NationStates Jolt Archive

MXC Contest! Bring MXC out of Dilmun to your nation!

The Islands of Dilmun
25-04-2004, 22:04
"Hello everyone. I'm Vic Ramano. My co-host, Kenny Blankenship, is still in traction after his incident with a two ton boulder flung by an Orc. He will be alright, it only hit his head.

"In the meantime, I'm joined by our own Captain Taneal."

"Hello, Vic. I'm glad to be a part of this broadcast. So, what's first today?"

"Nothing. The writers are on strike, so we can't broadcast anything new. So we're starting a contest. People from around the solar sytstem send in their ideas for our show. If we choose it, we broadcast from their nation."

"Sounds good. But why am I here?"

"Because they said I don't have enough comic presence to get people to listen to me."



"Anyway, we need to get some ideas. We have a few, among which are Past vs Future, pitting WWI soldiers against the laser toting soldiers of tomorrow and Babies vs the Elderly, piting the two parts of society that can't seem to comprehend the world and need diapers."

"Right you are. Now... start suggesting or Spike TV will be forced to show even MORE RealTV and Star Trek marathons. And no one wants that..."
The Islands of Dilmun
26-04-2004, 04:03
26-04-2004, 21:37
Flocarga and Delmarva
26-04-2004, 22:00
Do you got the show in English or Spanish?
27-04-2004, 00:15
(Speaking as Dilmun)

"English only. Translators always seem to censor the good stuff."
