Bismarck smiled. "Excellent! exploding bullets. Heh. Finally."

"Well, we have had them for awhile, but never really found a perpose for them. Anyways, the pistol is the same, but we have developed some plasma stuff, too."

"Plasma?" Fritsch asked.

"Yes, sir. Plasma. These are OUR plasma rifles. The battery can get five-hundred shots, but don't overcharge it. It'll explode. It has the force of about twenty pounds of C4. Don't overcharge it," he reiterated. "Now, for the parade ground."

The Base Commander led them back to his office and turned on the camp-wide intercom.


After about five minutes, he led them out to the parade ground. All Bismarck saw was a huge wave of green. "We have developed 500 SPARTAN-IIs."

"Five hundred!" Bismarck exclaimed.

"Yup. there were about 5000 people. The rest died in the training or genetic enhancement."

"Oh." Bismarck, Fritsch, and Lundendorff were led to the podium by Kaeshoff.

"Soldiers!" the Colonel said in the microphone. "We have three very important people here. These people are your commanders. These are the people who you swear your loyalty to!" Kaeshoff stepped out of the way and Bismarck got up to the podium.

"SPARTANS! I am Field Marshal Otto von Bimsarck, Supreme Commander of the General Staff, and Commander-in-Chief of the Dersconian Military. You are clearly the best soldiers in the galaxy. You are highly trained, and highly skilled. As you know, the Derscon military is preparing an all out strike. You will be the first to go in. You are the best of the best, of the best. You are the unsung heroes of the Derscon Military Power. I'm not much of a very good speaker, though. I failed that class," Bimsarck said with a smile, getting a laugh from the Spartans. Good he thought to himself. They are still human. "But I can tell you one thing, you do not need me lecturing to you about how you are the best. You KNOW you are the best. You saw your comrades die on the training field. You know how tough you are. You know how good you are. YOU will be the one's that decide the outcome of war. Congradulations on your success, and God bless you." Bimsarck stepped down as a loud cheer came from the SPARTANS.
15-05-2004, 15:50
A giant Derscon battle cruiser came and hovered above the Parade ground. The gravity lift was placed down, and the SPARTANs loaded up to be taken to the Derscon base on one of Jupiter's moons for the developing situation. When the cruiser took off in to hyperspace, Bismarck looked up, and then looked at the shuttle. "Aleksey," he said. "I must get back to the Capitol. A situation is evolving. I must be there."

"I understand fully," he said. He drove the three generals to the shuttle and wished them luck as they flew off.