NationStates Jolt Archive

IP goes into total isolation and is leaving NS

28-04-2004, 23:58
Well, this has been on my mind for a little bit now. School is getting harder this third quarter, and I have put off studying more than I usually do. Its not just NS that's taking my time. But I haven't spent much time here in the past couple of months to make it worthwhile to keep playing right now. I had hoped, and planned, on going out in a big bang, and was working on a huge 3-way war that would destroy every part of my civilization, but due to lack of external response and my loosing interest in developing it further, I'm just ending it now. It has been fun, almost a full year of playing. I'll be back sometime in some other form, but I don't know when that will be. And now, to the traditional thanks to players when someone's leaving(in no particular order, just as I remember them):

Volonia - the first player to befriend me and get me going.
Unum Veritas - a darn fine naval nation that helped with a few projects.
Ruhr, Sigma Octavious, and the NATO/BDI group - great RPer's that put a lot of time into their posts and make it worth RPing with.
Largent - has a good RP going right now that I'm sorry to leave.
The Macabees - for his World War threads and forums, where I'll be for a little while yet.
Tahar Joblis - for creaming me with a missile attack in WWIX, it was kinda embarrasing for me to be on the opposite side of it.
The other WW participants, too many to remember and name.

Anywho, so long all. Its been fun.