how do u know how many troops u have.
Jesus Christ Reborn
05-04-2004, 18:47
how do u know and how about nukes and all.. please explain this to me
Jangle Jangle Ridge
06-04-2004, 03:33
To find your troop amount, take your entire population and divide it by 100. Then, times that by three. If you have voluntary military service, times it by five instead of three. Tada, you have your troop amount. That includes all military members. Not just infantry. Mechanics, pilots, officers, engineers, etc. count in that.
06-04-2004, 06:28
5% - 10% of your population is good if you have a working economy that isn't crap. I have like 2.5% or 3% right now.
06-04-2004, 07:04
anything above 5% tends to be bad RP, because anything above % is unrealistic for a nation by todays standards....and yes, this is a fictional game, but even fiction ahs its basis in fact, and besides, if it didnt have a line drawn, somoene would make a nation and throw their 6 million man army at you on thier 1st day.....oh wait.....they still dot hat, dont they?
09-04-2004, 15:04
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