Belem celebrates unification day
Today April 28th is the most glorious day of the year the anniversary of Belem's existence as a united soverign body.
Today nearly all businesses are closed(including defense factories which traditionally run 24/7) to celebrate Belem unification. All throughout the Empire citizens celebrate the formation of the Empire and pay homage to the Emperor and send praise to the Inquisition and the armed forces for keeping them safe all these years. Across the country people light up there grills for unification day Barbeques, as others join parades commerating Belem's victories in the world. In Belem's countryside faire's are the preferred venue of celebration and shooting contests are held to represent Belem might.
Even in Belem's faraway colonies people celebrate that they have the privellege to be ruled by the noble Emperor of Belem.
A happy unification day to all!
OOC: cant believe its been a full year.
The Armed Republic of Sino congratulates the commemoration of Belem's founding.
OOC: How old is the Emperor? What exactly is meant by unification (is it a racial/national affair)?
To the Aged Emperor of Belem,
Through the eyes of a youthful land, Belem appears worthy of our applause for having survived the torrents a year can cast. Tarqys toasts the people and Emperor of Belem. Godspeed to the second anniversary!
Prosper for millenia,
C Edward Adams
Commonwealth of Tarqys
29-04-2004, 06:24
Even in Belem's faraway colonies people celebrate that they have the privellege to be ruled by the noble Emperor of Belem.
Riiight... sure they do... just keep telling yourself that....
God bless,
The Republic of Syskeyia
The Armed Republic of Sino congratulates the commemoration of Belem's founding.
OOC: How old is the Emperor? What exactly is meant by unification (is it a racial/national affair)?
OOC: we had numerous emperors over the years current one is about 60. combination of racial and national basically there were nine warlord states all sharing a common culture but they each had there own idealogy for government and the state Belem(one of the largest) forged an alliance with the other 2 largest and took over the remaining warlord states creating the Empire. thats the abbridged version.
Even in Belem's faraway colonies people celebrate that they have the privellege to be ruled by the noble Emperor of Belem.
Riiight... sure they do... just keep telling yourself that....
God bless,
The Republic of Syskeyia
Social engineering and conditioning is a wonderful thing.
29-04-2004, 06:40
Way to go Belem,
congrats on a full year of nuclear misadventures :)
Way to go Belem,
congrats on a full year of nuclear misadventures :)
yep plenty of many nuclear winters caused either directly or indirectly by me.
OOC: My God Belem, you're still around? I remember somehow being wound up in one of your wars with Dark Terror just a few weeks after joinin NS.... "Memories" begins to play.
OOC: My God Belem, you're still around? I remember somehow being wound up in one of your wars with Dark Terror just a few weeks after joinin NS.... "Memories" begins to play.
yep! I should put at the bottom of all my posts "causing havoc since April 03!"
OOC: What does the people of Belem think of the Sinoese?
OOC: What does the people of Belem think of the Sinoese?
OOC: basically indifferent. No feelings one way or the other which is basically what the people think of all allies.
30-04-2004, 16:19
We congratulate Belem on it's anniversary and continue to support it as a member of the DotF.
Dei Gratia Mariah I Regina Iervzalem
Keeper of the Holy Lands
What's Belem's national anthem? Sino's one is A Call to Arms. We also play some of the PRC or ROC's ceremonial music as well as music from the series of Command & Conquer games to increase morale. Overall, Sino is probably the biggest classical music listener in the region (due to limitations on other genres by the government).