NationStates Jolt Archive

Project Black Veil

Foe Hammer
25-04-2004, 19:37
For centuries, divisions of the Foe Hammer Government have relied on primitive tactics to gather information on different classified subjects. The Top Brass of Foe Hammer routinely argue over the use of information-gathering resources, which have been cut short due to the slow decline in military funding.

The solution? If we told you, we would have to kill you. (And that wouldn't be so difficult.)

The information herein is fully accurate, and provides all knowledge on the highly-hush-hush "GHOST".
<cmd> Ghost.eoa
<cmd> T-S9.cft
<Passcode> ********


<Passcode> ********


Geosynchronous Hostile Operations Spy Tactics - GHOST


Whoops. Well, you just won't know more about it, then.

In that case, the only thing you get to know is that it exists.