Christian nation joining Space Race
Quinntonian Space
27-04-2004, 09:45
My modern-tech nation of Quinntonia and wants to launch a space colony, and I have created this puppet torepresent my efforts in that tegard, it will also give me a nation to enter into space and future tech RPs.
We are a Christian Theocracy and have incredible funds. (Willing to buy space tech equipt.)
27-04-2004, 09:48
BTW, this is my main nation, just so i don't get a lot of "FRIGGIN nOOb! U CAN'T BUY ANYTHING!! WAIT UNTIL YOU HAVE 500 MILION!!
Tnax and God Bless.
27-04-2004, 10:21
What kind of tech are you looking for? I've got a broad range I can offer, but I need some details.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
27-04-2004, 10:39
Now speaking from another puppet nation, I am looking for space-tech ships, weapons, and all sorts of things like so.
Especially faster-than light propulsion of some sort.
BTW, like the name, I'm a Canucklehead myself.
27-04-2004, 11:06
Hmm, due to your complete vagueness, i can only offer you a fraction of the regular listing.
Light Speed Transport Drive
LSD Driver, $1.7 Billion. The Light Speed Director Driver can hit speeds of 1.25 x the speed of light, but must obviously be fitted with protection.
LSD Protection Companion, $500 Million. Designed to protect the user of an LSD Driver from being torn apart by radioactive rays and such which you are exposed to at such high velocity.
27-04-2004, 17:54
I voted "No", simply because I spent alot of money eradicating the religious facions within my own country and do not look forward to another influx.
The Socialist Republic would be happy to assist you in any way possible. We're always glad to have new friends among the stars. We can offer you two options; the first is for you to simply buy replicas of our own technology for your own use. This is the fastest way for you to get into space, but is very costly in the long run because you will be dependant on buying from us for a long time afterward. The second option, and what we believe to be the smarter one, is for you to allow us to assist you in designing your own technology using our knowledge to help you along the way. This process is a slower way into space, but in the long run it will allow you to be completely self-sufficient in the areas of technology and construction. The first service will cost you on a per-ship basis, the second service is free unless you request a substantial amount of resources from us to help you.
28-04-2004, 09:04
My nation would like to be able to do a combination, Xanthal. I would like to buy a few ships at first, maybe a small fleet with a little protective firepower, nothing special, we are not trying to invade or anything, but some people get pretty defensive and trigger happy when they see a Cross.
Then, we could begin a collaberative effort to eventually lead to my being self-sufficient.
Perhaps we should start a scientific conference RP, any thoughts?
Quinntonian Space
28-04-2004, 09:05
You all probably realise that the previous post was supposed to be through my Space Nation.
The Imperial Navy
28-04-2004, 09:28
The Imperial Navy would be happy to give you engine specs and space training for $20 billion. This will also include 2 Mk. 1 Interceptor fighters and training for them too. Great for patrol missions. Daniel Marshall
Emperor of The Ultimate Empire of The Imperial Navy, The Allied States of Octavion II, and The Allied States of Ragnarok VII, Leader of The Imperial Colonys of Tydus Prime and Gaton Prime,& CEO of The TIE Corporation
Member of the Western Europe Region
"Securing peace with an Iron fist!"
28-04-2004, 10:12
How many interceptors? or just the plans? Keep in mind that we do not yet have the manufacturing capacity for future-tech equipt., we would need that as well.
The Imperial Navy
28-04-2004, 10:38
How many interceptors? or just the plans? Keep in mind that we do not yet have the manufacturing capacity for future-tech equipt., we would need that as well.
Full contents of package (or why i charge so much):
2 Mk. 1 Interceptor fighters (Brand new) + the blueprints to the craft.
Mk. 1 Interceptor.
Components to allow you to set up manufacturing plants-so you can make much more.
Blueprints for Hyperdrive technology + Components as well
We no longer have need for the Mk. 1 interceptor, as we are already using the Mk. III. We hope this gets you started.
My nation would like to be able to do a combination, Xanthal. I would like to buy a few ships at first, maybe a small fleet with a little protective firepower, nothing special, we are not trying to invade or anything, but some people get pretty defensive and trigger happy when they see a Cross.
Then, we could begin a collaberative effort to eventually lead to my being self-sufficient.
Perhaps we should start a scientific conference RP, any thoughts?
Amen.The Republic is a heavily atheist and agnostic nation, but we don't let that become a barrier between us and more religious governments and people. It is our belief that a conference would be an excellent way to start this endeavour. There we can show you what ships we have and make them available to you for purchase. If you wish, we can also begin an outline for your own development based on your current technical, industrial, and labor abilities. The Triumvirate has agreed that the location of the conference should be up to you.
With the best wishes,
-Triumvir Alexander Quoss of the Socialist Republic of Xanthal
29-04-2004, 04:42
After some consideration, the Dominion is willing to provide you with a limited fleet and developmental assistance at no cost; later assistance may requior funds to cover basic expenditures.
First, however, we'd have to better assess your current position, as well as future wants and needs.
Also, where are you planning on setting up? If you haven't already, tho we have no spare planets, we can furnish you with a wealth of resettlment and teraforming gear, surplus from when we relocated the majority of our population off of Earth.
OOC: I'd also like to mention that I've personally created much of the tech I use, not just the ships; you won't be getting the typical rehash of popular sci-fi from me.
Kanuckistan says: "I'm special!"
...Sorry. It had to be done.
01-05-2004, 17:36
Someone said somehitng about no planets to settel in. JUst pay me and I'll make on for you!
Quinntonian Space
18-05-2004, 15:48
Yes, we are looking for a planet or large moon or even a series of staeroids or something where we can conduct resreach, meet new inter-stellar cultures and worship Jesus in peace. I am going to be setting up a RP conference soon, please ready your ambassadors to attend, thanx.
19-05-2004, 10:17
Yes, we are looking for a planet or large moon or even a series of staeroids or something where we can conduct resreach, meet new inter-stellar cultures and worship Jesus in peace. I am going to be setting up a RP conference soon, please ready your ambassadors to attend, thanx.
I'd probally sugest making up a star system; most near earth are already claimed, and if you bother to ask, there are usually folks who'll say they already have claims on that terratory. I can come up with something fairly easily, if you'd like to use a fictional system.