NationStates Jolt Archive

VPCL and Foreign Companies.

Vacant Planets
22-04-2004, 07:36
Any company interested in opening offices/franchises/factories or investing inside Vacant Planets are allowed to do so tax free, just need to follow these requirements:

1- The company must be previusly registered in a separate thread, a link to the thread stating it's existance must be provided.

2- Must give a detailed description of your company's work.

3- Must declare the social capital of your company, and all the shares for sell in the market (or B type shares) with their market price at the time.

4- At the end of every trimester an official accounting declaration must be provided detailing the company's return during that period of time.

Companies involving the construction and devolpment of military technology and equipment ARE allowed, however, the sell and distribution for Vacant Planets citizens is prohibited. Vacant Planets is not responsible for the weapons and technology sales involving private companies and/or other states, nor will it interefere in them, so we cannot be held accountable by any nation for the action of these companies.

All subdivisions and representants of foreign companies inside Vacant Planets shall be ruled by our laws and we have sole jurisdiction over any legal problems that result from the work of the companies inside our borders.

Welcome to an economic paradise of non-existant taxes and great economic incentives.

NOTE: This might be subject to change. It will be publicaly annouced accordingly
Vacant Planets
23-04-2004, 02:10
Vacant Planets
23-04-2004, 03:23