NationStates Jolt Archive

An Unholy Alliance

25-04-2004, 03:40
At the behest of my Lord I come before you all with a proposal. An alliance. Apocalypse is not fool enough to suggest the creation of a new region or that potential allies move to an existing one. One region can never be safe, multiples are a different matter entirly. A network of like minded regions standing side by side would be invincible! A region could be created where puppet representatives could exchange information and of course plot with their fellows. It is a fine plan and I believe it could be a great success, what say you? :twisted:
25-04-2004, 03:47
Ancient spadeoakia is willing to support the venture, the Apocalypse in question wouldn't be Apocalypse inc would it :?:
25-04-2004, 03:50
Of course its me, who else would have such a fawning puppet wretch speak for me?
25-04-2004, 03:59
Seriously though, I think it could work with a little effort. Its not like I'm trying to take over the world ( today :lol: ), myself and a few remnants of the old Axis have been considering the best way to go about it, and I thought perhaps I should advertise. Here being the obvious choice as everyone hates recruiting on their boards and telegraming suitable nations is simply impracticle.