NationStates Jolt Archive

Map Making Assistance (OOC Please look!)

29-04-2004, 16:11
I keep seeing fantastic maps from all manner of nations, and I need to make a map of my own. can anyone give me a good program (has to be free, downloadable from the internet and such) to create maps?
29-04-2004, 17:46
Bump bump bump it up!

Please help me kind people!
29-04-2004, 17:52
Bump, please help me here.
29-04-2004, 18:26
I do the regional maps for The Heartland with Paint Shop Pro, although I think most nations use some type of map-making program. I am sorry, I don't know the names of any of them. Good luck!

Phineas T. O'Neill
Head Cartographer
Office of Heartland Cartography
29-04-2004, 18:50
Ah I see. Thanks for your help anyway.

Unless, you could help me with my map?
29-04-2004, 19:20
I'll draw one for you.
What does your country look like?
29-04-2004, 19:40
I'll draw one for you.
What does your country look like?

Pretty hard to describe.

Well, let me try.

It is an island, with two main beachheads, and a great deal of cliff. It has been flattened a great deal to create cities and such. The cliffs are extremely tall. One of the beaches is highly small, and the other huge (where my port is).

Just work with whatever you want, because I have no real ideas.

What programs will you be using?
30-04-2004, 08:02
photoshop or illustrator - havent decided yet
The Resi Corporation
30-04-2004, 08:05
Draw me a map in Paint and I can translate it into a Civ III map. This is what a Civ III map looks like:
(Sorry about the margin-busting...)
30-04-2004, 16:31
Thanks to all.

Resi, I might take you up on that. Give me some time, because free time is decreasing :(