04-04-2004, 07:39
The Kuppo government has proudly released the ranks of its army (Kungsarme in Kuppo language)
General - (General): A KungsArmé General heads a large and important section of the military and is not generally a field officer. Generals leads the Mercenary Relations, Intelligence, Quartermaster, and Strategy and Tactics Departments, and the Överbefälhavare's chief of staff is always a General. Commanders of the lost Provinces were also of this rank. Generals wear a silver Roman numeral two to denote their rank.
Major General - (Generalmajor): Generalmajors, like Generals, head sections though their jobs generally involve smaller or less vital areas. Generalmajors head Administration, Justice, Medical Corps, Military Education, Reservist Readiness, Transportation, and Warrior's Ombudsmen Departments. The highest-ranking field officer, the Commander of Orestes Province, is also a Generalmajor. The insignia worn by a Generalmajor is a gold Roman numeral two.
Colonel - (Överste): The rank of Överste usually denotes command of a regiment of any type, to maintain the chain of command. an Överste will also occasionally act as a Generalmajor's aide. The rank insignia of an Överste is a silver Roman numeral one.
Lieutenant Colonel - (Överste-Löjtnant): A KungsArmé Överste-Löjtnant generally commands a battalion of infantry, though they may also lead battalions of armored cav, and the rank indicates command of a wing in aerospace forces. The executive officer of a regiments is also usually an Överste-Löjtnant. The rank is denoted by an upright silver bar crossed at the top by a smaller silver bar.
Major - (Major): Majors in the ground forces often command a battalion of armor of infantry, or act as the executive officer of a battalion. Among aerospace units, a Major denotes command of a company. Majors wear an upright silver crossed in the center by a smaller silver bar.
Captain - (Kapten): Kaptens are most often found leading a company of ground forces. Aerospace Kaptens command flights. Kaptens wear an upright silver bar crossed at the bottom with a smaller silver bar.
Lieutenant - (Löjtnant): The lowest officer rank in the KungsArmé, Löjtnants command infantry, armor or aerospace lances. The rank of a Löjtnant is an upright golden bar crossed at the bottom by a smaller golden bar.
Sergeant Major - (Fanjunkare): Fanjunkare is the highest noncommissioned ranking the KungsArmé. They are responsible for the conduct and discipline of enlisted men and noncommissioned officers, and there is one in every regiment. Fanjunkares wear and orange tau cross with a smaller upright orange bar on either side of the base.
Sergeant - (Sergeant): Sergeants in the KungsArmé lead infantry
platoons. The insignia of a Sergeant is an orange tau cross tipped on its right side, with two small orange squares on either side of the base.
Corporal - (Korpral/Kavellrist): KungsArmé Korprals command infantry squads and may also command a vehicle crew, Swedish for cavalry soldier. Korprals may also pilot aerospace fighters. Korprals wear an orange cross, with a small orange square in each corner of the cross.
Private - (Menig): The rank of Menig denotes a qualified soldier who has graduated from training. Menigs wear an orange cross, with a small orange square in the lower two corners of the cross.
Astech 3 - KungsArmé support units employ many types of technicians to perform the various tasks in the daily routines of maintenance. An Astech 3 is the senior most of the skilled workers. Astechs 3 wear an orange cross.
Astech 2 - KungsArmé support units employ many types of technicians to perform the various tasks in the daily routines of maintenance. An Astech 2 is the mid-level grade of the skilled workers. Astechs 2 wear an orange tau cross tipped on it right side.
Astech 1 - KungsArmé support units employ many types of technicians to perform the various tasks in the daily routines of maintenance. An Astech 1 is the entry level grade of the skilled workers. Astechs 1 wear an upright orange bar.
please share any if you want
General - (General): A KungsArmé General heads a large and important section of the military and is not generally a field officer. Generals leads the Mercenary Relations, Intelligence, Quartermaster, and Strategy and Tactics Departments, and the Överbefälhavare's chief of staff is always a General. Commanders of the lost Provinces were also of this rank. Generals wear a silver Roman numeral two to denote their rank.
Major General - (Generalmajor): Generalmajors, like Generals, head sections though their jobs generally involve smaller or less vital areas. Generalmajors head Administration, Justice, Medical Corps, Military Education, Reservist Readiness, Transportation, and Warrior's Ombudsmen Departments. The highest-ranking field officer, the Commander of Orestes Province, is also a Generalmajor. The insignia worn by a Generalmajor is a gold Roman numeral two.
Colonel - (Överste): The rank of Överste usually denotes command of a regiment of any type, to maintain the chain of command. an Överste will also occasionally act as a Generalmajor's aide. The rank insignia of an Överste is a silver Roman numeral one.
Lieutenant Colonel - (Överste-Löjtnant): A KungsArmé Överste-Löjtnant generally commands a battalion of infantry, though they may also lead battalions of armored cav, and the rank indicates command of a wing in aerospace forces. The executive officer of a regiments is also usually an Överste-Löjtnant. The rank is denoted by an upright silver bar crossed at the top by a smaller silver bar.
Major - (Major): Majors in the ground forces often command a battalion of armor of infantry, or act as the executive officer of a battalion. Among aerospace units, a Major denotes command of a company. Majors wear an upright silver crossed in the center by a smaller silver bar.
Captain - (Kapten): Kaptens are most often found leading a company of ground forces. Aerospace Kaptens command flights. Kaptens wear an upright silver bar crossed at the bottom with a smaller silver bar.
Lieutenant - (Löjtnant): The lowest officer rank in the KungsArmé, Löjtnants command infantry, armor or aerospace lances. The rank of a Löjtnant is an upright golden bar crossed at the bottom by a smaller golden bar.
Sergeant Major - (Fanjunkare): Fanjunkare is the highest noncommissioned ranking the KungsArmé. They are responsible for the conduct and discipline of enlisted men and noncommissioned officers, and there is one in every regiment. Fanjunkares wear and orange tau cross with a smaller upright orange bar on either side of the base.
Sergeant - (Sergeant): Sergeants in the KungsArmé lead infantry
platoons. The insignia of a Sergeant is an orange tau cross tipped on its right side, with two small orange squares on either side of the base.
Corporal - (Korpral/Kavellrist): KungsArmé Korprals command infantry squads and may also command a vehicle crew, Swedish for cavalry soldier. Korprals may also pilot aerospace fighters. Korprals wear an orange cross, with a small orange square in each corner of the cross.
Private - (Menig): The rank of Menig denotes a qualified soldier who has graduated from training. Menigs wear an orange cross, with a small orange square in the lower two corners of the cross.
Astech 3 - KungsArmé support units employ many types of technicians to perform the various tasks in the daily routines of maintenance. An Astech 3 is the senior most of the skilled workers. Astechs 3 wear an orange cross.
Astech 2 - KungsArmé support units employ many types of technicians to perform the various tasks in the daily routines of maintenance. An Astech 2 is the mid-level grade of the skilled workers. Astechs 2 wear an orange tau cross tipped on it right side.
Astech 1 - KungsArmé support units employ many types of technicians to perform the various tasks in the daily routines of maintenance. An Astech 1 is the entry level grade of the skilled workers. Astechs 1 wear an upright orange bar.
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