The Shawlands Emerges (Introductory RP)
The Shawlands
03-04-2004, 22:58
This is Lyle Antericus II, the Emperor of the Allied States of The Shawlands, the constitutional head of the Shawli Government.
We have been... isolationary for a long period of history, in fact since our unification of the six lands of the Shawli back in 1815, and even before then most of our diplomatic squabbles, warfare, alliances and other things were mostly among ourselves, the six lands, their princes and grand dukes and kings vying to be dominant throughout the medieval period, and even long after that.
We realised, however, that we were far greater as the sum of our parts rather than a mass of disorganised states, just waiting to be crushed by a power greater than our own. So we unified, although that short sentence contains a lifetime of squabbles, petty disputes, family infighting and backroom deals too complex to recount here. And our lands have been much the better for it.
We now realise that we have to participate in the affairs of the world, to expand our horizons and meet with new cultures, to trade and to exchange ideas with those who see the world as we do - as a place where mankind can flourish and prosper through diplomacy and trade. And so our borders become open to those who wish to talk - you can be assured we in the Shawlands will listen.
Well welcome to the world friends!
I am Trix Redski, Lord Imperial of the Imperial Realms of Trixia, and we hope you find this world the way you thought it was.
You see, the petty disputes you speak of that took place in your nations past are still happening here, just on a larger scale, the worlds nations as a whole are, unfortunately, quite content with fighting and argueing. But whats a nation leader to do?!
My Empire seeks to do whats best for most of the world, we're not the most "moral" bunch you'll meet, we'll happily kill hundreds if it'll save thousands if you get my meaning. We're all for the "greater good", which is usually our good :wink:
I lead an alliance know as the Cold Alliance, its a harsh alliance but it gets the job done faster than UN and the like.
But enough about me. What are your nations beliefs? Ideals?
Lord Imperial of Trixia
The Shawlands
04-04-2004, 17:17
People do tend to fight amongst themselves for the most petty of reasons... so we thought it would be much like the problems before unification.
I must confess, though, that I am merely a constitutional head of state, not an emperor like yourself. This was one of the compromises forced by the more progressive of the states of the Shaws before the treaty of unification could be signed. The title of Emperor, which was the autocratic head of state of the old land of Pahlaikia, has had its powers much reduced since unification. Most of the power lies in the hands of a Parliament nowadays.
We are a solid, moral culture, I feel: we struggle through adversity to do the best we can. I feel, however that we must open up to trade - our economy, although very healthy, must expand, and we shall work hard to rectify this, especially with our making our market as flexible as possible to investment.
Well i commend you on you efforts. But i must admit my title is not 'emperor', it is Lord Imperial, i just hate the name Emperor basically!
We believe that unification is the way forward but also feel democracy is failing us. I'm the 1st to say we're not a dictatorship but we find some people are better of being ruled. We benifit our colonies economies no end and protect them from all who would oppose them, so from our point of view Empire is good, though many disagree :?
I would like to offer you a place in the Empire, i would be more than happy to ensure your economy got of to a good start. Please do not feel threatened by the idea of Empire, we have no intention of ruling with and iron fist, we just know a thing of to about leading, thats all.
Lord Imperial Trix
Slutbum Wallah
05-04-2004, 19:41
How about some kind of personell exchange program so that we get to know each other better? I'll tell you what, we'll give you five beurocrats for a new barbecue. Interested?
Minister of Foriegn Affairs
The Shawlands
06-04-2004, 15:53
Well i commend you on you efforts. But i must admit my title is not 'emperor', it is Lord Imperial, i just hate the name Emperor basically!
We believe that unification is the way forward but also feel democracy is failing us. I'm the 1st to say we're not a dictatorship but we find some people are better of being ruled. We benifit our colonies economies no end and protect them from all who would oppose them, so from our point of view Empire is good, though many disagree :?
I would like to offer you a place in the Empire, i would be more than happy to ensure your economy got of to a good start. Please do not feel threatened by the idea of Empire, we have no intention of ruling with and iron fist, we just know a thing of to about leading, thats all.
Lord Imperial Trix
Thank you for your offer, but I think that would cause rather more constitutional problems than it would solve. There are still a few "seperatist" movements about. We wouldn't want any more antagonism in our nation than was normal.
Fair enough. The offer still stands though.
The Shawlands
10-04-2004, 15:24
How about some kind of personell exchange program so that we get to know each other better? I'll tell you what, we'll give you five beurocrats for a new barbecue. Interested?
Minister of Foriegn Affairs
I'm afraid we don't have very many barbecues around here - the rain makes the soil good for growing, but rather bad for any outdoor activities.