22-04-2004, 20:52
The Dictatorship of Edward VIII is considering submitting a resolution to the United Nations to keep countries from harboring terrorists.
The text of the resolution, as we have it figured so far, would be as follows:
We the people of the United Nations, in order to form a more perfect Union, do hereby outlaw terrorism of all kinds, and the harboring of terrorists.
By this law, any country that is cound guilty of harboring or supporting terrorists, that is a member of the UN, shall be fined, via the UN, the amount of $15 Billion USD, which will go to helping third-world countries. If the offense is repeated, war shall be enacted on the guilty country.
What do you think? We at the Dictatorship of Edward VIII would love to hear your comments and critiques of this resolution before it submitted.
The text of the resolution, as we have it figured so far, would be as follows:
We the people of the United Nations, in order to form a more perfect Union, do hereby outlaw terrorism of all kinds, and the harboring of terrorists.
By this law, any country that is cound guilty of harboring or supporting terrorists, that is a member of the UN, shall be fined, via the UN, the amount of $15 Billion USD, which will go to helping third-world countries. If the offense is repeated, war shall be enacted on the guilty country.
What do you think? We at the Dictatorship of Edward VIII would love to hear your comments and critiques of this resolution before it submitted.