The Belmore Family
05-04-2004, 18:38
TBF Corrupt
The IBLCN finds TBF corrupt. Alan Belmore replies "Oh Bugger"
Early this morning in a useless country the IBLCN (International Board Looking for Corrupt Nations) defined The Belmore Family as a corrupt nation. They based their foundings on several cases of bribary, 2 offered to their own spies (did I write spies, I meant representitives, oh well). They condemned our nation as being politically unstable and warned travellers not to travel there.
There will be more news on this story as it unfolds......
TBF Corrupt
The IBLCN finds TBF corrupt. Alan Belmore replies "Oh Bugger"
Early this morning in a useless country the IBLCN (International Board Looking for Corrupt Nations) defined The Belmore Family as a corrupt nation. They based their foundings on several cases of bribary, 2 offered to their own spies (did I write spies, I meant representitives, oh well). They condemned our nation as being politically unstable and warned travellers not to travel there.
There will be more news on this story as it unfolds......