The cause...
Iesus Christi
24-04-2004, 03:37
My sisters and brothers in Christ....
In the name of the Iesus family, the nation, Bridgette Iesus and her council have requested me to initiate the cause of Beatification and Canonization of Matthew Iesus (snr), who worked among the poor and needy , was former leader of Iesus Christi and whom lead Iesus towards Christian fascism.
Matthew Iesus, beloved Defender of the faith died on 1 October ____ at his Home while praying the rosary.
After having consulted with the Holy brother Bishops and the faithful of this diocese, and having verified the existence of a true and widespread reputation of sanctity, enjoyed by him during his life and growing ever stronger after his death, as well as ample evidence of the granting of graces and favours by God through her intercession, I, Cardinal Thomas Iesus, Archbishop of Fitz, do hereby make public this petition of the Sisters of Compassion for this cause, and thus declare I am initiating the Cause of Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God Matthew Iesus.
In conformity with The Norms to be Observed in Inquiries Made by Bishops in the Causes of Saints, published by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints on February 7, 1983, I also call upon any and all who may have useful information regarding the Cause of Beatification of Matthew Iesus to bring such documents, materials or information to my attention.
Given at St Augustine Square, this fifteenth day of March in the year of Our Lord ____
Holy Vatican See
24-04-2004, 07:00
Apostolic >tag<
Sigma Octavus
24-04-2004, 07:06
-misread.... post deleted-
24-04-2004, 07:26
Useful information? Certainly. He was an oppressor of sentience, a warmongering fascist, an enemy to the spiritual validity of our faith. He slighted, harassed, violated, and murdered in the name of a loving God. He has done more harm to the ideals of the Catholic Church than Tomas de Torquemada, for at least time has mitigated somewhat the effect of horrors of the Spanish Inquisition on our faith.
If you wish to find evidence that supports my claims, look in any history textbook.
If you wish to find evidence of Matthew Iesus's suitability for beatification, I am afraid you cannot find what does not exist.
--The Most Reverend Estevão Xadreque Castelbranco, Primate of Stonozka
24-04-2004, 08:11
OOC Did I read that right? He lead Iesus Christi towards Christian fascism?
The Eastern Bloc
24-04-2004, 11:15
Just a tag folks. Nothing to see here.
24-04-2004, 11:30
OOC: Is this Matty Iesus the older, father of Matty, Paddy, and Bridgette Iesus, or Matty Junior, the really totally screwed-up one?
24-04-2004, 11:40
#tag#... bah. I was all exited and then they told me it was just his grumpy old man. In honour of the dead the monthle condemnation of Iesus will be posponed a few hours.
OOC: Matty Senior was the old guy who got picked off by a sniper... about a year ago, now OOCly. Father to the goosesteppingly disfunctional family of Matty, Patrick, and Bridgette. Nasty fellow, you can see where Matty and Bridgette get it from.
Iesus Christi
25-04-2004, 02:17
OOC: this is matty Snr. Father of matthew, paddy and Bridgette.
He was 'murdered' by a metahuman assasin...well thats what the state news said :P
At the weekly Sunday military marchpast Bridgette Iesus spoke about her fathers sainthood...
"he was a good man, a man of God...he saved Iesus from the monarchist metahuman satanic scum...He is a inspiration for us all....we are all his children! and even as we speak miricles are happening in his name!
Our beloved President Matthew is personally leading the rosarys around our fathers tomb..and if our brother patrick wasnt sick...he'd be there too...."
Holy Vatican See
25-04-2004, 05:15
All communications from Iesus Christi to the Vatican went directly to the “Special Unit” desk in the Secretariat of State. After, that is, they were scanned for explosive materials, toxic chemicals, radiation, or harmful bio-agents at the Vatican Post Office. This tender attention wasn’t limited to communications from Iesus Christi, of course—it was a standard procedure implemented in the time of John Paul II and upgraded during Sixtus’ papacy—but in the case of Iesus Christish communications it was a considerable reassurance to the Special Unit staffers.
Sister Margaret Velossien opened the packet. A square, solid woman in the old-style habit of a Mercedarian nun, she had worked on the Desk for as long as anyone could remember and was considered imperturbable and virtually unshockable. So when the strange quality of the silence emanating from her desk made itself felt in the old-fashioned, high-ceilinged room, her colleagues turned to see what was going on. She sat with her jaw literally dropped, staring at the document in her hand as though it were a garden slug that had just crawled out from under a decaying leaf.
Father Mark and Brother Pedro exchanged glances of astonishment. They’d never seen the like.
Brother Pedro cleared his throat. “Ehem… ah… what is it, Sister?”
Sister Margaret looked up, slowly, and wordlessly held out the Iesus Christish document—petitioning sainthood for, of all people, Matthew Iesus.
The two men looked it over, their astonishment mirroring Sister Margaret’s.
“Sort of takes the concept of ‘irony’ to a whole new level, doesn’t it?” said Father Mark drily.
“Santa Maria,” murmured Brother Pedro, “unbelievable.”
They both looked at Sister Margaret.
“Err… what are you going to do with it, Sister?” Father Mark asked, glancing almost involuntarily at an overflowing wastebin. Sister Margaret saw his glance, and a twinkle lurked at the back of her eyes, but her response was tart.
“Do? I’m going to do my duty, of course. Copy this and send the copy on to Archbishop Nataka for the file, and send the original on to the Congregation.”
The special file that the Vatican kept on Iesus Christi reposed in the Sostituto’s office, and was never publicly referred to by its familiar name: The “ICky File.” Although old-school types like Sister Margaret refused to use the nickname on grounds of rigid diplomatic propriety, it circulated pretty freely throughout the Secretariat anyway, in some cases because people just couldn’t get the syllable “Christ” past their lips in that particular context.
Still looking a little as though she’d been slapped with a wet fish, the nun put the document in the “copy” tray, and glanced up at her colleagues. “Well? Did you need something?”
“Err.. no, Sister.” Priest of the Church though he was, the formidable old nun could still on occasion make Father Mark feel as though he were back at St. Peter Claver School, trying to explain missing homework. He caught a sympathetic glance from Brother Pedro, who was already sliding back behind his desk.
“Fortunately,” the Mexican Crosier muttered, “correspondence at the Congregación para las Causas de Santos is running weeks behind.”
Mark stifled a chuckle and picked up the next item in his incoming pile.
The Commonwealth of Chimaea must protest the cannonization of the former leader of a regime noted for its human rights abuse and war crimes. We note that it'd be similiar to having Hitler as the Pope.
25-04-2004, 05:46
In the monastary headquarters of the Teritoran Inquisition on the edge of Castle Dora, in the massive Catheral known as the Royal chapel and in the castle that served as the headquarters for the Vernsi order, Grand Inquisitor Bern, Archbishop Vorn and Grand Master read reports of the event and at the same time spit out the wine they were reading in shock. If even half of what they heard and what was reported to them, the man and his family would luckly to get an few trillion years in purgatory.
Bishop Ryan W. Starfish read the latest message from the Vatican and started choking on his coffee and Sister Maria had to pound him on the back for a good two minutes before he was able to breath agian. "Chaaa.. If the Vatican... WEEZE... Even THINKS of making that madman a Saint... WEEZE... Then there is no God." The Bishop then spent another couple of minutes weezing and after Sister Maria read the letter she nearly fainted.
28-04-2004, 06:21
OOC: Hmmm, let's see how long it looks for Matty's sainthood req2uest to be turned now...
<looks at watch>
God bless,
The Republic of Syskeyia
28-04-2004, 07:46
When asked about the idea of canonizing General Matthew Iesus Sr. today, Manveru Cardinal Ravion, Archbishop of Feanoria, the highest official of the Roman Catholic Church in Menelmacar, had no comment.
He was far too busy laughing.
The Government of the Democratic Republic of Yazar extends no sympathies to the family of a vicious tyrant who enforces an unproven religion on its people. Religion is something of luxury, not of need.
We see the assassination of Matthew Iesus Sr. as a good sign and find the idea of canonisation to be laughable at best.
Xavier Clark
Leader of the Yazan Liberal Party (YLP)
Prime Minister
The Democratic Republic of Yazar
HOLY! HOLY! HOLY! Today the bells of all the churches in the wonderful nation of Vegana were sounding for a whole hour to celebrate the canonization of Matthew Iesus senior. The Archbishop of Kesakahtak:
"GOD IS GREAT! Our great brother Matthew Iesus has been brutally slaughtered by the dirty Nephilim, and thus reached martyredom. A hundred swallows was reported seen crying while flying low over the veganian fields. WE all know that MAtthew was a beacon of light in the war against Nephilism. A pioneer that show the way towards blessed sanctity. His sacred remains are hereby declared a place of pilgrimage and solemn prayers. Let this remind us of why the war against teh abominations of earth are so important. The spawns of hell sits there laughing and not understanding that this once again proves why mankind is God's children, and called to sit upon his side, while the hellspawn live forever until their souls are liberated by holy flame by a good christian.. Halllujah!"
Iesus Christi
01-05-2004, 00:08
President Matthew Iesus rattled his rosary beads as he knelt before the tomb of his father in the small chapel of our lady of victory...around him squeezed tightly into the chapel was a mass of people..many uniformed..many in religious dress but all praying the rosary in unison before the tomb.
Outside the church, the square was teaming with masses kneeling in prayer ..more and more were coming to the tomb every day with their rosary beads to join in with the pepetual adoration and rosary.
Inquisitor Allen Calvert watched the crowd would happen soon.....
The gathered faithful boomed "Pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death..Amen"
A scream of something like ecstasy cut through the of the women on the steps of the church flung herself to her feet clutching her face...blood poured through her hands as if he eyes themselves were bleeding but yet she screamed in something that sounded like orgasmic delight.....
"I see the Lamb of GOD on the altar glorified! Praise God I see ! I see! I've been healed! Hosanna!"
A ripple of excitement cut through the crowd...hushed voices delighted at this miracle...a priest came to her side and lead her into the chapel proper...the crowd roared as the bleeding woman screamed again and again " I've been healed by the blood of the lamb! Praise God! Praise Matthew Iesus!"
Inquisitor Calvert smiled at the Inquisitor next to him "You're teams doing good work ......that looked damn realistic?
His fellow Inquisitor gave him a shocked look "we didn't have anything to do with that one...todays miracle is going to be a cripple girl whos going to be healed..I thought you may have..."
Both Inquisitors paused and then in unison declared....
"Nice weather we're having isn't it?
God Bless the bastard!
-Anonymous Ruhrian Government Official
*Tag* for future reference.
-Ruhrian DIA Agent
Grand Inquisitor Misha on his way to confrence dropped an news article about the event. "Matthew Iesus is dead, may he have an few million years in Purgatury to cleanse him of his sins, though thats too nice." Bishop Mishani reading the same article had an heart attack from the very Idea of Matthew Iesus Sr. becoming an saint.
Iesus Christi
01-05-2004, 23:54
I, Cardinal Thomas Iesus , In my 80th year of life make known to miracles and events that hold relevance in relationship to the cause of Sainthood for Matthew Iesus (Senior).
1-Matthew Iesus was a man of great courage and honour in proclaiming the word. In was his proclamation of the word and of the gospel of Christ that lead to his martyrdom to a cowardly metahumans bullet.
2-During his life it was generally accepted by the populace that he lived a pious and Godly life. Never once did he turn away from the word of God...and it is largely due to Matthews leadership that Christ and our blessed Mother returned to their rightful places in Iesus Christi.
3-Since his death, there have been some dozen cases of prayers made via Matthew Iesus that lead to miraculous healings. Central government medical authorities confirm the unexplained natured of these healings.
4-The tomb itself is a place of deep faith ....conversion and miracles...a further dozen cases of miraculous healings have occurred in the presence of the tomb of Matthew Iesus. Again Central medical authorities can not explain readily these medical events.
This and more leads me to conclude Matthew Iesus is indeed a saint of Christ.
Praise God
Heil Iesus!
Iesus Christi
09-05-2004, 04:56
To celebrate the coming sainthood of the founder of the glorious nationalist revolution, Iesus wishes to extend to its long time allies something of great value....
Gifts from the sainted personage of Matthew "Augustus" Iesus (snr) no less!
From our allies in Arda to every Reich nation we will be sending items that were once the great mans!
These holy items will you the blessings of the one true God and the intercessionary prayers of the soon to be saint Matthew "Augustus" Iesus!
Long live our noble allies!
Long live the Reich!
Long live Iesus Christi!
Cardinal Thomas Iesus- Sunday 'homily'
Patriarch Malcom Frasier stared at the report from the Vatican. "This... this... this is unsupportable! The man was the devil! The DEVIL!" He wheezed, his aged voice cracking under the strain. "Naming him a saint would throw the entire system into disrepute..."
"Not only that, but if he's a saint then I'm declaring the Church in the Empire to be out of communion." The voice of Malissa Black said, sharply. "And even if I don't, I will have you cease any attempt to gain beatification for Cardinal Zhiosky. He doesn't need to be in such foul company."
North Star
10-05-2004, 06:59
To celebrate the coming sainthood of the founder of the glorious nationalist revolution, Iesus wishes to extend to its long time allies something of great value....
Gifts from the sainted personage of Matthew "Augustus" Iesus (snr) no less!
From our allies in Arda to every Reich nation we will be sending items that were once the great mans!
These holy items will you the blessings of the one true God and the intercessionary prayers of the soon to be saint Matthew "Augustus" Iesus!
Long live our noble allies!
Long live the Reich!
Long live Iesus Christi!
Cardinal Thomas Iesus- Sunday 'homily'
"Oh Joy"
~~Sultan Omar
Dyelli Beybi
10-05-2004, 11:42
Dyelli Beybi applauds the Holy See for it's well considered actions. Dyelli Beybi still has not forgotten the aid Iesus Christi, indeed at the time under the leadership of Matthew Iesus, (OOC: I think) extended to our fledgeling Nation when invasion threatened.
Holy Vatican See
11-05-2004, 08:50
Archbishop Thomas Iesus of Fitz
Your Excellency,
It is with sincere regret that the Congregation must at this time deny your application for nulla osta in the case of the Cause of Matthew Iesus, Senior.
The reason given is the lack of properly accredited Iesian theological historians available to perform the requisite biographical research and reporting to create a valid petition file. We can find no records of any currently accredited Iesian theologian or theological historian who has applied for and/or received the Imprimatur for documents of theological character within the previous twenty years.
This however, need not be a permanent setback to the Cause of Matthew Iesus, Senior. Iesian theologians and/or theological historians may submit their works for review to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and, if properly accredited, may then be cited in a future petition for nulla osta. Alternatively, you may wish to identify properly accredited theologians and/or theological historians who may be persuaded to travel to Iesus Christi and undertake the matter of preparing a petition file. If so, you may re-submit the petition, citing the particular authorities, and upon consultation with those authorities, the petition will be reconsidered.
In the mean time, we are certain that we need not remind you that while it would be extremely improper to take any official steps to advance this cause without the nulla osta, there is nothing to prevent the Faithful from offering appropriate prayers in memoriam for the soul of Matthew Iesus, Senior, without invoking intercession.
Materials already presented on behalf of this Cause will be retained in a pending file here at the Congregation, along with the voluminous correspondence we have already received regarding this Cause from those worldwide who were familiar with Matthew Iesus, Senior, during his lifetime.
In Christ,
Emmanual Cardinal Thiandoum
Cardinal Prefect
Congregation for the Causes of Saints
11-05-2004, 09:03
(Deny? uh-oh... I hope you have your insurance policies up to date. The Iesus family's not known for taking 'no' as an answer... unless it's like "Oh please, no more... I'm begging you.." ;)
This has been a *tag* by the Federal Tagging Program, in the event of an actual *tag* blah blah blah)
Iesus Christi
12-05-2004, 04:33
My Brother Cardinal in Christ
Iesus as a people is shocked and hurt but what we see as a direct insult from Rome....
We will continue to gather theological, historic and scientific evidence to advance this cause...We shall not be swayed from chasing the truth int his matter.
I must personally inform you of the hurt that has been done to our people...we are the largest and most devout catholic nation...billions of catholic souls live here....never forget that.
Christo Duce
Cardinal Iesus
The elderly cardinal struggled with the words of the mass
Remember all of us gathered here before you. You know how firmly we believe in you and dedicate ourselves to you. We offer you this sacrifice of praise for ourselves and those who are dear to us. We pray to you, our living and true God, for our well-being and redemption....
In union with the whole Church we honor Mary, the ever-virgin mother of Jesus Christ our Lord and God. We honour Joseph, her husband, the apostles and martyrs Peter and Paul, Andrew, James, John, Thomas, James, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Simon and Jude; we honor Linus, Cletus, Clement, Sixtus, Cyprian, Lawrence, Chrysogonus, John and Paul, Damian and Matthew "augustus" Iesus and all the saints. May their merits and prayers grant us your constant help and protection..........