16-04-2004, 23:35
||An external thought: The history of Kaenei||
The history of the Serene^Union of Kaenei is one mostly whispered amongst circles of the privileged and wise. It is a course of events rarely gathered together and discussed at length. Unlike related nations, nor complete strangers it is not particularly easy to follow a static timeline, despite the best intentions of this document.
Despite this, a best effort has been laid down to help those uninitiated into the long and winding history that has unravelled before.
The evolution of Kaenei can be seperated into three distinct ages, each of which will be broken down and discussed therein. Furthermore, each age is composed of important blocks, of which again the most meaningful will be explained for the benefit of all.
The Most Serene^Union of Kaenei
Age I: The Utopian Dream.
In times long since vanished from memory, of which only the greatest deeds remain known, men of Earth once believed themselves to be at the centre of the universe. They believed the sun and the other eight planets of Sol did revolve around their world. In this sense, did they believe that they were the sum genius of the universe as a whole, and vocal point for life.
Now, men are not only more informed, but are joined in reality by the others that were privy to this same genius. Mankind truly realises its place amongst the stars is not only a far cry from the deity like stage they placed themseves on previously, but was indeed nothing more than an intermediate stage of life. Where men had cried, and warred, and murdered each other in cold blood for dozens of centuries, did he learn other life that had truly purged their hatred of each other, and descended to peace amongst themselves.
Also, did they learn of the terrible excesses of violence. Did they see what path they might walk down, of creatures bent over and foaming. Of great, rippled muscle and boring unflinching eyes. Did these creatures, known only as Orcs, stare out from their raging minds as men long since lost to violence? None could say.
Men learned much, as their Earth developed, in the calm. almost sterile clutch of Sol. But Earth was not unique in its learning curve. Just as each star visible to the eye represented a part of the galaxy fantastically far in distance from view, did other worlds prosper.
One such world, was the calm, tranquil orb of Solarri
This small world, barely two thirds the size of the planet Earth discussed previously, was located near the Anacithan system, almost eighty one thousand light years from Terra, man and his internal struggles. Solarri was however, far more important than its size and isolated location. For the small blueorb was the seat of ultimate power for an impressively broad federation of worlds and powers.
The Caelistis Gens Empire expanded over near ten thousand light years of space. Enveloping dozens upon dozens of individual empries, and hundreds of worlds, the CGS united beyond comparable measurement in the known galaxy at the time. Never before had so many barriers been broken down, and understanding reigned in true as was the case within the borders of the CGS.
The majority of this good feeling was directly down to the work of the then Emperor of the CGE. His full name no longer surives amongst intact Kaeneian records, nor do they continue truthfully in spoken word, but who shall be referred to here as The Droaidh-Emperator. Together with a reliable and knowledged band of loyal followrs, did word and deed spread from Solarri to worlds beyond, and more.
Of which Kaenei belongs to, none can say. Memories or deeds do not stretch this far back. It is widely believed and all but established that the people who now come to call themselves Kaeneian are descended from Solarri itself, and thus truly at the hub of the CGE. However with events later to unfold, it is entirely believable a great number of others migrated, or joined those on the homeworld so that not all are of pure genestock any longer.
At a time of true peace and understanding, did the frontiers of science fall back without belief. Advancements that would change the course of a single civillisation were the routine, wonderous acts and technologies expected and delivered. The sheer weight of ability carried by the finest minds across thousanda of light years of space could not be underestimated. It is in this true way that war was avoided, and conflict not required. Through mutual co-operation, all other targets and aims were met, and surpassed. Of those ancient and fantastical achievements, little remain. The abilities of old have not surivived the centuries that later passed, and time took bitter revenge on those that would claim to outshine the passing of a second, or minute or year.
It is supposed, and plausible that current Kaeneian gravimetric technology, being in such an advanced and well based state, is a long diluted side effect of what truly must have been world-changing abilites and stupendous power. Within the deepest, most reclusive vaults of the Aengelistorium Dominica, buried deep beneath oxygen seals, and corrosion resistors, lies the oldest written words of Kaenei. Though they come no closer than a text written yesterday to Solarri herself, it carries the written word of legend, stories of old passed down and despite undergoing dilution, still carrying a significant message.
And did those assembled heave breath, their lungs as one did empty at the sight before. [UNKNOWN] heaved itself with a great strain. Her kilometre long solar tendrils lashed out violently, surely [UKNOWN] would have vapourised under the apocalyptic energies seething around her. Our strongest materials despite their [UNKNOWN] reputation would hardly surive her death throes. Yet thanks to [TRANSLATION FAILED] advancements within solar-molecular reinforcement, we can remain here, now as I observe and record this momentus event.
She is nearing her final, shuddering, baying loss. Already her core shines an unnaturally bright light. Her [TRANSLATION PARTIAL- "CORONA"] dimming consistantly with projections. At [COARDINATES ENCLOSED- LOCATION AND SYSTEM OF CALCULATION UNKNOWN] a small strand of fire began to spin. Arching out from the star itself, slowly this thread span at speeds doubling her traditional rotation. This thread thickened, expanded and continued outwards, flicking as though a toungue of some serpentine creature, and not a supposedly simple collection of gases and plasma. [UNKNOWN] will begin [UNKNOWN], most likely when the [UNKNOWN] process is at a sufficently high yield to [UNKNOWN]. I [UNKNOWN] attempt [UNKNOWN] [UNKNOWN] --[TRANSCRIPT ENDS]--
For a time, The Caelistis Gens Empire was all powerful. Surpassing mortal labels and truly ascending to a near perfect state of unity, and evolution. Stagnation was avoided, and pushed back with the constant search for variation. As the empire expanded, and others agreed membership or volunteered, did their own cultural differences integrate into the group. Truly was this a utopian dream.
It was around this early date that the first semblances of what would later become the machine nation of Angelus were founded. Originally designed by the The Droaidh-Emperator's son, Aelois as the controllers of the impressive armada that secured the C>G>S from all aggressors. Their full history can be found elsewhere, but sufficied to say they achieved sentience within two terran years of activation, becoming a vital and again unique link in the chain of evolution.
Admittedly. with billions united, and technologies unrivalled, the threats that were of note to such an empire were few and far between. It was perhaps this lack of opposition that sowed the smallest, tiniest seeds that would later fuel the fire that signalled the burning, and total destruction of paradise.
The quest for more was never ending. More knowledge, more resources, more citizens and more experiences. In the majority of cases, it was a simple integration that marked the end of one independent civilisation, and the beginning of another. Occasionally, a little more effort and work was required for unification. Ultimately, all were succesful in some form or other. Indeed, many rose to prominent positions within the empire, becoming influential in the fields of economics, production or in individual cases, the attention and patronage of the The Droaidh-Emperator himself.
It was one such individual, amongst one such family, amongst one such nationstate that would become as well known as anything within Kaeneian spheres. A wealthy and intelligent man, he saw the oppertunity the CGE presented the way any sane individual would. However disturbing signs of just how literal he believed in oppertunity arose quickly. His prominance diplomatically, and in bringing no less than fifteen other sentient alliances into the fold attracted the Emperator's attention. Within a sort few years, he had been invited, and accepted a place within the personnal entourage of the leader of the CGS, and only a few, short steps from ultimate glory and power.
From his lofty perch, the intelligent aide observed and noted all. Nothing of semi-worthy note escaped his attentions as every corner of the empire was in turn watched intently. Even the actions of the entourage he was a member of, was open to observation. In this way, information became a key building block of his power base.
years passed without further incidence. The Caelistis Gens continued as they always had. Nothing of note occured nor failed to pass without expectation. Beneath this glass of ordinary existance, a single speck of rain, heralding a storm of unbeleivable fury, fell. For in the time passed, the one Aide had grown to crave, and lust all. His greed reached heights not known in ten thousand years of existance and development. In a society where literally every single person was totally, and utterly trusted in their position, where an order from a high ranking individual carried out without hesitation, he was a dangerous influence indeed.
It is believed around this time, he hatched a plot of such heretical nature, of such utter contempt, that to repeat it within this document is done only with the gravest reservations. Did this nameless aide create a plan of pure maliciousness. his aim was to seize all glory and achievement in one, foul swoop. There would be no long campaign of internal trickery, there would be no external show of might. No, of this once proud inductee, the ultimate sin would be a commonplace act.
For him, the death of the The Droaidh-Emperator and his family would be the only true pathway for his ascension. Indeed.
Records do not indicate for how long this plot lay developing, or of who or what aided the creature in its embryonic catalyst. All that is certainly known, is it took one night, twenty four earth hours, for the Caelistis Gens Empire to burn.
[OOC: To be furthered...comments welcome, appreciated etc.]
The history of the Serene^Union of Kaenei is one mostly whispered amongst circles of the privileged and wise. It is a course of events rarely gathered together and discussed at length. Unlike related nations, nor complete strangers it is not particularly easy to follow a static timeline, despite the best intentions of this document.
Despite this, a best effort has been laid down to help those uninitiated into the long and winding history that has unravelled before.
The evolution of Kaenei can be seperated into three distinct ages, each of which will be broken down and discussed therein. Furthermore, each age is composed of important blocks, of which again the most meaningful will be explained for the benefit of all.
The Most Serene^Union of Kaenei
Age I: The Utopian Dream.
In times long since vanished from memory, of which only the greatest deeds remain known, men of Earth once believed themselves to be at the centre of the universe. They believed the sun and the other eight planets of Sol did revolve around their world. In this sense, did they believe that they were the sum genius of the universe as a whole, and vocal point for life.
Now, men are not only more informed, but are joined in reality by the others that were privy to this same genius. Mankind truly realises its place amongst the stars is not only a far cry from the deity like stage they placed themseves on previously, but was indeed nothing more than an intermediate stage of life. Where men had cried, and warred, and murdered each other in cold blood for dozens of centuries, did he learn other life that had truly purged their hatred of each other, and descended to peace amongst themselves.
Also, did they learn of the terrible excesses of violence. Did they see what path they might walk down, of creatures bent over and foaming. Of great, rippled muscle and boring unflinching eyes. Did these creatures, known only as Orcs, stare out from their raging minds as men long since lost to violence? None could say.
Men learned much, as their Earth developed, in the calm. almost sterile clutch of Sol. But Earth was not unique in its learning curve. Just as each star visible to the eye represented a part of the galaxy fantastically far in distance from view, did other worlds prosper.
One such world, was the calm, tranquil orb of Solarri
This small world, barely two thirds the size of the planet Earth discussed previously, was located near the Anacithan system, almost eighty one thousand light years from Terra, man and his internal struggles. Solarri was however, far more important than its size and isolated location. For the small blueorb was the seat of ultimate power for an impressively broad federation of worlds and powers.
The Caelistis Gens Empire expanded over near ten thousand light years of space. Enveloping dozens upon dozens of individual empries, and hundreds of worlds, the CGS united beyond comparable measurement in the known galaxy at the time. Never before had so many barriers been broken down, and understanding reigned in true as was the case within the borders of the CGS.
The majority of this good feeling was directly down to the work of the then Emperor of the CGE. His full name no longer surives amongst intact Kaeneian records, nor do they continue truthfully in spoken word, but who shall be referred to here as The Droaidh-Emperator. Together with a reliable and knowledged band of loyal followrs, did word and deed spread from Solarri to worlds beyond, and more.
Of which Kaenei belongs to, none can say. Memories or deeds do not stretch this far back. It is widely believed and all but established that the people who now come to call themselves Kaeneian are descended from Solarri itself, and thus truly at the hub of the CGE. However with events later to unfold, it is entirely believable a great number of others migrated, or joined those on the homeworld so that not all are of pure genestock any longer.
At a time of true peace and understanding, did the frontiers of science fall back without belief. Advancements that would change the course of a single civillisation were the routine, wonderous acts and technologies expected and delivered. The sheer weight of ability carried by the finest minds across thousanda of light years of space could not be underestimated. It is in this true way that war was avoided, and conflict not required. Through mutual co-operation, all other targets and aims were met, and surpassed. Of those ancient and fantastical achievements, little remain. The abilities of old have not surivived the centuries that later passed, and time took bitter revenge on those that would claim to outshine the passing of a second, or minute or year.
It is supposed, and plausible that current Kaeneian gravimetric technology, being in such an advanced and well based state, is a long diluted side effect of what truly must have been world-changing abilites and stupendous power. Within the deepest, most reclusive vaults of the Aengelistorium Dominica, buried deep beneath oxygen seals, and corrosion resistors, lies the oldest written words of Kaenei. Though they come no closer than a text written yesterday to Solarri herself, it carries the written word of legend, stories of old passed down and despite undergoing dilution, still carrying a significant message.
And did those assembled heave breath, their lungs as one did empty at the sight before. [UNKNOWN] heaved itself with a great strain. Her kilometre long solar tendrils lashed out violently, surely [UKNOWN] would have vapourised under the apocalyptic energies seething around her. Our strongest materials despite their [UNKNOWN] reputation would hardly surive her death throes. Yet thanks to [TRANSLATION FAILED] advancements within solar-molecular reinforcement, we can remain here, now as I observe and record this momentus event.
She is nearing her final, shuddering, baying loss. Already her core shines an unnaturally bright light. Her [TRANSLATION PARTIAL- "CORONA"] dimming consistantly with projections. At [COARDINATES ENCLOSED- LOCATION AND SYSTEM OF CALCULATION UNKNOWN] a small strand of fire began to spin. Arching out from the star itself, slowly this thread span at speeds doubling her traditional rotation. This thread thickened, expanded and continued outwards, flicking as though a toungue of some serpentine creature, and not a supposedly simple collection of gases and plasma. [UNKNOWN] will begin [UNKNOWN], most likely when the [UNKNOWN] process is at a sufficently high yield to [UNKNOWN]. I [UNKNOWN] attempt [UNKNOWN] [UNKNOWN] --[TRANSCRIPT ENDS]--
For a time, The Caelistis Gens Empire was all powerful. Surpassing mortal labels and truly ascending to a near perfect state of unity, and evolution. Stagnation was avoided, and pushed back with the constant search for variation. As the empire expanded, and others agreed membership or volunteered, did their own cultural differences integrate into the group. Truly was this a utopian dream.
It was around this early date that the first semblances of what would later become the machine nation of Angelus were founded. Originally designed by the The Droaidh-Emperator's son, Aelois as the controllers of the impressive armada that secured the C>G>S from all aggressors. Their full history can be found elsewhere, but sufficied to say they achieved sentience within two terran years of activation, becoming a vital and again unique link in the chain of evolution.
Admittedly. with billions united, and technologies unrivalled, the threats that were of note to such an empire were few and far between. It was perhaps this lack of opposition that sowed the smallest, tiniest seeds that would later fuel the fire that signalled the burning, and total destruction of paradise.
The quest for more was never ending. More knowledge, more resources, more citizens and more experiences. In the majority of cases, it was a simple integration that marked the end of one independent civilisation, and the beginning of another. Occasionally, a little more effort and work was required for unification. Ultimately, all were succesful in some form or other. Indeed, many rose to prominent positions within the empire, becoming influential in the fields of economics, production or in individual cases, the attention and patronage of the The Droaidh-Emperator himself.
It was one such individual, amongst one such family, amongst one such nationstate that would become as well known as anything within Kaeneian spheres. A wealthy and intelligent man, he saw the oppertunity the CGE presented the way any sane individual would. However disturbing signs of just how literal he believed in oppertunity arose quickly. His prominance diplomatically, and in bringing no less than fifteen other sentient alliances into the fold attracted the Emperator's attention. Within a sort few years, he had been invited, and accepted a place within the personnal entourage of the leader of the CGS, and only a few, short steps from ultimate glory and power.
From his lofty perch, the intelligent aide observed and noted all. Nothing of semi-worthy note escaped his attentions as every corner of the empire was in turn watched intently. Even the actions of the entourage he was a member of, was open to observation. In this way, information became a key building block of his power base.
years passed without further incidence. The Caelistis Gens continued as they always had. Nothing of note occured nor failed to pass without expectation. Beneath this glass of ordinary existance, a single speck of rain, heralding a storm of unbeleivable fury, fell. For in the time passed, the one Aide had grown to crave, and lust all. His greed reached heights not known in ten thousand years of existance and development. In a society where literally every single person was totally, and utterly trusted in their position, where an order from a high ranking individual carried out without hesitation, he was a dangerous influence indeed.
It is believed around this time, he hatched a plot of such heretical nature, of such utter contempt, that to repeat it within this document is done only with the gravest reservations. Did this nameless aide create a plan of pure maliciousness. his aim was to seize all glory and achievement in one, foul swoop. There would be no long campaign of internal trickery, there would be no external show of might. No, of this once proud inductee, the ultimate sin would be a commonplace act.
For him, the death of the The Droaidh-Emperator and his family would be the only true pathway for his ascension. Indeed.
Records do not indicate for how long this plot lay developing, or of who or what aided the creature in its embryonic catalyst. All that is certainly known, is it took one night, twenty four earth hours, for the Caelistis Gens Empire to burn.
[OOC: To be furthered...comments welcome, appreciated etc.]