11-04-2004, 13:22
>> Hackers have taken over our nation << (
World News Report
A group of hackers called the ''Elite-Hackers of the new order'' have taken over the NetoXian government building and Net. This matter cannot be taken lightly, as it is possible that these hackers will try to expand towards other nations. A few hours ago, the world news department in Knootoss received a message from the prime-minister, containing information about the situation there. He specifically requested aid from nations...
End World News Report
World News Report
A group of hackers called the ''Elite-Hackers of the new order'' have taken over the NetoXian government building and Net. This matter cannot be taken lightly, as it is possible that these hackers will try to expand towards other nations. A few hours ago, the world news department in Knootoss received a message from the prime-minister, containing information about the situation there. He specifically requested aid from nations...
End World News Report