San Victor
12-04-2004, 13:20
We see that the YES-voters always win their proposals, this enough, this must stop!
Therefore I declare the start to the "we say NO-commity", this alliance has one goal: vote NO on all the proposals of the UN. These propals are to progressif, we don't need change!
Join now the "we say NO-commity" and vote NO on any proposal of the UN! Put the name of your country below if you want to join the "we say NO-commity".
President of the Community of San Victor
Therefore I declare the start to the "we say NO-commity", this alliance has one goal: vote NO on all the proposals of the UN. These propals are to progressif, we don't need change!
Join now the "we say NO-commity" and vote NO on any proposal of the UN! Put the name of your country below if you want to join the "we say NO-commity".
President of the Community of San Victor