NationStates Jolt Archive

Crossman Prime Wants You!

24-04-2004, 04:11
Greetings from the United Imperium of Crossman, leader of Crossman Prime. We are currently looking to increase membership in our region. We are a friendly group, though lately a few of our members have had their differences, but that sort of thing is a rarity. Please give Crossman Prime a chance. If you have any questions, please ask.

If interested, please first move to Crossman Prime Borderlands for processing.

-Emperor Crossman, ruler of the United Imperium of Crossman and sovereign of Crossman Prime
Cherry Ridge
24-04-2004, 13:18
I also must put in my good word for Crossman Prime. I am Archbishop DeVito. I am the Secrtary of Religious affairs for crossman prime. I settle all religious disputes,and advise the emperor on religion. THERE IS FREEDOM OF RELIGION in Crossman Prime. You may have a state religion (as i do) or not,but there is no regional religion. So come on down to Crossman Prime.

Archbishop DeVito

the leaders of Crossman Prime are:
Emperor Crossman of the United Imperium of Crossman
Crown Prince Bimmer of Min Min
Secratary of regional Affairs is the Colonel of presleyites

the emperor is considering other appointments to the Grand Council

EDIT-i out in my BAD word for Crossman Prime
24-04-2004, 22:15
28-04-2004, 15:38
Come on people, get your butts down to Crossman Prime NOW! It's a great place and you're missing out by not being there. If you need any help, TG me and I'll give you all the assistance you need. You know it makes sense. Crossman Prime - THE place to be :!: :lol:
11-05-2004, 03:34
Crossman Prime is in a wee bit of turmoil right now as we are fighting against a traitorous heretic who has turned against our region. However the situation should be resolved in a few days.
But this does not man that Crossman Prime is any less the great place to be. We are even stronger and bigger than ever right now. This revolt by the traitor is only a minor setback. Nations are still arriving every few days. We have entered a Golden Age, its the perfect time to join!!!

-Emperor Crossman
11-05-2004, 03:39
(In NationStates forum you don't BUMP, the forum BUMPS you!)