NationStates Jolt Archive

To build the wall... The Great Wall.

05-04-2004, 17:29
"As you can see, we have a nexcess number of Um Lizaan citizens living in the country and we have for years had no idea what to do with them. We have tried camps, wholesale murder and occasional rebellion uprisings to rid the empire of them but all have failed. These people live in the northern part of Um Lizaa as you all know that area is dangerous for Iraqstani citizenry to enter.

What we propose to you today my Führer and other members of government is this. Rather than kill them group by group we wall them off. We have the resources now to build a huge wall , effectively halving the nation and removing these udnesirables from contaminating our breeding stocks and working groups." A lady explains from the front of a dark room. The only illumination of this room is a holo-projector in the center of a table, as the lady speaks images change from gassed bodies to burning people and mass graves scattered over parts of the island just north of the Iraqstani motherland.

Leaning forward with interest Carlos nods. "Tell me lieutenant, this wall. It will span the length of the island yes? From one side to the other, locking them away from the inland region and the souterhan points? I know we have mines along the coast line and alot of patrol boats off there. But... how can we properly stop them from storming the wall?" He asks curiously, his expression showing acceptance of the plan should the answer be right.

Realising she stands now between life and death the Lieutenant clears her throat and begins to speak. "Well, firstly aside from the single check point in and out of the region the entire wall would be preceeded by a mine field. From the wall to roughly 100 meters out the mine field will extend, absolutely saturated with high yield anti-personal mines.

Should this filth be stupid enough to storm the wall they'll die by the mines and then by the troops stationed atop the wall to guard it. On hand we will have roughly the thirty five thousand excess troops used to patrol the northern parts which will pull out as the wall is built to provide security to the construction.

Once completed there will be a complete air base towards the check point which can house fighter craft and attack helicopters for supporting the troops. I have forwarded to the proper departments plans for automated turrets each requiring yearly maintenance. We've used them before in interdicting the northern zones during the great purge. Think of it my Führer once this wall is complete hundreds of millions of vermin will be at your mercy! Should they anger you we simply cut food shipments to them and watch as they go mad with starvation or storm the wall and die in battle!" She finishes her expression going from nervous to passionate showing once more the disgust the typical Iraqstani has for their island counterparts barely an ocean away from them.

Sitting back Carlos smiles softly and nods to her. "I like this idea lieutenant, workers should not be a problem we have enough troops in the northern area to conscript the builders. Have the supply demands sent to one of the less used production sites and get to work on this. I want it finished as soon as possible. Standing Carlos offers the woman the typical Iraqstani salute and leaves the room followed by advisors and ministers all, talking excitedly about the project.

Smiling with satisfaction the Lieutenant returns to her science department and begins typing up the orders. By order of the Führer Quil'Raya, all citizens capable of hard labour in the northern regions of Um Lizaa are here by to be conscripted into work which will last roughly seven years, they are to report immediately to the training camps to begin indoctinration into their roles.

Supply requisitions will be attached immediately. Under Authorisation of the Führer project Great Wall is confirmed.

sitting back the woman smiles and whispers to nobody. "at last I have been noticed. To Ithica station I might go......"
13-04-2004, 07:14
Eastern beaches of Um Lizaa.
One month later.

Looking up from her work Lietuenant commander Nataliya Danashova smiled and stared back at the wall built into the cliff face some two kilometeres behind them. Chuckling softly at the deaths caused by building the wall into the cliff face she turns and looks ahead of her, some three hundred meters away the army of builders work tirelessly, their ever present guards watching intently.

"Make sure they dont wreck this part like last time!" She calls out to the construction manager who nods quickly, his eyes as always gazing down. "Blasted scum, building the wall crookedly." She mutters to herself and once more finalises the first of many automated machine gun turret points along the dividing wall.

Walking along her piece of the wall Natliya inspects the fifteen meter high wall, looking up she inspects the cover rail for the soldiers to be stationed along it and smiles. "A find design, a little on the easily breached with explosives, but that isnt a worry." She continues to mutter and returns to her car and drives back to the base camp, her mind filling with the next challange of subduing the workers on the western side of the island.

Western Um Lizaa mountain range. construction site two.

"Move it you worms! I'm tired of your delays! Next person to refuse to work watches as his children are desecrated!" A guard yells and bashes the butt of his rifle against the head of yet another unruly worker. "Damned sons of whores, think you own this island. Get back to work or you'll start starving now!" He yells at the lot and turns back to his car ignoring the barely hidden glares of defiance thrown at him.

Watching the work the guard shakes his head and drinks from a large canteen. "I reckon, once we build this wall, we just starve em anyways. What's a few hundred million less vermin to feed?" He asks his partner who chuckles and shakes his head. "I dont think the Führer will be doing that my friend, it's too costly an action should it be discovered. I think he'll threaten to starve them if they refuse work and they'll crumble. We've seen it time and time again. Look at the camps, how many worked themselves to death willingly to let their children live?" Laughing both men return to the lines and deliver more 'judgement' to the workers......

short post blerg. Hope everyone enjoys this, there will be a news post soon, that people can intercept but until then this is pretty much unknown to all.
14-04-2004, 13:45
Colony News Network
Hail the Führer, Long Live the Empire!

Um Lizaa, dividing begins.

The screen flickers for just a moment and then focuses on a male reporter standing amidst a field of tents. Brushing some dust off of his coat he nods to the camera and begins talking. "Good evening, this is Stan Reynolds for CNN reporting live from central command outpost 1 in the northern regions of Um Lizaa.

It has been a closed lip secret for some time now out here in Um Lizaa about exactly what is being done with the massive amounts of building material and concrete orders being placed all over the colonies. Many have theorised that the motherland is once more building an invincible monument to their ever present goddess or perhaps the one for her eternal glory required more building material to be finished in time we do not know.

But now the government in all it's righteousness has lifted the veil of secrecy around the project and now bring it live to the peoples of the empire to profit from the untold glories that come from it. In an interview earlier with chief engineer Muhammed Ibn Ahmad Ibn Sahaad Ibn Nahaad it was revealed that rather than lose the lives of anymore pure and righteous citizens of the empire, the führer in all his glory signed off on a project that would forever remove the tainted vermins of the northern regions of um lizaa from sight.

He called this Operation Wall of Purity, which is yet one more maneuver in the never ending battle to purify and remove the subhuman taint from the lands of our sister island Um Lizaa. Exactly what they are doing has only recently been started but they are building a wall of impenetrable strength accross the middle of the island, completely walling in the dissident and unclean filth that reside in the northern regions, pulling back some thirty thousand soldiers that have for years kept this violent and desecrated region from spilling over into the tain free southern regions.

The wall which is estimated to be costing greatly will stretch the length of the island, going from the west coast to the eastern coast, each wall finishing flush against the sides of the Sister Peaks which stand proudest amongst the ruins of civilisation and technology. We cross now to a live shot of the building site where today work has stopped for the anual celebration of nationalist freedom which marks the ascention of power to Carlos Quil'Raya führer and purest of our fair peoples.

The camera changes to another camera which focuses on the half completed section of a huge wall, it's foundations running off into the distance where if one looked hard enough a watch tower could be seen built into the wall itself.....

The camera switches back to the reporter who is joined now by a multitude of people whom kneel before a statue of the elven goddess, and chant their prayers to her and thanks for the nationalist salvation that befell them at the nationalist revolution. Clearing his throat the reporter continues "As you can see, parts of the wall remain unfinished but engineers are confident it will do what is required of it, which is to wall in the verminous scum of the north and keep them from killing and raping the righteous and pure Iraqstani people that now reside in the south.

Southern um lizaan citizens celebrate their new found safety with open arms and much cheering one even said that today was a step in the right direction for island security and that the dissidents and vermin of the north would be disciplined appropriately. The wall itself is said to stretch for kilometers both east and west, with watchtowers breaking the unending wall at regular intervals. Along the un-guarded sections new state of the art automatic machine gun turrets are being installed to watch over the naked and defenseless areas of the wall. IT is also rumoured to be said that for five hundred meters infront of the wall a mine field is being laid down. One that stretches the country and reaches right to the base of the wall all the way along.

Such reports remain as usual unconfirmed but from the looks of things I'd say they were near accurate. Iraqstani acceptance of this wall has been open and unanimous with people claiming that the subhuman filth should be erradicated rather than boxed in but understand the mercy their führer has granted these uncivilised barbaric beasts in an attempt to educate and enlighten them towards further accepting the rise and glory of the National Socialist Empire.

this has been a special CNN Report Live from base camp Alpha in northern Um Lizaa. This is Stan Reynolds CNN."
Colony News Network
Hail the Führer, Long Live the Empire!
14-04-2004, 14:17

Nice flag in the image. Shalom!
Wombat News
14-04-2004, 15:30
Wombat bait.


The Ctan
15-04-2004, 17:14
By the Grace of Fate, Emperor and Autocrat of The C’tan, Mephet'ran

To Carlos Quil'Raya Führer of the justified and pure Nation of Iraqstan, or authorised representative of the aforementioned, greetings

It has come to my attention that you have a surplus of the impure in your province of Um Lizaa. As such, I was wondering would it be possible for you to part with some measure of these in exchange for fair recompense. We currently have need of low-skill industrial workers of both sexes, and are quite prepared to dedicate currency from the imperial slush funds (which I recall your honoured nation being a trustworthy recipient of in the past) to their acquisition. Ideally we would be looking for something on the order of two hundred million heads, preferably able to work, but the exact amount is negotiable Needless to say, the price is negotiable.
15-04-2004, 17:41
With utmost respect and equal friendship The Führer, extends the following to His higness Emperor of the C'tan, Mephet'ran.

After lengthy discussion and advisement by my council I have come to the conclusion that we have two hundred million able bodied, men and women which we find suitable for your requirements.

They have proven to be dependable workers when taken into the camps, and have produced high quality items on many occasions. We as a show of genorisity extend to you the total number of two hundred million civillians, at 5,000 credits per person.

A hefty price to pay, but we feel the price is adequate for their status of industrial strength. We have had them seperated from the rest of the peoples and eagerly await your confirmation and acceptance of our offer.

In kindest regards
Carlos Quil'Raya. Führer of the National Socialist Empire of Irqstan.
The Ctan
15-04-2004, 18:11
The Ctan
15-04-2004, 18:21
To Carlos Quil'Raya Führer of the National Socialist Empire of Iraqstan

We find your price quite acceptable, and accept your offer. As a token of good faith, please receive one hundred billion in advance payment. I shall leave the details of the transport to be arranged by lesser missives, and thank you for your generous and helpful offer in this matter.

In thanks, Mephet'ran, Emperor of the Eternal Necrontyr Empire.
22-04-2004, 18:19
0100 hours, Western construction zone. Um Lizaa.

As the sound of vehicles and workers mingle as one, a single voice rises up from the commotion and speaks definately towards it's target. "No I will not work." The voice cuts off quickly as the sound of flesh meeting metal cracks out from the area where a man kneels clutching his stomach before an Iraqstani soldier who returns his rifle to it's ready position.

"You will work, scum. The Führer has ordered it." The solder spits and drags the worker back into line, moving quickly the worker grabs the soldiers rifle and struggles to get it free. Reacting quickly the soldier kicks the worker in the crotch dropping him to the ground once more. Rushing up behind him the troop commander walks forward and barks out an order in Iraqstani. "Stop soldier!" Stopping the soldier turns around and salutes. "Sir, this scum attacked me." Nodding the commander turns and growls to the workers. "Stop work." He shouts and the people comply.

Nodding off to the side the commander signals two more guards forward who rush to his side and pick the fallen man up. Barking out another order the two soldiers stand the man infront of the wall and back away. Unholstering his pistol the commander walks forward and presses his gun to the center of the man's head and grins. "All of you here, refusal will be accepted as treason. Those that betray the motherland die!" He shouts and pulls the trigger. The crack of the gunshot echos accross the worksite, builders duck and cry out instinctivley as their fallen comrade slides down the wall, his head leaving a bloodied trail as a reminder of his refusal.

"Tie him to the wall as an example." The commander spits out before reholstering his gun and walking off. Behind him the men and women of the work force return to work, their eyes on the dead body of their comrade, the remains of his skull glisten in the sunlight red. A few minutes later they are forced to stare at the corpse of their comrade, his body tied high to the wall a reminder that betrayel is harsh in the land of the pure.........

Accross the expanse of the island, workers continue their work, the wall slowly extends outwards and along the percieved border line. Guard towers are build and in the middle of the wall a road is made and a check point built, the guard towers on either side sport heavy machine gunes their barrels pointing maliciously down along the northern um lizaan territory.

In barracks along the northern continent activity returns as 17,500 soldiers return to duty, their duty to seek out and eliminate any pockets of resistance a job they have perfected since the um lizaan uprising....

Reading reports on the progress Carlos smiles and leans back in his chair "So General it seems the wall of purity is going well. Order the promotion of that Lieutenant and have her prepared to move out to Ithica research station to fire up the human manipulation and control areas of that station." He comments to General fifth star Ceria Duk'honil before leaving the office.

"Yes my Führer Ceria replies and moves to do so before too leaving the office and back to the war rooms to plan the next phase of the Iraqstani movement....
04-05-2004, 10:27
1340 hours, Central Um Lizaan construction zone.

As the two working groups slowly creep towards each other, as mile after mile of wall is built, and grave after grave dug for those whom died along the building the two teams atlast manage to see each other.

Flags and vehicles roar past each other as the two teams work together to finish the last two kilometers of wall, the check point marked out the guard towers built. The huge wire fence sits waiting to be added, the guard quarters sit on the southern side, safe and complete.

Along the walk ways of the wall stand Iraqstani soldiers, their weapons held ready their gun sights aimed at um lizaan workers. On the northern side of the wall heavy machinery begin clearing the forest away from the wall for six hundred meters as more vehicles begin layind down the dense and deadly mine field, it's purpose to prevent a massed assault on the wall itself. A lone road runs from the heart of the wall, passing through the checkpoint with razor wire fences on either side.

Patrol jeeps drive along the southern side of the wall, their roof mounted machine gun manned at all times. The rumble of the machinery drowns out the painful cries of workers falling victim to the hard labour as fresh new recruits take their places as the old and wounded are shot to end their suffering.

Yet more people, carry the bodies to deep graves and dump them atop their fallen brothers and sisters. Standing atop their jeeps the construction leaders smile happily as they meet for the first time. "The Führer will be proud, we've installed the gun turrets, connected the electricity and are now having the minefield laid. This area will be secured in roughly a day and a half yes?" The female leader of the eastern construction team asks the others who nod quickly and return to drinking ice cold water and eating succulent food.

Angelic mother of the world, I trust in you that I will not fall like my brother's and sisters. I pray for the strength to finish this task, and return to living with glory. Give me this strength to continue. Ivan Voltschic prays silently to his gods as he goes about the tasks for his group of workers. Behind him the crack of a gunshot causes him to flinch, the death of yet another fallen worker falls heavily on his head. "That's four I've lost this week." He mutters and falls silent as the crunch of rock under boot sounds from behind him.

Yelping as a heavy hand falls on his shoulder, Ivan struggles to work his movements becoming frantic "No no! Look I'm working! See I can do it! No no let me go! I wont lose anymore I promise!" He cries, his movements random and uncontroled his voice echos accross the working groups as he is dragged away from the wall and tied to a single post. Stepping back the two guards unshoulder their rifles and point them at him, pausing they look to a commander who waits and finnaly nods once he is sure the people are watching.

The double crack of gunfire drowns out the cries of the poor man, his failures complete. His body slumps against the post as blood dribbles from his chest and forehead. Taking up a megaphone the Commander turns back to the workers. "The Führer is pleased with you, you have proven worthy, the ones who died are nothing, they died as vermin as you are learning.

This man died because he failed to compelte his motherland's orders. You are all tasked with obeying, if you fail then a dishonourable death awaits you. Succeed and you may die as you choose. Failure is the same as treason and execution is it's punishment." He speaks loudly, his voice echoing over those of others, who speak of the wonders and power of the Iraqstani purity.